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Most cost efficient coasters for parks


Mega Poster
We've noticed how more or less lately some regional parks put themselves in competition with bigger ones with very cost effective roller coasters procuring good sensations. Height or speed is not always the only thrilling factor.
Gravity group for example makes pretty low cost miniature wooden with very good sensations. Djurs Sommerland is maybe the champion of cost efficiency with its 2 excellent cost effective coasters Juvelen and Piraten. Same for Mack's mega coasters at Etnaland and Nigloland. Now Vekoma seems to go in the same way after we discovered the apparently very cheap price of Lech Coaster.

Among those, which one are the most cost efficient coasters for you ? Do you see any other cost efficient models out there ? Debate can also be extended to flat rides !




Great idea for a topic!

I think the ultimate winner here are GCIs and GGs. They can fit in nicely at any size park, are cheap, and are some of the highest quality rides in the industry.
I'll echo GWAS' statement about this being a great topic. If Vekoma keeps up the cheap costs, then they are 100% the most cost-efficient imo. I doubt that though since Lech was one of the first new-gens (if not the first). For now, I'll go with GG due to them being very flexible to the needs of the client, building family and thrill wooden coasters. Also, since seemingly every park ever in Asia's buying 10 of them, they can't be too expensive... ;)
Gerstlauer bobsleds. Much better than your typical wild mouse and I'd assume pretty cheap as well.
RMC conversions of small wooden roller coasters helps minimize construction cost while taking advantage of pre-existing infrastructure. Storm Chaser remains one of the best steel roller coasters in America, and only cost $10M to convert. Kentucky Kingdom even shared insight that by doing the roller coaster as a conversion vs. totally new construction (aka from the ground up), that saves ~$5M in construction costs.
Gets me how Alton can spend £16m on the world's shortest GCI (ok, 2nd shortest, by 4 whole inches) when Tayto Park can build a 3,600ft Gravity Group woodie for the paltry sum of €8million.
So either GG's are comparatively cheap, or Alton spent 10million on a statue and some fire effects that don't work.
Wicker Man actually is the shortest at 2027.5 ft whereas Heidi is 2027.6. However Heidi does have a little show building at the end of it.

Still Wicker Man is 4 feet shorter than White Lightning, which cost $3.5 million.
I think part of it has to do with the ground work. Wickerman was built into a hill, whereas White Lightning, Heidi, and Cu Chulainn were all built on relatively flat ground.
I think there's always been something weird about roller coaster prices. How can Leviathan have costed 28M USD and Shambhala 35 ?

I agree for RMC topper track, if you have an old crappy woodie out there, it's a very good value to make a conversion, however I heard that RMC steel conversions prices went seriously higher, I don't know if that is true.
Great topic! The most cost effective have got to be GG and Vekoma at the moment. Vekoma have shown a ton of promise, making a true world class steel coaster for 10 million USD. GG have some fantastic products like Voyage and Boardwalk Bullet, but also some cheap wooden coasters in Roar-o-saurus, Wooden Warrior, etc
I agree with the statements about the GG mini woodies but I want to give another shoutout to the Chance Hyper GT-X model. Lightning Run only cost $7 million (according to RCDB) and that ride is fantastic. I think it's easy to forget about it, it's the only model out there and it's overshadowed by Storm Chaser. I have no idea why other parks haven't invested in them yet.
Wicker Man actually is the shortest at 2027.5 ft whereas Heidi is 2027.6.

Ugh - I double checked that stat only a few weeks ago and Wicker Man was listed on RCDB as being exactly 2028ft long.
So not only is it short and expensive, it's also shrinking! :eek: