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Phantasialand | F. L. Y. | Vekoma Launched Flying Coaster | 2020

I hope they do a little more with that entrance in the future. It looks a bit bland right now although I do love the design.
You can be sure they'll fill in the buildings above and add some detail and signage. I wonder if they will go full on steampunk with this entrance or just tease the theme and blend it in with Berlin as best they can.

I was in Phantasialand the past 2 days. I stayed in hotel Matamba in a room with parkview. It was so nice. From the hotel you can only see the inversion, which is pretty teasingly for all the guests of the hotel.


On Monday River Quest was closed during the whole day. I walked around the building to see what was going on. There was a big hole in the floor just before the 3rd small drop. When one of my friends woke up early yesterday morning and went into the garden having a walk. He heard some noise which wasn't from the Rookburgh site. At 7am they were working on River Quest. Later, in the afternoon suddenly River Quest opened. Only Phantasialand can do that! ;)

Having Extra Ride Time on Taron & Raïk after closure was great. It's so nice to walk around Klugheim when there aren't much visitors. I went 2 times after each other in Raïk and I went 6 times on Taron. 3 of the 6 times I could stay on my seat because no-one was queuing. Every Phantasialand Fan should experience this.

Some pictures during ERT after closure :
(For the rest I made some vids of Taron, but the files are too big to upload)

I really like the new colors on the bridge of Chiapas.


I just wanted to share some stuff about our favorite themepark. It's not much but it's something. I hope you guys like it. :) ;)
Matamba is great, the park view rooms looking out over Black Mamba are fab. Such a great way to build excitement.

I know right, we were so excited that we are already thinking of going back during summer. We're in love with hotel Matamba and Moyo (in the picture), who came to our table when we were having breakfast.
PhantaFriends.de user PHL-Marcus has edited this rough drawing of the site to show some of the progress made over the off season.
The Yellow boxes 1 + 2 mark the construction cranes. The dotted lines mark the track pieces (included the launch parts) being stored on site. The concrete pillars between them are new. As is the large foundation in the middle of the site, which is lower than the surrounding foundations.
Theming is progressing well on the majority of the facade walls and buildings around the already installed red track. The tunnel from the new Berlin street gateway comes out from the two large openings to the left of the red track (meaning you will directly step out into the area with the facades surrounding and towering over you, and the coaster going to directly overhead).

Since it is difficult to view the site it is impossible to make this completely accurate and show all the details but its a good indicator of how things are progressing. In the past couple of days there has supposedly been a lot of concrete poured along the Wuze side of the site so foundations may be well under way there by now.

The user also made this diagram showing his prediction for the location of the station. Which based off the current site seems the most logical option. The speculation is that the station will consist of the same layout as Taron's with on load and off load platforms.
Red - where the rows for loading the train will be. Blue = the off load platform.
In between the two large pillars separating the platforms could possibly be luggage storage racks?

What is interesting (and looking back through posts I don't think it has been mentioned here before) is F.L.Y. could seemingly/will most likely be reusing the lifthill from the Vekoma test set up. The track leaving the station turns around into the tunnel you can see and then curves upwards, still in the sitting position. The track installed is allegedly that from the test set up (which we know for certain parts of were delivered to the site). And if you look at back wall of the pit where that track would continue...

A reminder of the test set up lifthill from mrrc's video.

And if the lifthill is at the start of the coaster that means the launch must be half way through the layout then.
Since this is to be the longest flyer in the world the lifthill + launch is probably necessary, and adds an extra block brake section.
Although given how the new generation trains work wouldn't that mean they need another 'sitting position' track section mid way before the launch? Or how else will they evacuate people when technical problems occur and the train cannot be launched? There could possibly be a short dark ride section mid way just before the launch.
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I know right, we were so excited that we are already thinking of going back during summer. We're in love with hotel Matamba and Moyo (in the picture), who came to our table when we were having breakfast.
View attachment 2673

The breakfast at hotel Matamba is probably one of my favourites at any park hotel. That dining area is so bloody fab. Moyo is ****ting terrifying though, why does it only have three fingers?!?!
The breakfast at hotel Matamba is probably one of my favourites at any park hotel. That dining area is so bloody fab. Moyo is :emoji_poop:ting terrifying though, why does it only have three fingers?!?!

Indeed, the breakfast is very nice. I think Moyo is cute tho, not terrifying. It's an adorable character.

Nice Rookburgh update made by RollerCoasters on YouTube.

A significant section of the roof for the underground station, first tunnel and the rooms in between (that will presumably be housing technical stuff or just for behind the scenes staff access) has been poured. There are also already footers for another part of the coaster in place on top.
This is also on the same level as Wuze Tal/Wuze Valley so I presume that there will be a path there and an entrance where the Rookburgh advertising sign currently is.
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(double post!)
View from the other side of the site. From FreizeitparkCheck.de.

The Race for Atlantis entrance is still intact despite the ride being demolished 2 years ago. There's also still behind that door the concrete hall that served as RfA's queueline after Maus au Chocolat was built. Considering F.L.Y.'s station will be right next to/underneath it perhaps we'll see it being used as part of F.L.Y.'s queueline.
(double post!)
View from the other side of the site. From FreizeitparkCheck.de.

