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Lost - who is still watching it?


Bloody Lost :lol:

I wanted answers! Not another round of new questions!!!

Swines :lol:
southend_marc said:
What I found strange was they have been on the Island all that time and never seen that leg.

Erm.. bit drunk.. will try to make sense... At the end of the 2nd or 3rd (i forget) season.. The iraqi bloke was trying to save kate/sawyer/jack and hurley from the "others" after they went to "Save" walt. On his way he took his boat past said foot.. it has 4 toes.

Excellent ending.. the last season is looking to be the bestest thing (or biggest let down) ever!

I think it's like a big fight of good vs evil...

Afterall.. a bit of a interweb search reveals that "what lies at the foot of the statue" is "he who will save the world".

And to think locke has been evil bloke (or is he?) all this time!
I think Jacob is (was) the good guy, along with Ilana and her merry band.

Jacob's rival (in the form of Locke, but maybe he can change form, and maybe it was actually he who took the form of Ben's daughter and told Ben to follow Locke, Hell, maybe he is the smoke monster, and can just take the form of dead people) is the bad guy.

I don't think we yet understand the true significance of the original Losties. It's clear that Jacob brought them to the island, but none of them seem to know their purpose, and they have conflicting ideals.

Another thing that just popped into my head - Libby. She was on the island, and killed there, but she was also in the same mental hospital as Hurley, and she gave Desmond his boat (the Elizabeth). That's one thing they haven't explained yet.

Also, what about Claire and Christian, and what is there relationship to Jacob? Maybe they're allied with Jacob's rival, and they're evil.

Damn you, Lost!
I think that the whole thing is set up to parallel the Jacob/bad guy scenario.

Everything up until this point has been those two using Ben and Charles, then Jack and Locke as their opposing counterparts.

You see in the opening scene where we see Jacob, that his enemy is on speaking terms with him. There is a mutual thing between them. They have opposing ideas, but are bound by some kind of "rules of engagement". There's not open hostility between them directly.

I think Charles and Ben are the first to fall foul of this duality in the plot structure - they in turn are then using Jack and Locke as pawns in their games. Yet in reality, it's all being mastered by Jacob and his counterpoint.

The big question is this.

Did Jacob know his enemies plan and then use Jack to explode the bomb to cause a tiem rupture and to save himself?

Or, is this part of Jacob's sacrificing plan to make the other see he was right all along. We don't know their argument and it could be "these humans should be allowed our power because they CAN act responsibly". The fact that they defeat the counterpart using a feeling of good imparted by Jacob, may make this point.

I think that the inverse colour scheme is indicative of a change of the way we perceive Lost now. We were seeing it all from a good versus bad and now we're seeing it bad versus good (or the other way around, we don't know who are the actual good guys after all, Ben or Widmoore, or Jacob or his other.

It is fantastic that so late in the story such a huge, unknowable twist could be brought into play - it's really a superb bit of writing/design. We've been kept in the dark so long, and at the very moment we expect an answer, we get it - the answer being "there's a higher level of questions".

Brilliant and utterly frustrating!
I think the whole black signage on a white background is as simple as there just having been the whiteout from the hydrogen bomb explosion :wink:
Neal said:
I think the whole black signage on a white background is as simple as there just having been the whiteout from the hydrogen bomb explosion :wink:

Nothing happens, changes or is referenced in Lost without meaning - Sorry Neal, but I think you're wrong trying to simplify this one :P
Or it could be to throw you off the trail.

I think the whole thing is going to be related to the old gods like Anubis and Osiris. There were rules as were sort of covered, and one god could not kill the other a servant had to etc.

I am probably totally wrong, but I dont think that foot(leg) is there for nothing and its a big hint. It only had 4 toes, the same as the Greek god Anubis, Apollo and some others.

I still thing they are all dead and this is a battle for heaven and hell. people have left the Island in the past as they were bought back to life.
furie said:
Neal said:
I think the whole black signage on a white background is as simple as there just having been the whiteout from the hydrogen bomb explosion :wink:

Nothing happens, changes or is referenced in Lost without meaning - Sorry Neal, but I think you're wrong trying to simplify this one :P
I know that lol.... but I do think that perhaps that was just done because of the ease with which it could be done :lol:

You can look too far into these things, but as you say, with Lost you never know.
Just to say to Lain that the producers have said there isn't enough time to cover Libby's story, and it's one that won't be answered, at least not in the main series.

And there is no actual "red herring" fish in real life, but i like the idea of the (not so subtle) hints towards future developments that they love so much in Lost.

Meet the statue. Tawaret. Goddess of Fertility.. ;) No statue no babies no woman no cry.