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NoLimits Competition #2 - RESULTS!


The Legend
In the 11th spot, with 32 points, is Intricks, with Timber Wolf.


In the 10th spot, with 37 points, is Treeis, with Bridge Racer.


With a tie for the 8th spot, with 38 points, is Bottom_Feeder_13, with Hemlock.


In the other 8th spot, with 38 points, is Uncle Arly, with Menoetius.


In 7th place, with 39 points, is jjjustin with River Creek Scenic Railroad Mountain Expedition.


In the other tie, for 5th place, with 40 points, is tomahawKSU with his lovely newfangled contraption: Phoenix.


With the rest of 5th place, with 40 points, is Shubinine with his creation: Chaos.


In 4th place, with 42 points, is reddude333 with his creation: Grendel.


In 3rd place, with 46 points, is The Architect with his creation: El Toro.


In 2nd place, with 50 points, is bigjoe97 with his creation: Super Boulder Voyage.



ANDDDD in 1st place, with 57 points and our winner, is Antinos with his creation: Thunderbird.


Overall, I think it was a very good comp. Many good entries.. but I do think we did lack some smoothing/staying true to the nature of the comp. This is why Antinos won by such a large margin.

Also, next round, I will be eliminating bonus, as without it, many tracks would be in the pits. It will be an all out build-a-thon.

I will also review these tracks soon as I am tired and have stuff to do tomorrow. Good on all of ya for entering and hope to see you in the next comp. :D
Well the best track one. It was clearly the stand-out coaster for me. Well done Marc!

I thought Xpress was entering this one... did he quit again? :lol:
I agree. I felt that Thunderbird was the clear winner so I am glad to see that worked out (if it wasn't going to be me, haha). The only things that sort of disappointed me were that people who didn't stick close to the ground or heavily edited terrain did well and I feel that those were two major components that were lacking in many people's entries. That aside, great job to everyone who entered. I think you all put out a great effort. I am glad I managed to scrape out fourth considering what I was up against.

Thanks Snoo for hosting and judging!
Those results seem right to me, the top 2 were the ones which stood out to me. I look forward to the next comp as I should have time to get a good entry together.
Results look about the same as the ratings I sent in. Second is nice for me, considering I went over all the other tracks and was expecting to get ridiculous amounts of points deducted for my three huge voyage-style hills (with huge loads of supports to match).
That looks how I voted...and Snoo you changed the name of my ride, it was supposed to be Buckeyes Suck ;)
I'm building the map at the moment actually. The thread is already over in the secret forums you commoners know nothing about. :p
I think I didn't do too bad for having no lateral bracing and a still very newtony track, although I feel like some of them got their placing off bonus alone so I'm looking forward to a round with no bonus.
That's a lot of the reason why I turned off bonus. Some better tracks had none while some mediocre had all 10. It might be a permanent thing depending on how the results this time around comes out.

As far as first place swag goes.. Marc has won himself something.. but I haven't figured out what. :lol:
Yay! I get swag!

Nice job to everybody who entered. It's the effort that matters.

A bit of explanation behind my design. I basically looked at the competition from an engineering standpoint(duh). I basically considered each rule as a constraint and each bonus as a criterion. I then compiled a list of certain aspects of Gravity Group roller coasters, as well as different terrain elements, and considered them attributes. I mixed each constraint, criterion, and attribute together and I got the track as my output. I started with the lift. I knew it had to be high to get the length, so I chose the highest hill to build my lift. I noticed I could build something similar to Ravine Flyer II, so I added the drop and the bridge. I then looked for paths that could yield a low to the ground, but fun layout. All this time, I'm planning to ensure the ride fits into the rules. Throw in a few 90 degree turns, El Toro's ejector hill(I mirrored it right before the second bridge), an outerbanked turn, the quadruple up, a rose bowl, etc and you have a very dynamic, thrilling, and legal ride that appeals to the target audience(Snoo and the other contestants). Hopefully this helps you guys with the next contest.
Well.. I've decided it will stay as is. If you want a critique, feel free to PM me. I was planning on doing it but a LOT of personal items have come up for me.