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Olympic Theme Park for London? Yes please!


Staff member
A walk in the open park? Watching the grass grow around abandoned and unused sports fields? Wishing the government had done something useful with the land after the 2012 Olympics ended?

Professor Terry Stevens says that would be a bad thing, and that the Olympic Park Legacy Company is missing out on a trick. In a meeting to discuss the future of the Olympic site in East London, Professor Stevens said:

"I would look at AEG, which has turned The O2 into something really successful, Merlin Entertainment or Disney. I won't say any of them would necessarily be interested but that's the kind of people we need involved."

"It would have a major impact on the local area. Look what's happened in Orlando from the business of theme parks. Masses of hotels and jobs."
Let's cross our fingers and hope that the government listen to him and give us something special to put the UK on the theme park destination map.

http://www.wharf.co.uk/2011/07/a-theme- ... ics-1.html

loefet, I used your Olympia Looping image on the news article if you don't mind?
I don't see it going ahead, as ambitious as it is the furore of it all would far outweigh the controversy of building the Olympics in the first place. The site is huge, but I don't think it's on a scale to build a theme park on, maybe a small funfair type park, but not a theme park.
No worries, feel free to!!

A theme park would be an excellent use of the space after all the temporary stuff is removed, also it would put all the other facilities built for the Olympics to good use.
I don't know how big the actual area is, and how much is going to be "space" afterwards. I would like to assume that Prof. Stevens has looked though and got a clear grasp if it's big enough or not.

Anyone got any plans or anything so we can see the scale?

I think it's a superb idea... Well, until he mentioned Merlin anyway ;)
I've heard from a very good source that a major theme park opertor has submitted plans for the purchase of the area stated, in the plans they proposed the construction of a B&M hyper standing at 270ft WITHOUT trims, an Intamin pre-fab with more airtime than you can shake a stick at, An invert with more g-forces than a space shuttle launch, and an Intamin multi launch that makes cheetah hunt look like a pussy cat chasing a mouse !!........ OH **** wait, i just woke up!! :?

Yeah, um i hate to be negative but i really cant see a major theme being constructed in this area (but we can still hope right!?) you've got to feel there will be strict height and noise restrictions put into place which would put any potential investors off, but if anyone thinks differently then please correct me.
An invert with more g-forces than a space shuttle launch
shouldn't be too hard since they only pull around 3 g's maximum... ;-)

Posting on the go...
loefet said:
An invert with more g-forces than a space shuttle launch
shouldn't be too hard since they only pull around 3 g's maximum... ;-)

Posting on the go...

3 g's is correct, damn i should of done my research before i tried to be clever :oops: We'll go with space shuttle re-entry then (5-7 G's on average) :--D
The launch would be tougher to withstand since you are exposed for a long time, where as the high g's on re-entry are short bursts during banlings to reduce the speed of the shuttle...

Oh and by the way, what shuttle?? I'm pretty sure that they are ancient history since a few days ago ;-)

Posting on the go...
Not happening.

It's not as if it's just free, open space. There is **** ing huge, multi-million pound stadium for starters. They're not going to get rid of that to free up the land for a theme park, and integrating it into a theme park isn't going to work either.

It will be used for other sports events/concerts, and the surrounding area will be a "normal" park. Maybe a shopping centre.
Carrying on slightly from what Gavin said, Haven't West Ham bought the stadium for use after the Olympics? If they have, there will definatly no chance of a theme park there. The land around it may be used occasinaly for travelling fairs but nothing else.
Stadium, if bought by AEG, could be another big venue! The 02 is very popular with events, and with the brand spanking new infrastructure implementation the games are bringing it'll have better travel links (because the 02's are pretty terrible atm)

If they did that they could very easily develop land around it to be a theme park as well, extra revenue and all! I think that we should at least keep an open mind with this, there is at the very least the potential!
Thekingin64 is quite right in saying that West Ham will be in the Stadium after the Olympics. I don't think they'll own it but I think they have a contract to say that's where they'll be playing for x amount of years.

I'd love for their to be another theme park in London but I think the reality is there isn't the space and the most we'll see is some sort of entertainment area like Downtown Disney in Florida, mix of themed restaurants etc and small attractions or something.
Yeah, nice idea, but no, I can't see it happening.
Forget the huge cost of building in London and the fact the land already has a stadium on it! I doubt the South East would be able to support another theme park after Thorpe, Chessie and Legoland