Giga Poster
Continuing the discussion from a few posts above about the future of Geister Rikscha and China Town I've written up some thoughts. As a fan of the area its going to be a great shame to see it go but I'm intrigued to see what comes next.
Especially since this will not be just like Klugheim and Rookburgh where they could just flatten everything and build something completely new there. There's the China car park entrance, public pathways, Feng Ju Palace, Colorado Adventure and Hotel Ling Bao to think about (and complicate things). The site cannot be easily hidden and secluded like the previous ones (I'm sure the rooftop Dragon Bar in Hotel Ling Bao will see an increase in customers ).
Given the 3 year cycle - Chiapas planned for 2013, Klugheim 2016 and Rookburgh 2019 - this is almost certainly a 2022 project. Can't see them thinking Chiapas would have had a longer marketing pull than the world's first launched flying coaster.
Dark Ride?
I do really hope that this will be a new dark ride, and hopefully with a Klugheim size budget so they can create something truly spectacular.
I can't see many alternatives to a dark ride. We haven't had one since Maus in 2011, and since then we have lost a dark ride (Silbermine) without a similar replacement. Recently we've had our fill of coasters and a major water ride so what else is there to add. A modern (non-interactive) family dark ride is something the park sorely lacks in my opinion.
Also can't see many other uses for the underground hall that Geister is housed in.
However it probably best to not get ahead of ourselves. Until we see what exactly they are doing or how they are rebuilding the area it is pretty much impossible to know what is coming for sure.*
*Except for two things which are pretty much guaranteed and I'd bet on now: IMAscore and Universal Rocks will be involved.
Also depending on how they repurpose and utilise the site (for instance will there be a new stage for shows/live entertainment or will that be completely gone?) perhaps they could additionally squeeze in a small flat ride or kiddie coaster (the only coaster type I think they are truly missing after F.L.Y.). Unlikely probably but not impossible I'd imagine.
What is going?
So the rumours allege that most of China Town is going. The old food stalls and China Snack opposite Geister are extremely outdated looking and let the area down imo. They are attached to the last remaining section of the former Silbermine dark ride hall. This hall was used as a workshop during the construction of Klugheim. They use it for storage these days but it is largely empty.
Altogether this site is prime for redevelopment/reuse.
Geister Rikscha's removal is a given and long rumoured. The park have made it clear they are pursuing a strategy of modernising the entire park and replacing old rides with modern 'e-ticket attractions'. Also considering the park's lack of expansion space at the moment they really have no other option.
After 37 years of operation it is time for it to go.
As well as giving the park the opportunity to modernise and redevelop the area, removing a significant portion of the China square (the acrobatics stage etc.) is most likely needed to actually remove Geister - given that it runs underneath the square. They'll have to open up the underground hall to take stuff out, and then re-use the hall/install a new dark ride.
Overall I've marked on this map what I expect will be the demolition/construction site.
Obviously they cannot cut off access from the China car park entrance and Hotel Ling Bao so that pathway along the front of the Mandschau restaurant towards River Quest and Mystery Castle will have to remain open.
As expected, Feng Ju Palace, is said to be remaining - although I'd expect a modernisation/refurbishment of the attraction as part of this project (Similar to how River Quest was improved during Klugheim) - so for access part of the path space in front of it will have to stay open.
New Gateway
I'd also expect this to be when we see the currently closed Klugheim to China gateway opened up. It will be particularly useful as an alternative route for guests when the China to Colorado street is closed off. The new gate was built during the construction of Klugheim, presumably in preparation for the China project. It is in the corner between Feng Ju Palace and China Snack and despite not actually be use yet it is featured (circled in red) as a wide pathway on the new park map (introduced when Taron opened). Removing the outdoor seating area for China Snack would free up the space in front of the gate allowing its use as a major pathway.
River Quest
Another step towards transforming the China area; removing the entrance to River Quest from it. The new entrance from Klugheim will definitely be finished as part of this project. Hopefully for next year.
Mandschu Restaurant
The poster of this rumour claims to not know for certain if Mandschu will survive the demolition work. Given that it is out of the out of the way from everything else and inbetween the China Entrance and River Quest I think it will probably stay but just receive a full refurbishment and a new and improved menu (similar to what happened with Hotel Ling Bao's restaurants this year).
Asien (Asia)
This project is obviously more than just a new dark ride in Geister's place, they'll be rebuilding, modernising and re-imagining the area - perhaps even with a slightly new theme if it is true that the area will no longer be 'China Town' but 'Asien' (Asia).
Hotel Ling Bao (originally opened under the name Hotel PhantASIA) has always had a more Asian theme/influence rather than being specifically Chinese like the park area. A big deal has made out of the newly refurbished Bamboo restaurant this year and how it now offers food from four different countries (China, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam), to give guests a culinary trip around Asia. Bringing the park's themed area into line with this wider Asian theme would certainly open up many new possibilities for food, theming and rides in the park itself.
Access and Colorado Adventure
The only possible access route from the main road for this construction site would be the path where the entrance of Colorado Adventure currently is, and the simplest way to directly get at Geister Rikscha's building is through the Colorado queueline. There really is no other way.
Therefore this pathway will have to be completely closed off and the Colorado queueline flattened. Since the park are not going to have the coaster shut for any length of time Colorado Adventure will have to get a new queueline and entrance accessible from the other side. And if Geister is being demolished this January that would mean a new queue for Colorado must be coming for the 2019 season.