The Race for Atlantis entrance is still intact despite the ride being demolished 2 years ago. There's also still behind that door the concrete hall that served as RfA's queueline after Maus au Chocolat was built. Considering F.L.Y.'s station will be right next to/underneath it perhaps we'll see it being used as part of F.L.Y.'s queueline.

+ maybe the stairs will lead to another pathway level too. :)
There was a lot of activity on site today. Progress on theming the structures/buildings around the already standing track is coming along well. The other end of the main large building, facing Maus au Chocolat, is now also covered in blue tarpaulins and scaffolding as the base layer of concrete is sprayed on.

Last Friday, as seen a few posts above, they started to cover the station and now much to my surprise they have already built up the frame and rebar for pouring another level in the area. This time it is on top of the foundation which runs alongside the higher up level on which the already installed track. Presumably this will cover the break run (although all recent pictures show no track has been installed here and there were just wrapped in tarpaulin track part being stored there - while difficult to tell it still looks as if the track hasn't been installed there. Seems awkward to build the roof overhead before the track.)
On top of the new roof anchor baskets for coaster footers are already in place. The tunnel from the new archway in Berlin opens out on to this surface now so it will eventually form part of Rookburgh's streets.

Since Easter they have certainly been picking up the pace, especially with regards to vertical construction. I predict as with Klugheim they'll want the coaster (Taron's track was completed end of October 15) and a large portion of the area finished before Winter.

EDIT: Changes visible on these pictures from discord.


Roff on CoasterFriends.de has edited the graphic to show the locations of the new ceilings and footers. (for the new level on the left it is difficult to tell how far back it goes so he has drawn orange lines to show where it presumably extends to).

Presumably this will cover the break run (although all recent pictures show no track has been installed here and there were just wrapped in tarpaulin track part being stored there - while difficult to tell it still looks as if the track hasn't been installed there. Seems awkward to build the roof overhead before the track.)
With regards to the track stored underneath (marked on the graphic with dotted red lines) the new concrete level Tobi has written on CoasterFriends.de that the track parts are on steel girders therefore the track was placed there purposely so that when the ceiling is ready they need only lift them up and mount them.
So that means the far row, against the wall, will then be part of break run and presumably the transition point from flying to sitting.
Given that among the track pieces were parts of the launch presumably the other row will be the track that approaches the launch and the bottom part of the launch itself.

The four new footers which lead on from the station are the same type of footer that the sideways/sitting position track uses. This will be the siding into the maintenance bays. There is a bit of track missing from the curve from the station to the first tunnel before the lifthill and Tobi has modelled this gap to show that the back bone of the track on the left stops early and the rails end at an angle (circled in red). So here will be a switch track element.


So trains would then go along a short bit of track (in the narrow gap left by the deep foundation on one side and the wall on the other) to another switch (after the earth ramp was removed in the off season a gap/indent in the side wall on the right was left) to enter the maintenance bays (based of the size of the space there will most likely be 3 bays).

This graphic from PHL Marcus on PhantaFriends.de shows the system. Although he says to note that the proportions are widely off and the stretch of track is not as long as depicted here.
Interestingly this is the same system used by Colorado Adventure (also from Vekoma).
To better visualise the layout I have drawn it on to one of the old pictures posted here (I believe it was from Instagram).

Red circle - location of track switch as model by Tobi above. Yellow squares - the new footers. Red Square - most likely the switch for into the various bays (which given the length of the station and trains from the Vlodrop test set up) will go right back to the border with the outside street.

I also noticed while drawing this these two doors (marked in dark red) from Wuze Town that are currently cut off. Presumably they were built as fire escapes and/or staff access to the backstage yard that used to be there. But I wonder if they'll use them or create somewhere else along the Rookburgh/Wuze Town border, another passageway into Rookburgh from inside the Wuze Town building itself?
Thanks for this in depth breakdown of the latest goings on and fan theories. Construction seems to really be coming along now and it's exciting to see it all slowly unfold.
Finally more track!
Today two concrete mixer trucks and two lorries made deliveries to the site.

And the Barth crane which has been used so far for installing F.L.Y.'s track (the same crane also built Raik) has reappeared. So it is likely we'll be seeing more track installed soon.

The Barth crane was working throughout the day to unload the 2 lorries which contained the parts for the track switches (as described above) and the track for the maintenance bay itself.


The pieces were all laid out on the flat surface (circled in red) next to the where the maintenance bays will be.

The new track for the maintenance bay looks just like the track part lying face down next to the steel beams in this picture from Vlodrop back in November taken by @mrrc
New images from Vekoma Vlodrop : (11-11-2017)
I also drew on the graphic in red new walls that have appeared.
PHLMarcus on PhantaFriends.de has reported that there is already is finished themed wall. His description is that it looks like a brick wall incorporating a framework of steel beams, it reminded him of Baron 1898 in Efteling.
He has also claims that the new ceiling over the break run and launch is at one end higher. Presumably to accommodate the beginning of the launch's curvature.

So the launch will be in the direction of the road while the break directly next to it goes in the opposite direction towards Maus au Chocolat.
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As seen in this picture from Discord the transfer switch track has been installed today. 3 maintenance bays as predicted.
The sideways track still looks so strange...
I agree that it looks strange but it's also funny to see. Unbelievable, unique and fantastic as (almost) everything in Phantasialand.