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Musical instruments

Do you play a musical instrument, if so which one?

  • No

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  • Brass Instrument

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  • Woodwind Instrument

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  • Guitar

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  • Piano/Keyboard

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  • Drums

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  • String instrument (not guitar)

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I play Guitar, it's a great way to waste time, and making up funny songs is pretty fun.
Bass geeee-tarrr! I only have it for messing around with, and i'll never play 'seriously', but I can get by, i'm all self-taught. I'm crap at making stuff up though, I just sit there with bass tabs and work them out.
I'm all for the piano! I learned the basics when I was 9 or 10, stopped, and picked up again about a year and a half ago. Its very fun! There's not much like a good ol' Joplin rag.
Whhhooooooaaaa!!!! :shock:
I never realised so many people played instruments on this forum. MattB, great idea. Although there would be a heck of a lot of organisation involved. Well, I'm impressed. :D
I play the cello. And I also vaguely know how to play the piano.

I can read 4 clefs easily and one not so. Bass, Tenor, Treble and Soprano are simple. But Alto confuses me for some reason..

Grade 7 on the cello. I would've done grade 8 but I can't do the aural tests. They're really hard and I hate singing back from memory.
I used to be awsome at the trumpet, but complications and a sucky new teacher stopped me from continueing.

Its been a while since Ive played the trumpet and now I feel like a lazy bum with no talents, so I want to play something again. I have my mind set on this beautiful fender precision bass that we've owned for 30 years now.
Well, i play the drums.

People say i am gifted as i have had no lessons and im the best in my school! I say im lucky!

I have a pearl export custom series with zildjian platinum series cymbals!!! It is so shmexy!
I used to play piano and got up to grade 5 but gave up becasuie i had GCSES and stuff so i wont get any further i do still randomly play the piano now when im bored!
I slo have a guitar and drums but i cant exactly play them properly i just muck about on then and when i was younger i got up to grade 2 violin.
Play the guitar as its great fun for messing about with, whenever i'm bored I kick out a few power chords, something very satisfying about making lots of noise. Would love to the have the time to actually practise and become semi good.
well i love music i play drums and bass err i dont know about grades but i would say im advanced in both of these instruments but meh i just love playin music.
I play guitar and bass, but guitar is my main instrument. Bass is just when there's no guitars around :lol:

I've been playing for 3 years now. I'm not great, but I guess I can play some technical stuff pretty well. Meh, I'm a metal guitarist, technicality is a must.

I'd say I take it pretty seriously, I'm in a band and we're close to recording our first demo (We've only been together 3 months). I just love playing.
cool my band recorded in january its great recording check out one of the songs i think i put it as my website on the bottom of this message
I used to play the keyboard but quit since I couldn't read music. I'd really like to play guitar or drums, then i could join a band. :p
Fi. I dont read music. And i play piano aswell. Doing it from memory is so much easier IMO, and i hate to read music.

But maybe im the only one who doesnt read music for their instrument?
I think I should set up a thread in the members board to allow poeple to record their music and put it on the internet. Good idea dya think?
I play the leccy guitar. Had guitars for three or four years, and Iv'e had lessons for the last year 1/2 - 2 years. I also play a tiny bit of keyboard.
I can read music to an extent, but I don't for playing bass. I just use tablature off the Internet. I used to play keyboard at primary school too, used to read music when I was playing that.
I can't get over the fact that people can read music. It's like a whole different language. I admire that!