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Pleasure Beach Bans Food In Park

^They make you take your bag on Goudurix too!

It doesn't bother me really, I'd much rather eat noodles from the park than a tesco's cheese sandwich.
The food at Pleasure Beach is DANK! :p

It is ridiculous though, they'll do anything for a bit of extra cash...
Haha they make you take your bags on Tidal Wave at Thorpe. My dad had a video camera and they refused to let him keep it in the station out the way and said everything had to be taken on the ride.
Although it is on a hill, PBB could put a picnic area where the mini golf is/was as there's a bit of space there. People don't always need a picnic area though as you could either eat in the queue (like I've done plenty of times) or just sit down at a normal bench. Also, on the path up to Infusion above the road tunnel there's space there to plonk some tables down.
I thought they let people eat on the rides? :lol: I remember seeing some old footage of boy scouts attempting to do so on Irn Bru. :lol: