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Most Unexpected Thrill


Roller Poster
So basically:

What was your favourite ride you thought looked a bit 'meh', Then you got on it and found it quite thrilling?
Cornball Express. It didn't look like it had airtime, it didn't look that fun, and it blew all the way up to #11 in my list. <3
Irn Bru Revolution. It really just looks like a simple little coaster since it is just a loop, an Arrow, slow launching, fairly old etc etc...
But there was heaps of air on the drop and the loop was very intense, so overall it was a win.
Definitely the Mondial Top Scan called The Beast at Fantasy Island. It was the first thrill ride I had been on for around ten years but I still don't think they look anywhere near as intense as they are to ride.
well it isnt a coaster, but i though that Slammer was quite a suprise, considering i though it looked really slow and boring. It actually turned out to give me a bit of an adrenaline rush.
Top ride!
Also not a coaster but vortex at thorpe park looked a bit dull but is now my favourite flat ride, the air time at the top and the rush when the seat catches you and you fall past the ground! :--D

As far as coasters go, cobra at paultons and stinger also at paultons.

Corbra isn't 'intense' as such but it is more intense than it looks.

Stinger is only because at the back, the airtime on the first drop is pretty good and it took me by surprise :lol:
The Big Apple at Ocean Beach, south shields; It was a wet day, and frankly the ride probably shouldn't have been running - completely caught me off guard...rougher than the Ultimate, to boot!
Thunderhawk at dorney. It looks old and rough and boring. It was actually a lot of fun with some actual airtime.
Phoenix at Knoebels.

Jerry kept telling us how much we were going to love Phoenix, but when I looked at the ride I really didn't think it could do much. It didn't look great at all.

Look how wrong I was!
Anubis at Plopsaland, it looks like a lovely lickle kiddie coaster, just meant to be fun but I absolutely loved it and re-rode the thing all day =]
Most recent for me was actually Space Mountain at WDW.

I've been on it many, many times, but for some reason it was more thrilling than I remember. Maybe the combination of me being bigger and being able to slightly see the outlines of the supports, making it look like I was going to hit them, and the fact that they added "whooshing" noises when you pass said supports.

IDK, it was just really fun, and seemed faster than normal as well.
Jer said:
Thunderhawk at dorney. It looks old and rough and boring. It was actually a lot of fun with some actual airtime.

You need to go ride some coasters son. :p
Well tbh MilF. I had no expectations of it mind you and was mainly focused on Maverick and Dragster at the time. I think my first thoughts around that overbank was holy-freaking-sh_t this is fast.

Magnum also, as I was expecting typical Arrow "oh shiz here comes a curve...ouch"... but it was freakin' awesome.
Will probably remember some others but the one that comes to mind for me is Montezooma's Revenge. It was my first Schwarzkopf shuttle loop and to be honest I didn't expect much, but it was much better than I expected, it was great.
I'll echo whoever said PBB Wild Mouse. Wow. It starts off fairly tame but by the end you're saying to yourself "can this really go round that corner that fast?" Best ride at the park in my opinion.

Also, Dragon's Fury. Night riding especially on Dragon's Fury is fantastic.
I feel like a loser for saying this, but Storm Runner. I though it would be very tame other than the launch, but wow! The thing blew my mind, there was some sweet ejector on the top hat and right before the zero-g to FSD and the Immlemann was intense as hell. Epic ride and my Number 2.
Phoenix at Knoebels.
It looks like a tame family woodie that doesn't do a lot, but the airtime it gives is just immense and incredibly fun. That's why it's my numero 2! :)
Ravine Flyer II. I had heard all the outstanding reviews about the ride, but I found them hard to believe. When I finally rode it, I was surprised at just how much a little ride could throw you around. The ride's intensity seemed on par with Maverick. RFII had crazy airtime, insane positive G's, killer lateral G's, and a high sense of speed. After riding, I could see why people like it so much.