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Nemesis Inferno Simulator

Wow. That looks super.
Is there any other way you can use this sim instead of downloading it like the last one?

Like can't you put it on an internet page or something?
Wow!!! I've just got into your very wowwy Cobra Simualtor (finally got it installed) and then this, nice! Can't wait.

Just a stupid little thought, why not make som eof the people who ride have Coasterforce tops on :p Or look like us... a bit, I mean you can't have everything :)

Oh, and another thing, with this one, can you make there a choice between an unlimited game and a timed game please. :--D
I'm sure I can add a few people who are wearing CF t-shirts. :p

Tbh, I really don't know how i'm going to do all of the people at the moment. I'm probably going to have to buy some expensive animation software, unless I can "borrow" some from Uni.

^ Glad you got the Cobra simulator to work, as about only 50% of people seem to get it working. Hopefully when i've finished with this one, it will be alot easier to install and get stared.
Can I just say about the Cobra Simulator, we have 2 laptops and 2 PCs in our house and it didn't work on either Laptop, but it did on my PC, didn't check the othe rone as it goes about 2mph.
That looks great! It's like looking at a real picture. Everything is so how it is in the park!
Excuse me, I need to go remove the sh*t from myself...

That is insane with the level of detail. Compares to some of the best NI creations I've seen before.
Wow...just wow...

Peter said:
I'm sure I can add a few people who are wearing CF t-shirts. :p

Don't forget CF hats!

Seriously though, this looks so fantastic and I really hope you carry on with the same enthusiasm you have now because if you do it will be even greater.
Sorry about the delay in updates (by a few months :p ) but i'm still slowly working on it.

I've had quite a few changes and updates since the last one, mainly on the control panel and getting that working as it should. I have been bogged down with alot of Uni work, other programming and exams, but I should be able to get stuck back into it come June - sill aiming to have it finished by the end of the summer...

I'm also experimenting and debating switching to a different graphics engine, which may mean that it'll work on Mac and other operating systems. It would require the whole lot to be re-coded though (although I can just copy and paste code across.) Thats something i'm playing around with at the mo.
This looks incredible!

If it works even half as well as you say it does, then this could be astounding!

I know I'm gonna get flamed for suggesting this, but you should talk to the nolimits guys about collaborating with them, maybe as a synergy?
Hmm yes.

I have done some work over the summer, but not nearly as much as I hoped due to spending more time out and about rather than stuck at home.

The bad news is that towards the end of the summer I upgraded to run Windows 7, which means that I currently do not have the software on this PC to continue with the project. I'll have to wait until i'm able to obtain it from uni again, which probably won't be until the end of this year.

So unfortunatly, until then, the project is on hold.