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Plopsaland de Panne + Brighton PTR 20th-22nd May

Martyn B

CF Legend
So, I finally got my ass driving abroad. Easy peasy as they say. And I couldn't have picked a better first park to go to. I'll just get on with the pics...


M25 + rush hour + Friday = Ugh


Took forever and a day to get over the bridge.

But we eventually did, and made our way to Blue Water for a few hours. Left Blue Water about 7pm to make the short journey to our hotel in Maidstone.


My camera just does not like taking photo's in the dark!

Maidstone seemed nice anyway, we went for a wonder and came across this floating restaurant (above). We stayed in the Travelodge in the city centre, it was a new one, so it was nice enough, but we were both a bit 'meh' over the lack of complimentary stuff, such as shampoo etc. I know we did get our room cheap, £19 per night, but still, the going rate £58 per night, yet no complimentary stuff. However, as the kind lady behind the desk pointed out, the vending machine had plenty of complimentary stuff, for £2 each :? But whatever, didn't actually care, just found it a bit odd.





So Sunday morning, nice early start to go catch the ferry. The weather was looking promising, which made for some nice photo's on board



I hadn't been on a ferry in years, still quite fun, though I do feel that £9.50 is a LITTLE to steep for a fry up. Nevermind, they had a Costa Coffee on board, which had their usual high street prices..




Calais looks lovely... :?

In all seriousness though, the beach at Calais did look nice, though the weather may have had an impact on that...


I'll be honest, I was nervous at first


But as soon as we got out onto a road, all the nerves went, and everything was fine. I can safely say that it is very easy to adjust to Euro driving.


30 mins later, at about 11am, we arrived, to find the car park was HEAVING!


And so was the entrance plaza, which may I add, was fantastic, which is running theme for this park really


First up was this bad boy, Anubis


Which straight-away became one of my coasters


The pacing is very fast, and it just doesn't seem to let up. The 'top hat' looks slow, but dont let that you fool. The ejector over that is immense, literally the whole way over your arse is in the air


Even the unusual hill has good air, befor throwing you back down into another inversion. And the launch was another surprise for me, VERY powerful. I know I've not ridden too many, but this is my favourite launch coasters by a Country mile



Even though the park was heaving, some of the queue's were minimal, and luckily, Anubis was one them. Never waited more than 10 mins. However, the park still seemed very busy so I rode a couple times to begin with as I wanted to do everything else


So my first Gerstlauer launch was ticked off, now time for my first Bat Flyer.


Please tell this was a prototype, yeah? As the layout is very uninspired. It was fun, but obviously the capacity was diabolical


Pretty much every little area here is themed so well. The park in general kind of reminded me of Chessington, though a lot better. In a weird way, it kind of had a Disney feel to it with the characters everywhere and the all the character souviners in the shops


Draak was fun, again the station etc was very themed


The Log Flume has similar theming, again, done very well. The ride itself was good, especially the double drop



I think at this point it was about half 12, and I hadn't seen the Starflyer go round yet, which was annoying, as this was to be another of the 'firsts' for me


Again, another first, my first large rollerskater! Which, if I'm being honest, is letting the park down. It looks HORRID and run down, and just not looked after. Also has ridiculous capacity aso for some reason they send it round twice, even when there's an hours queue!

We didn't queue an hour, but still, it wasn't worth it, and I actally prefer the smaller rollerskaters, ala Mini Mine Train @ Pleasure Island


This thing looked different, though we didn't have the time to ride it really



Again, the Pirate area looked really nice


Tivoli cred! Same noisey **** as always



That picture was taken whilst we were going for the Tivoli, yet by the time we got off, they had opened the queue for Spring Flyer, without even testing it! However, I wasn't going to miss this...




Though I could not believe how small the chains were that hold you up! I have boney fingers, and they were smaller than my finger! I swear standard Waveswingers have bigger chains, and also a 'safety' cable so if the chains snapped, the cable is there to hold you up, but no, not on this!


So yeah, we got stuck! Not too high up thankfully


Nice view though

And unfortunetly, that was as far as we got, as they lowered us, then closed it :(


Apparently, there are only 3 double decker Carousel's in the world, so I had to go on it, and this was my second!

We then ventured into the little farmyard area;
















We then ventured onto le Floret du Plop, or whatever its called. The only dark ride in the park


Was ok, a bit too slow really. Them things with tit-hats started to do my head in after a while

After that, we went back round to see if Spring Flyer had opened, IT HAD! Propler long queue this time though, but at least it was working. And seeing these 2 lumps on it made me feel a bit better..



