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"Odyssey" - B&M Invert (Complete).

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Erm I don't see how that colour track would fit an Oddysey theme? Just saying, otherwise I love the look of this loads!
Slash said:
Erm I don't see how that colour track would fit an Oddysey theme? Just saying, otherwise I love the look of this loads!


Odyssey -
The Odyssey (Greek Οδύσσεια (Odússeia)) is one of two major ancient Greek epic poems attributed to the Ionian poet Homer. The poem is commonly dated circa 800 to circa 600 BC. The poem is, in part, a sequel to Homer's Iliad and mainly centers on the Greek hero Odysseus (or Ulysses in Latin, which is what the Romans called him after they were told of his journeys) and his long journey home to Ithaca, following the fall of Troy.

It's a poem, what colours do poems usually have? I'm being creative. :--D
^Have you read any Homer?

You might like to try it one day. Then you can make an informed decision. ;)
Odyssey is mainly used to talk about a voyage across the Sea. That's what sprang to mind thats why I thought it was odd.
Wow, I thought it was glass smooth, and loved it throughout. 10/10 from me, definitely worth the download and ride.
Nice ride you've made there.

It had a nice layout. There was plenty going on and there felt like there were near misses and changes in direction all over the place. My only criticism was the MCBR as it seemed to kill all the flow of the ride. If you'd just missed it out and had a hill or zero-g-roll then you'd have a really good layout. It's not that the layout was bad, it just seemed stopped in it's tracks by the brakes.

As for the actual trackwork, spot on. You had a few areas where there were jerks/pumps, but they were only in the rolls. Speaking of which, nice work on the heartlining. It was mostly smooth and the forces were in check for me except for one tiny red spike.

I like the idea of a launched Invert. I'm not sure about the top-hat, but you never know!

8/10 Really nice, great work!
Thanks Adzy.

Hixee, I was thinking the same about the MCB, and I might take it out, replace it and release another version of this. Thanks for the comments though.
I agree with Hixee, mostly smooth with a couple of bumps and jerks, you're rides are definitely improving. G's were a bit wild at points but the layout was great and the heartlining was good. Not sure about the top hat like Hixee said as it looks a bit strange, but the layout was great. Good coaster! 8/10
^It's not really that it looked strange, it just didn't seem to me to be the sort of thing they'd put on an launched Invert.

I'm sure you could make some brand new, unique and super-fun element that would suit the ride much better.