The current queueline and entrance are lacking anyway and are in serious need of work/replacing so it would be "killing two birds with one stone" so to speak. The entrance could do with a more prominent location from a main pathway, rather than being isolated on that rubbish pathway around the back. Like how River Quest will be getting a new entrance and Chiapas received a new prominent themed entrance portal last year to help people find it.
Behind the wooden wall in the corridor to the steps which take you up into Colorado's station is Geister's final scene (you can even hear it through the wooden wall). That section of GR's building has to remain given that CA's maintenance shed is built on top of it. With Geister removed they they could knock through the wall and in that section of the building (the final scene, GR's exit and part of its queueline) they could create a new queueline for CA. The new entrance would then be beside Colorado's exit at the current exit of GR. I'm sure other possibilities exist, perhaps utilising part of the Silbermine hall opposite and connecting it up somehow. Depends on how things will be rebuilt around there.
The 3 month off season I'm sure would be enough time to create a new queueline.
New theming for Colorado?
It has been long speculated that the redevelopment of China would include the long awaited refurbishment of Colorado Adventure and the area surrounding it - which is still Wild West in places, old and outdated and in some spots a bit lacking.
The Chiapas model (used to announce and advertise the ride) showed extensive new mine theming for Colorado to fully bring it into the Mexico area however it didn't and still hasn't ever materialised. Was it just a case of budget constraints and other priorities (River Quest + Mamba)?
Or was it because they changed their plans? Perhaps (as it is rather cut off from the main Mexico area) it could be rethemed and intergrated into the new 'Asia' themed area. There have been a few suggestions of a Himalayan/Tibet retheme, especially given those Himalayan prayer flags that appeared on the China street this year.
Although with a general Asia theme there could be any number of options for that area. Tikal could be easily made to fit with a new name and some small changes/a repaint.
It would be interesting to see something completely different and new done with it.
Although personally I'm not too keen on the possibility of losing the iconic 'Colorado Adventure' name, and losing the interaction with Chiapas - given the clash of themes it would have to be enclosed. I'd probably rather they just complete the Mexico area and create a good transition between it and China/Asia.
Either way just as with River Quest the new theming would probably come in phases over the next years.
I certainly can't see a removal being on the cards in the near future: Colorado is still really popular, has an insanely high capacity and they have invested quite a bit in it in recent years. Many believe (or rather hope) it may be the only old PHL ride that survives long term.
Silverado Theatre
No matter what theme it may have we can probably expect improvements around the Colorado Adventure area, and one of the biggest eyesores in that area (and the park in general) is the Silverado Theatre, home to the stunt show 'Jump' which has been running since 2012 (far longer than any other park show).
The theatre is definitely something they'll be planning on tackling at some point. At the back it is a plain unthemed ugly warehouse and the front features Wild Western theming and old rockwork that doesn't fit with the new realistic and modern image the park is striving to create.
Interestingly the sides of Hotel Matamba that neighbour the theatre are plain concrete walls (as seen below) - to accommodate a new taller building on that site perhaps?
Will it be demolished and replaced by a new modern theatre? Of course they could simply just refurbish and theme it.
Or making use of the large empty space behind Silverado they could build a new larger purpose built Fantissima theatre (the park's successful dinner show). Manuela Loffelhardt (park owner + show director) in a recent interview on YouTube spoke/complained about how restricted they are, especially height wise, with what they can do in the current venue inside the Temple of the Nighthawk building.
It would be perfectly situated between the hotels and pave the way for the removal of Temple of the Nighthawk and Hollywood Tour as the next project after China/Geister.
So there's a massive dose of speculation. (Can't wait to see what I've got wrong haha)
Even if the rumours that China and Geister will be removed at the end of this season are not true, it will probably all happen then the following year.
Unless a replacement theatre for Fantissima magically appears soon (with how construction is progressing it doesn't seem likely Rookburgh will have space for one) Temple of the Nighthawk and Hollywood Tour are most likely going to be around a little while longer. The rumour of Geister Rikscha being the next attraction to be removed has been around for a while so this new demolition project rumour only furthers the expectation that it will be next.
Especially since this will not be just like Klugheim and Rookburgh where they could just flatten everything and build something completely new there. There's the China car park entrance, public pathways, Feng Ju Palace, Colorado Adventure and Hotel Ling Bao to think about (and complicate things). The site cannot be easily hidden and secluded like the previous ones (I'm sure the rooftop Dragon Bar in Hotel Ling Bao will see an increase in customers ).
Given the 3 year cycle - Chiapas planned for 2013, Klugheim 2016 and Rookburgh 2019 - this is almost certainly a 2022 project. Can't see them thinking Chiapas would have had a longer marketing pull than the world's first launched flying coaster.
Dark Ride?
I do really hope that this will be a new dark ride, and hopefully with a Klugheim size budget so they can create something truly spectacular.
I can't see many alternatives to a dark ride. We haven't had one since Maus in 2011, and since then we have lost a dark ride (Silbermine) without a similar replacement. Recently we've had our fill of coasters and a major water ride so what else is there to add. A modern (non-interactive) family dark ride is something the park sorely lacks in my opinion.
Also can't see many other uses for the underground hall that Geister is housed in.
However it probably best to not get ahead of ourselves. Until we see what exactly they are doing or how they are rebuilding the area it is pretty much impossible to know what is coming for sure.*
*Except for two things which are pretty much guaranteed and I'd bet on now: IMAscore and Universal Rocks will be involved.

Also depending on how they repurpose and utilise the site (for instance will there be a new stage for shows/live entertainment or will that be completely gone?) perhaps they could additionally squeeze in a small flat ride or kiddie coaster (the only coaster type I think they are truly missing after F.L.Y.). Unlikely probably but not impossible I'd imagine.

What is going?
So the rumours allege that most of China Town is going. The old food stalls and China Snack opposite Geister are extremely outdated looking and let the area down imo. They are attached to the last remaining section of the former Silbermine dark ride hall. This hall was used as a workshop during the construction of Klugheim. They use it for storage these days but it is largely empty.
Altogether this site is prime for redevelopment/reuse.

Geister Rikscha's removal is a given and long rumoured. The park have made it clear they are pursuing a strategy of modernising the entire park and replacing old rides with modern 'e-ticket attractions'. Also considering the park's lack of expansion space at the moment they really have no other option.
After 37 years of operation it is time for it to go.

As well as giving the park the opportunity to modernise and redevelop the area, removing a significant portion of the China square (the acrobatics stage etc.) is most likely needed to actually remove Geister - given that it runs underneath the square. They'll have to open up the underground hall to take stuff out, and then re-use the hall/install a new dark ride.
Overall I've marked on this map what I expect will be the demolition/construction site.

Obviously they cannot cut off access from the China car park entrance and Hotel Ling Bao so that pathway along the front of the Mandschau restaurant towards River Quest and Mystery Castle will have to remain open.
As expected, Feng Ju Palace, is said to be remaining - although I'd expect a modernisation/refurbishment of the attraction as part of this project (Similar to how River Quest was improved during Klugheim) - so for access part of the path space in front of it will have to stay open.
New Gateway

I'd also expect this to be when we see the currently closed Klugheim to China gateway opened up. It will be particularly useful as an alternative route for guests when the China to Colorado street is closed off. The new gate was built during the construction of Klugheim, presumably in preparation for the China project. It is in the corner between Feng Ju Palace and China Snack and despite not actually be use yet it is featured (circled in red) as a wide pathway on the new park map (introduced when Taron opened). Removing the outdoor seating area for China Snack would free up the space in front of the gate allowing its use as a major pathway.

