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New Trains for Roller Coaster at Lagoon


Strata Poster
Roller Coaster at Lagoon has underwent an extensive retrack from GCI and along with it have received special Millennium Flyer trains. These trains are different from the usual design as they feature headrests and no zero car design.

What is actually the difference between these trains and the Millennium Flyers? Apart from the headrests and front, they basically look the same.
The headrests and missing front are pretty much the only differences between these trains and normal Millennium Flyers.
They are Millennium Flyers, but the zero car usually comes up to waist height with a sort of handrail and some kind of themed motif whereas here the zero car is just a floor which means the front row has absolutely nothing in front of it. It doesn't look as good off-ride but those front row riders will get a pretty unique experience.

Edit: it reminds me of the old Nash trains which had no front except for some rails.
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Fantastic news! GhostRider seems to have been substantially improved by GCI retracking it, according to those who've ridden, so I'm glad to hear this!
GCI did not retrack Roller Coaster. Lagoon handled that part. These are also not Millennium Flyers, but "GCI Custom Trains." The only differences between these trains and Millennium Flyers are the higher seat backs and 46" Height Requirement, otherwise, mechanically they are the same.