The running of this ride is another thing that lets the park down. The bloke working on it clearly didn't give a **** and took an eternity to get everyone off, and on, and checking belts. They could really do with some signs stating that childen have to sit on the inside chair, or the op could tell them that as they pass through the queue. But no, he doesn't say a thing until you've sat down and buckled up, then one by one he tells you to swap, so he then has to go round and check the belts again. UUGGHH!


I spy a campsite next door, might keep that in mind for next time!




Needless to say, I shat myself, though it wasn't as scary as I thought it would be, dont know why though. Still, another 'first' ticked off.


Anubis' station. The ORP shop wasn't open, which was annoying, as this and the flume are the only rides with ORP's. And we didn't even get a souviner which was also annoying. They didn't seem to have any actual park, or ride souviners, the only stuff you could by was Plopsa character teddies etc, which was a big let IMO


The final 'first' for the day was the Supersplash, which was great. Loved the twisty elevator lift, nice steep drop and speed hill, and a good splash, you got wet obviously, but not too wet, which was perfect for this nice hot day



She seems to think the level of wetness was not satisfactory though...



Right, these hot dogs....just....DELICIOUS. Sorry Nic, I didn't ignore your recommendation of that Italian place, but there were SO many people about, I didn't want to waste time in a restaurant if we couldn't get everything done.

Though I am glad we opted not to sit in, as these were quite fankly the most delicious sausages I have ever eaten. A bit pricey at 4.5Euros, but WELL worth it


Entrance area, again, very well themed


The new indoor Maya land, which if its going to anything like the rest of the park, it will be amazing, even if it is for kids.


We then said bye to Plopsaland and headed back towards Calais, where we stopped off at Cite Europe for a little while. Carrefour <<<333


I forgot to take the camera up with us on the ferry, but I had my phone, and I had to take some pics as the ferry was lovely, seemed new to me, and was like a luxury cruise liner compared to the ferry we had in the morning



We adopted a massive sofa, got some Costa coffee, beer, and carrot cake, and just relaxed for the whole journey. Perfect ending to the day really.




But bhoy oh bhoy was that going to change for Sunday...


My first impression of Brighton wasn't great. The roads leading up to the sea front reminded of Blackpool, complete **** hole, maybe we just went through the wrong area's?


The wind was mental on sunday, I had them horrible feeling my stomach that the credz were going to be closed, and when I saw Turbo had stalled, my feelings became more of a reality :(




I did remind me of Blackpool, but without the arcades




Pretty much anything worth going on, was closed :(




We found a shopping mall which kept us entertained for a few hours, before having some fish and chips on the front, and then heading home. Only just about 3.4 hours to get all the way back to Norwich, which surprised me.

We're going to go back (credz), but I dont know what I think of the place really. Didn't seem like there was much to do for a sea side resort, but it was clean etc, with lots of tramps/piss heads asleep on the beach.

And there ya have it. In a nut shell, Plopsaland was brilliant, the park family park I have ever been too (outside of Disney). There is just so much for kids to do there, and with Maya land, it will just get even better. Could maybe do with another thrill ride or two, and sort out the Rollerskater. Apart from that, just awsome, puts all of our parks to shame really.

I need to say a big thank you to Nic for putting up with me PMing her a lot after info/tips for my trip, CHEERS!

Also, CF, if you want to use any of my pics for banner photo's, or even a park guide (which you dont have for some reason?!), you can do.

Hope you enjoyed!
Nice report. I've been meaning to get my Plop report up, but just not got around to it yet.

I agree about Anubis; it's a great coaster. It's not just you, the launch is surprisingly forceful. I wasn't expecting it at all. And yeah, the batflyers are total sh**e. I was there on a pretty quiet day, and still waited 20 minutes for each side (extra CRED!). Plus I ripped a massive hole in the arse of my jeans clambering off the **** ing thing.

THE HOTDOGS ARE AMAZING! I ended up having two of them, even though they were a bit of a rip off.

I can't agree with you about Brighton though. I love the place and could maybe even see myself living there in the future. It's more of a nice town by the sea than a "seaside" town if that makes sense. Any typical, tacky arcades and other "attractions" would completely ruin the place.
Nice trip report Martyn. And good to see a generous use of your camera, it's always nice to read a trip report when there are some photos to look at too. Make sure you keep the same up when you next visit the Hills!
Like I said, we only spent a few hours there, so I dont feel I can comment really. Big drinking culture there? As I noticed LOTS of bars/night clubs literally on the beach (under the road, which was cool), and like I said, lots of apparent drunks and/or tramps all over the beach.