River Quest
Another step towards transforming the China area; removing the entrance to River Quest from it. The new entrance from Klugheim will definitely be finished as part of this project. Hopefully for next year.
Mandschu Restaurant
The poster of this rumour claims to not know for certain if Mandschu will survive the demolition work. Given that it is out of the out of the way from everything else and inbetween the China Entrance and River Quest I think it will probably stay but just receive a full refurbishment and a new and improved menu (similar to what happened with Hotel Ling Bao's restaurants this year).
Asien (Asia)
This project is obviously more than just a new dark ride in Geister's place, they'll be rebuilding, modernising and re-imagining the area - perhaps even with a slightly new theme if it is true that the area will no longer be 'China Town' but 'Asien' (Asia).
Hotel Ling Bao (originally opened under the name Hotel PhantASIA) has always had a more Asian theme/influence rather than being specifically Chinese like the park area. A big deal has made out of the newly refurbished Bamboo restaurant this year and how it now offers food from four different countries (China, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam), to give guests a culinary trip around Asia. Bringing the park's themed area into line with this wider Asian theme would certainly open up many new possibilities for food, theming and rides in the park itself.
Access and Colorado Adventure
The only possible access route from the main road for this construction site would be the path where the entrance of Colorado Adventure currently is, and the simplest way to directly get at Geister Rikscha's building is through the Colorado queueline. There really is no other way.
Therefore this pathway will have to be completely closed off and the Colorado queueline flattened. Since the park are not going to have the coaster shut for any length of time Colorado Adventure will have to get a new queueline and entrance accessible from the other side. And if Geister is being demolished this January that would mean a new queue for Colorado must be coming for the 2019 season.
The current queueline and entrance are lacking anyway and are in serious need of work/replacing so it would be "killing two birds with one stone" so to speak. The entrance could do with a more prominent location from a main pathway, rather than being isolated on that rubbish pathway around the back. Like how River Quest will be getting a new entrance and Chiapas received a new prominent themed entrance portal last year to help people find it.
Behind the wooden wall in the corridor to the steps which take you up into Colorado's station is Geister's final scene (you can even hear it through the wooden wall). That section of GR's building has to remain given that CA's maintenance shed is built on top of it. With Geister removed they they could knock through the wall and in that section of the building (the final scene, GR's exit and part of its queueline) they could create a new queueline for CA. The new entrance would then be beside Colorado's exit at the current exit of GR. I'm sure other possibilities exist, perhaps utilising part of the Silbermine hall opposite and connecting it up somehow. Depends on how things will be rebuilt around there.
The 3 month off season I'm sure would be enough time to create a new queueline.
New theming for Colorado?
It has been long speculated that the redevelopment of China would include the long awaited refurbishment of Colorado Adventure and the area surrounding it - which is still Wild West in places, old and outdated and in some spots a bit lacking.
The Chiapas model (used to announce and advertise the ride) showed extensive new mine theming for Colorado to fully bring it into the Mexico area however it didn't and still hasn't ever materialised. Was it just a case of budget constraints and other priorities (River Quest + Mamba)?
Or was it because they changed their plans? Perhaps (as it is rather cut off from the main Mexico area) it could be rethemed and intergrated into the new 'Asia' themed area. There have been a few suggestions of a Himalayan/Tibet retheme, especially given those Himalayan prayer flags that appeared on the China street this year.
Although with a general Asia theme there could be any number of options for that area. Tikal could be easily made to fit with a new name and some small changes/a repaint.
It would be interesting to see something completely different and new done with it.
Although personally I'm not too keen on the possibility of losing the iconic 'Colorado Adventure' name, and losing the interaction with Chiapas - given the clash of themes it would have to be enclosed. I'd probably rather they just complete the Mexico area and create a good transition between it and China/Asia.
Either way just as with River Quest the new theming would probably come in phases over the next years.
I certainly can't see a removal being on the cards in the near future: Colorado is still really popular, has an insanely high capacity and they have invested quite a bit in it in recent years. Many believe (or rather hope) it may be the only old PHL ride that survives long term.
Silverado Theatre
No matter what theme it may have we can probably expect improvements around the Colorado Adventure area, and one of the biggest eyesores in that area (and the park in general) is the Silverado Theatre, home to the stunt show 'Jump' which has been running since 2012 (far longer than any other park show).
The theatre is definitely something they'll be planning on tackling at some point. At the back it is a plain unthemed ugly warehouse and the front features Wild Western theming and old rockwork that doesn't fit with the new realistic and modern image the park is striving to create.
Interestingly the sides of Hotel Matamba that neighbour the theatre are plain concrete walls (as seen below) - to accommodate a new taller building on that site perhaps?

Will it be demolished and replaced by a new modern theatre? Of course they could simply just refurbish and theme it.
Or making use of the large empty space behind Silverado they could build a new larger purpose built Fantissima theatre (the park's successful dinner show). Manuela Loffelhardt (park owner + show director) in a recent interview on YouTube spoke/complained about how restricted they are, especially height wise, with what they can do in the current venue inside the Temple of the Nighthawk building.
It would be perfectly situated between the hotels and pave the way for the removal of Temple of the Nighthawk and Hollywood Tour as the next project after China/Geister.
So there's a massive dose of speculation. (Can't wait to see what I've got wrong haha)
Even if the rumours that China and Geister will be removed at the end of this season are not true, it will probably all happen then the following year.
Unless a replacement theatre for Fantissima magically appears soon (with how construction is progressing it doesn't seem likely Rookburgh will have space for one) Temple of the Nighthawk and Hollywood Tour are most likely going to be around a little while longer. The rumour of Geister Rikscha being the next attraction to be removed has been around for a while so this new demolition project rumour only furthers the expectation that it will be next.
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