Odd request guys

but Myself and ye olde admin CP6 have been putting together a spreadsheet of codes for the B&M rides.
Its fairly well known each B&M track typer has a unique identifier.
For example SC = Sitting Coaster (floorless included) MC = Mega Coaster and WI = Wing Coaster.
This is followed by a dash and a letter which identifies the project.
For example SC-A was Kumba (first sitdown B&M made)
MC-Q is the Happy Valley Beijing Mega Coaster.
DM-I is Draken at Gyeongju World
This can often be seen on stickers on the ends of track pieces as in this piece for LC-I which is Harpy.
View attachment 3826
Or in handy cases when they write it in massive letters as in these pieces of D6-E which was Valkyria.
View attachment 3827
The complete lists of track ident codes are
SC - Sitting/Floorless
MC - Mega Coaster
LC - Flying Coaster
DM - Large Dive Machine
D6 - Smaller Model Dive Machine
IC - One of the first 26 Inverted Coasters
IC2 - Inverted Coaster 27 onwards
FI - Family Inverted Coaster
SU - Stand-up (Assumed at this point)
We have nailed down every Dive Machine code and the Wings are looking quite good. But we have almost nothing on Inverted and Sitdown and Nothing at all on Stand-Up coasters yet. What are the chances anyone has any members have shots of some older coaster track before it went in?
You may ask why we are doing this. Well the main reason is we are nerds and find it interesting
But it has thrown up some interesting tidbits. For example Yukon Striker comes before Valravn in the code list suggesting that was agreed first or at least at the same time. (this is the main reason we havent just put all the rides in based on date alone) And there is a missing hyper coaster that presumably never got built. We know MC-J was Intimidator and MC-O was Mako. We dont know which ones K, L, M and N were but only 3 hypers were built in that time Leviathan, Shambhala, and Fury325 so one letter is missing for some reason.
There is also a missing Sitdown Coaster after Hair Raiser and before the one currently at the plant. Hair Raiser was SC-R and the one at the plant (probably Transformers for Universal Beijing) is SC-U. We dont know S and T but only Nitro at Adlabs Imagica was built between those rides so one is missing.
Its a long shot but if anyone has any track pictures that can fill in these gaps I'd be very grateful.
View attachment 3828