Though I suppose as a town, it seemed alright, nothing bad, but then nothing really different to any other good town centre.

Oh, and I also snuck in a sneaky extra hot dog on our way out :p
Awesome PTR Martyn. I absolutely love Plopsaland, it is just a fun place to be and I look forward to visiting again once Maya Land opens :p Anubis is excellent, I totally agree, the launch is just awesome and the theming is epic.

So yeah, glad you enjoyed it :D Shame about Brighton spiting you though, it really is a nice place to visit but if the weather isn't great then yeah, can put a bit of a downer on your day.
Glad you had a great day at Plopsa, Martyn. It really is a lovely little park. Where did you get those hot dogs from? They look lovely. Can't say as I noticed them on my previous visits.

Kinda upset by your view of Brighton though. It's your opinion, and you're entitled to that, but I don't think you saw enough of it to form a proper opinion. I also can't help thinking that if the credz were open, you'd have had a different view.

Oh, and expecting "complimentary stuff" in a Travelodge, and thinking that Maidstone is nice? lol! I guess it's true what they say about people from Norfolk..... ;)
RE Travelodges: pretty sure they ditched the complimentary stuff in ALL their hotels years ago to save money.

And Brighton is fab. <3
Oh yeah, forgot to mention... thanks for the photo of the Majaland site. It looks HUGE. I really want to go back once its open.

Oh, and I'm glad it wasn't just me that was annoyed by the lack of park merch in the shops. There is a tiny bit, and I do mean tiny. In the main shop on the main square, there's a narrow display case, of which 1 shelf contains park stuff... and that's usually hidden behind something else. I guess if you're from that area and are visiting because you love the TV shows, then you're going to want to buy stuff relating to your favourite characters, but it'd be nice to have some kind of momento of your visit to the actual park.
Anubis is <3. It's such a good coaster, yet it it never gets raved in the same vein by enthusiasts like other good coasters .

Drving on the wrong side of the road is a dead easy, isns't it?

Good post there, Martyn, I could feel your Spring Flyer anticipation!

Carrefour <3

Brighton <3

And, sorry, but I couldn't help thinking...

...when I saw:

Long arms!
LOL, I did think my arms looked unusally long in that pic!haha

Oh, and I'm glad it wasn't just me that was annoyed by the lack of park merch in the shops. There is a tiny bit, and I do mean tiny. In the main shop on the main square, there's a narrow display case, of which 1 shelf contains park stuff... and that's usually hidden behind something else.

Yeah, I did see that! I think there was a baseball hat, and a giant pen, that was it! Oh, and a plastic mug, but again, all they said on them was Plopsa... :?

Oh, and expecting "complimentary stuff" in a Travelodge, and thinking that Maidstone is nice? lol! I guess it's true what they say about people from Norfolk.....

HOWRUDE! I was only expecting the complitmentary stuff because thats what you normally get from any hotel. Think the last Travelodge we stayed in was that one by East Midlands Airport, in the services, think that was 2009, and we got the usual stuff there!

Like with Brighton, we didn't spend much time in Maidstone, but what we saw, seemed alright. I'd happily stay there again, just like I'd happily go to Brighton again.

Brighton was certainly different, but... I dunno... piss heads all over the beach, and the night clubs everywhere gives the impression that you really dont want to be on the front when the sun sets. Ed's post above kinda somes up my confusion. I've only heard great things about Brighton, everyone seems to rave on about it being awsome, but to me, it just seemed ok.

Where did you get those hot dogs from? They look lovely. Can't say as I noticed them on my previous visits.

We only found them because of the smoke pouring from the BBQ. Its under the station for Draak, you really cant miss. If you've been on Draak, or the ridiculously named Flume, then you would have seen them, unless it was open when you visited....

So, pretty much everyone seems to be in agreement that Plopsaland is an awsome park, and its probably more of a local park to a lot us than we think, yet there is no park guide..... if you want to make one, you can use my pics!
I went to Plopsaland on the 7/7/2012 & it was a very enjoyable day, the "Q" time was about 30 mins so not to bad, I had my 1st Starflyer ride as well & felt quite nervous with the chains, but it was a great thrill with fantastic views.

I just wondered if anyone has a list of "Starflyers" installed to date which gives "speed & "height", I know the one at Prater is the highest, how far down the list does Plopsaland's one stand..?
^ I think Plopsaland's model a standard 200ft model, most probably the same as the Star Flyers at the other Plop parks (including Holiday World) and Parque de Atracciones. There's probably a lot more that I just dont know of.