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Nemesis VS The Swarm

Nemesis or The Swarm

  • The Swarm

    Votes: 7 15.6%
  • Nemesis

    Votes: 38 84.4%

  • Total voters
It's too slow and open to be compared to Nemesis. The comparison just highlights that they don't make things as intense these days.
Tom G said:
It's too slow and open to be compared to Nemesis. The comparison just highlights that they don't make things as intense these days.

Or need to for a ride to be enjoyed by the masses.
Chuck a couple of near misses on Swarm and I'd be tempted to say Swarm...
furie said:
tepr said:
Nemesis is clearly the better coaster, although I think Swarm is more fun to ride.

This, but it's like comparing Bugs Life to the Human Centipede. You can't because they're they're too different.
I personally think they're comparable as they're both rollercoasters made by B&M that are main attractions for their parks. Obviously there are differences as it would be stupid to have clones within two major parks of the UK, but you can compare which you believe to be better.
The Swarm was a very different experience from any B&M Invert I've been on, which have all been very similar. It's like also comparing it to B&M Floorless and B&M Loopers, chuck in the fliers while you're at it? Hey, that drop was vertical, add in the Dive Machines too?

You wouldn't compare, say, Baco with Volcano would you?

The ride plays on the wider trains and hang-time in a way that an invert never could. It's more flowing and graceful, more poised and deliberate in a way an invert never could be. Likewise, you could never produce the fast, snappy, violent movements you get on rides like Nemesis and Inferno. In essence, you could never put a wing rider train on an invert layout, or an invert train on a wing rider layout (if you inverted the tracks of course) and get the same ride, or even a ride that would work in the slightest.

Hence, they can't really be compared.
^ I personally feel as though that is taking rollercoasters too seriously. I don't see the problem in comparing two rollercoasters that were made by the same people for the same purpose; to be enjoyed and create profit.
You need to have a baseline though.

I enjoy watching Tom and Jerry cartoons. I also love, I dunno, Aliens? Both are media on a TV screen that are designed to entertain me. Is Aliens better than Tom and Jerry?

Now, your reply will be "one is a cartoon, the other a horror/action film", but then you're taking your viewing too seriously. As soon as you say "they're made by the same company", then you're into "I'm an enthusiast and am taking this seriously already by acknowledging coaster manufacturers". You're already down the path of being serious. I'm just saying you're not taking it far enough. You're essentially going "is Aliens better than Titanic?" - valid comparison because James Cameron directed both. I could discuss here how Cameron uses different techniques, different actors in the roles and the way he chose his sound track to attract certain audiences. The panning shots in Titanic are much wider than the tight, tense focus tracking shots in Aliens.

What you want is an answer to the question "do you like films about aliens, or ships sinking?". You don't care about the details, but when two things are very different, you either need to say "they're different because of x, y or z" or you need to just say "they're different and it's possible to just enjoy both without comparing them".

Replace Titanic with The Abyss or Avatar if you want to make the thing easier, possibly Terminator 2... ;)
Yeah you can say which one you prefer, but it's like saying which do you prefer, ice skating or football?

Two completely different things, you can say which one you prefer, but the experiences are totally different.

The same applies here.
Martyn B said:
You wouldn't compare, say, Baco with Volcano would you?

No, but I could still say which one I prefer, and thats was this topic is about, isn't it?

No, the topic is Nemesis Vs The Swarm:

It's about which one is better, which is utterly subjective and impossible to compare.

The Swarm is one of the most fun, re-ridable coasters I've experienced in a couple of years. It's certainly the most fun and re-ridable coaster in the UK (for me). However, Nemesis is still the most exciting, breathtaking coaster for me in the country. One is not better than the other, they both fit a place in entertaining me.

I can't even say I prefer one over the other, because they're just too different. I'd re-ride The Swarm if it was built where Air is more than I've re-ride Nemesis - but I'd still love every run on Nemesis. I don't need to have a preference, they both sit there in that wishy-washy place of "good coasters I enjoy".

Fair enough, if you have a preference and want to put it forward, it's not an issue. It's just that for me the two things are too different and I don't take the thing seriously enough to try and work out to the N[super]th[/super] degree why one is better (or preferred) over the other. I have the capacity to compartmentalise things in a "general" way, I don't need a list of what is better or worse. It's why the Mitch Hawker poll gets harder and harder for me each year :P
Not a **** chance. There's no way I can see any angle where Swarm is better than Nemesis.
I know im going to get shot down for my opinon but to be honest as much as I love Nemesis and still adore it I personally enjoyed The Swarm VERY slightly more. I love Nemesis for it's landscape, Forces, and station/the nemesis monster. But with The Swarm I actully felt like I was on the set for transformers movie. I know we are all coaster critics and can find the littlest faults with rides but this is the first time I just could only say "That was awsome". And it has been a long time I have came off a ride that I couldn't stop laughing several minutes after.
Nemesis of oblivion said:
I know im going to get shot down for my opinon but to be honest as much as I love Nemesis and still adore it I personally enjoyed The Swarm VERY slightly more. I love Nemesis for it's landscape, Forces, and station/the nemesis monster. But with The Swarm I actully felt like I was on the set for transformers movie. I know we are all coaster critics and can find the littlest faults with rides but this is the first time I just could only say "That was awsome". And it has been a long time I have came off a ride that I couldn't stop laughing several minutes after.
On the set of a transformers movie? There's wasn't anything like that much detail or quality or quantity of theming to pass that off... surely... ;)
^ It more just felt like a transformers set with The Swarm cars flying across the island with the destroyed church as the only standing structure left. Plus the theme music and sound effects had that feel aswell. The ride vehical really reminds of a decepticon. They look so evil.
If I'm honest here, I can't see why Nemesis is winning by such a small margin...

Firstly, Nemesis is a true classic, its timeless and so much was new for that day and age....
-Colour scheme
-Situation in a man made valley
-High speed turn which B&M never made again due to force and stress
-Theming level and ride "story"
-UK's first Invert and floorless coaster and Europe's first
-Near miss points

Whilst Swarm is nothing new...
-First Wingrider in the Uk
-First "Thorpe Park inversion", dive loop in disguise.

-Colour scheme is the same as Raptor's
-Story and theming is practically the same as Raptor's
-Just literally plonked on an island
-Similar elements to Raptor's

Secondly, Nemesis's ride experience is more intense, has more elements, is just generally much more thrilling. From personal experience, Swarm although it feels fast, is silky smooth, comfortable, but has far too much hang time and seems to thrill in "short bursts".

Easily the best ride at Thorpe and it is generally very good, but Nemesis is just timeless.

Raptor (GL) would have been a much more formidable opponent, as I believe it is slighty more thrilling, more significant and better than Swarm. Swarm is essentially Raptor with a slightly tweaked layout and theme.
Wow tbh im shocked that The Swarm and Nemesis are so close, as much as I love The Swarm I was expecting Nemesis to thrash it on the polls.