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Mirabilandia |"DiVertical"| Intamin Water Coaster

Re: New coaster for Mirabilandia in 2012?

^Yes thats the one Ian how stupid of me to forget that.
Re: New coaster for Mirabilandia in 2012?

Oh! New coasters! Exciting...

If we assume for a second that this is S&S, a look in their ride catalogue can tell us a lot.
Thrust air coaster? A la Dodonpa or Hypersonic? Ehh... probably not. As they've got iSpeed already, I think any traditional launcher is out of the question too.
El Loco? With airtime? Sure, why not? But if they're going to spend €20 million on it, it better be good.
4D? Not likely, I think, for the reasons Gavin stated.
Woodie? Sure, S&S have done woodies, but they aren't exactly the first company to turn to when you're looking for one.
Screaming Squirrel? Now we're really into La-la-land here...

If this is indeed S&S, I think the Free Fly model is the way to look. From what I've heard, Tranan is a good ride, but I'm not sure about its airtime. However, the word is mentioned on S&S' Free Fly page.

Or it might be another manufacturer, of course.
Re: New coaster for Mirabilandia in 2012?

Shouldn't they really be passed the "planning" stages for a major new coaster for next year?
Re: New coaster for Mirabilandia in 2012?

^I'm sure they are. They'll know exactly what they're getting (I would hope); they just aren't releasing the information yet.
Re: New coaster for Mirabilandia in 2012?

peep said:
To be honest, Mira love their theming, the majority of that 20 mill could be for that?

Hmm, I'm going to have to disagree with that. Mirabilandia was about as themed as Thorpe (with the exception of the Katun area) and while that's not a bad thing I would hardly say it suggests that a large amount of their budget will be put towards that. Most of iSpeed's theming was ugly, red corrugated plastic for god's sake!
Re: New coaster for Mirabilandia in 2012?

^Could not agree more.

I failed to see any of this great theming peolpe kept going on about.
Re: New coaster for Mirabilandia in 2012?

Yeah Reset was well themed :) They only thing that sort of put me off the area though was all the fencing all over the place :(

They also had themed the drop tower area.
Re: New coaster for Mirabilandia in 2012?

I'm half and half with Reset to be honest.

I think the miserable weather when we were there really added to the whole post-apocalyptic atmosphere, and the burnt-out cars and statue of liberty were excellent.

However, there was also an awful lot of cardboard cut out buildings/skyline if I remember correctly. Don't get me wrong, it was the best looking area of the park, but there were definitely quite a few corners cut as well.
Re: New coaster for Mirabilandia in 2012?

^Just like Thorpe. A few really quite good bits, then the rest was a bit half arsed. Oh, and let's not forget the masses and masses of concrete everywhere. Overall I'd call it a rather ugly park, very 'generic theme-park' in terms on it's theme. I actually preferred Gardaland in terms of theming if I'm honest.
Re: New coaster for Mirabilandia in 2012?

I'd quite like to see a custom S&S Free-Fly or a nice woodie (although I don't think they'd build anything as big as El Toro or Colossos)
Other Sites seem to think a Mack water coaster is on the cards, I have slightly mixed feelings on that one after riding Poseidon at Europa Park, I thought it was a little bumpy in the coaster section and i'm sure they could get something more impressive for that amount of cash. If the park really wants another water ride (they already havea Shoot-the-Chutes and a river rapids) i'd personally go for something like Shoot the Rapids at Cedar Point, despite all the negative feedbck i've read I enjoyed it, went on it about 4 times in a row as the queue was really short.
Re: New coaster for Mirabilandia in 2012?

Maybe a huge GCI or GG?
Either way, hopefully it should be great. Does anyone know when to expect an announcement?
Re: New coaster for Mirabilandia in 2012?

Mirabilandia is currently doing a survey where you can chose the name of next years coaster. The alternatives are:

1) Divertical
2) Kingdrop
3) iDive
4) The Edge
5) Vertigine

This information is also given:
Mirabilandia said:
In 2012, Mirabilandia will open a new coaster which construction has committed the Park in the highest investment in its history.
Three are the main features of this new coaster:
Speed ​​- Height - Water
All enclosed in the concept of VERTICAL DROP IN THE WATER!

I say it'll be a dive machine!
Re: New coaster for Mirabilandia in 2012?

It's probably going to be Dive Machine... I just hope it's called none of those names. They're dire!
Re: New coaster for Mirabilandia in 2012?

The Edge is the only one that sounds well enough without being **** stupid.

Switching between the hideouts'...
Re: New coaster for Mirabilandia in 2012?

The edge is my favourite name however I can see this being like the swarm and everyone taking the the out!

As for the coaster itself it doesn't have to be a dive machine, it could be a hyper?

Lets hope this has an interesting layout and if it is a dive machine then, to be the tallest of it's type, it would have to be higher than 213 feet...which sounds awesome! :--D
Re: New coaster for Mirabilandia in 2012?


Oh look, it's 2005 and a Thorpe topic again.

And that's blates a Dive Machine. Aren't B&M busy little bees next year?
Re: New coaster for Mirabilandia in 2012?

If they go with iDive, they could theme the car to the soon to be fall of Apple without Steve Jobs. Think about it, the cars could be an iPod, the restrains will be the ear buds, and the apparent dive underwater will be the suicidal leap of faith! :3

Still, all those names are drab and The Edge seems the best of those given. God, will all rides be named lamely as of late?

Switching between the hideouts'...
Re: New coaster for Mirabilandia in 2012?

Intricks said:
If they go with iDive, they could theme the car to the soon to be fall of Apple without Steve Jobs. Think about it, the cars could be an iPod, the restrains will be the ear buds, and the apparent dive underwater will be the suicidal leap of faith! :3

idive seems a stupid name since they've already got ispeed....or will the ride be in the same area as ispeed?