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Most Unexpected Thrill

Vekoma SLC. After all the bad things I've heard of them I was really sceptic when i rode my first at Heide Park (Limit) last year, but what a surprice! Awesome layout with imaginative inversions and lots of footshoppers! Sure it's a little bit rough, but not worse then many other coasters, and definitely not painful. I loved it and Limit actually ranks higher on my list then some of the B&M inverts!

Yes it's a family coaster, it's not fast and the free-fall drop is tiny.

But for some reason it gets me going, I think it is that reason, that it's a family coaster. So I always get on expecting the tamest ride in the world.
another couple i've thought of:

Racing - bakken - similar "brutal" twists to the mouse at blackpool.

Big loop at heide park - wasn't expecting much, but rather liked it!!
Oblivion and Phoenix, for sure.

Oblivion just looked small and kinda lame, and personally I wasn't too excited to ride it. And then I did.. And I screamed, and the drop went on forever.

Phoenix just looked small and stupid, and much like Matt said, I didn't think it could deliver quite like people were saying.
Kumba at Busch gardens tampa...the first time i went on it, it was ssoooo boring, forcless etc. (but that was after a week of coaster madness)...i went a couple of years later (this time at the begining of the week) with some low expectations and wow...it blew me away...the force and speed etc. took me by surprise...what also surprised me is that its now my favourite coaster :--D
I actually think Colossus at Thorpe Park. I mean it's not the best coaster in the world but it certainly took me by surprise, I really enjoyed it! All I hear about Colossus is hate, I didn't think it was that rough really if anything it was quite barable. The theming is lovely too, I have no idea why people have such a problem with it. For a British coaster it's top class!
^ I agree with you there, apart from the themeing.

The past three times I have been on it it has been the best ride of the day; apart from the last time where it was behind front row saw in the dark.
I'm gonna go super fanboi and say Backlot Stunt Coaster. I was expecting a tame family coaster but this was a smooth ride with some neat features and the cool indoor section.
Volcano at Kings Dominion. The first time I rode it was at night without a clue of what to expect. Couldn't see it beforehand since the queue line is indoors & didn't even know that it was a launcher, much less a double launch. What a rush!
I also agree with Snoo about Cornballer. Doesn't look like much, but the air-time really surprised the
out of me!
California Screamin. I sat there all calm, thinking it would beee... Eh, ok. And then BAM! Took off like a damn rocket ship :lol: I was all puzzled.
1. Adventures of Spiderman at IoA - Had absolutely no clue what the ride was or the special effects that were used. Imagine my surprise with the first scene when Spiderman "jumps" onto your car!

2. Georgia Cyclone at SFoG - It is a rough wooden coaster, but man does it pack some hills! I absolutely loved the airtime and out of control feel.

3. Fire in the Hole at Dollywood - such a simple drak ride/roller coaster with horrible animatronics but so much nostalgia. And how can you not love its splashdown!

4. Exterminator at Kennywood - Hopefully other CFers can attest from our CF Live, this roller coaster was a complete surprise! It is a standard Reverchon Spinning Wild Mouse layout set indoors, but is seriously a very fun coaster.


Just thought of another one:

Jaguar! at Knott's Berry Farm - It's pretty much a kids coaster, but has a very good layout that makes for a fun ride.
Fire in the Hole.. HILARIOUS coaster.. as I had no idea it could get you THAT wet. I think it was a recurring joke for the next trip.


They look like harmless kiddie coasters, but they're pretty ferocious little buggers.
Just looking at that makes me wince. I know it obviously doesn't go THAT fast, but some of the bankings on the corners is just, wrong?

Is there any in/near the UK?