Since I haven't exactly been about to post a report, here's one...
It was an exceedingly early start for me due to my location at Chez Nicky, and with the 18th being her birthday, her powers of persuasion to wake up at 5:30 odd in the morning so she could unwrap presents involved me sitting half-asleep watching...
Regardless, we got to Manchester Picc and our train left on time (which we were shocked by due to the multitude of snow which followed us south), and arrived just a few minutes behind... I took the chance to sleep on the train, as me and early mornings just don't mix well...
At Euston, Nicky topped up her Oyster, taking 90% less time that all the tourists to do so, and we trundled underground to Kensington South where John was waiting for us...
We played the waiting and sweets game waiting for Nic, Neal and Sue, but they were not to arrive, so we meandered down the 100 year old subway tunnel towards the Science Musuem...
STAIRS! SO MANY BLOODY STAIRS! After some faff and puppetry around that random globe thing Richard's insistence (supported slightly by me I admit) on playing the games at the Evil Overlord tables involved going up about 6 separate flights of stairs... It did not want for any of us rather unfit enthusiasts and the games were not really THAT worth the climb, but involved general silliness, broken controls and innuendo abound... Never did I think I'd end this year seeing John choosing the sex of his 6 odd babies...
Once we impregnated some extinct species (I had to bring back the Tiger, WIN), we decided that the LaunchPad area would be the next port of call... From my last time of being there, it was at the basement of the building, but they had moved it, to the 3rd floor... Unfortunately this still meant going down and then up, but a lift was chosen for our trip with much relief...
We faffed about in the Pad for a short while, Ian went to meet Nic outside whilst we did so... Around this point me and Nicky took it upon ourselves to start annoying Will (as many who have us 3 on Facebook may see our comments) including surrounding him on a bench and generally being amusing... It was very fun and I can imagine that more of that will occur and meets involving the 3 of us there...
We eventually left and then someone (I don't know who) decided we should walk to Winter Wonderland... What followed was an snowball fight of epic proportions, with vengeance occuring every which way... And Nic's snow-roll of epicness was just brilliant... Awesome hour or whoever long it was... Even if this began the Great Chase of Neal and Sue...
Once we reached Wonderland we faffed... This was a SILLY idea... Confusion reigned and we stood outside EuroCoaster for a very long time... Ian, Ben and AJ made a smart idea by going for some German sausage, and Fraser and Tom went on EuroCoaster... Kirsten turned up and then we braved the doom of the Underground to our next destination...
The Underground was HEAVING... It was not a fun game at all and ended up with 5 of us (Me, Nicky, John, Peter and Kirsten) being left on the platform for the next train, fortunately close behind... But as we got to Oxford Circus we met up with the rest before me and Nicky walked off to meet my Mum who had brought me a special bag...
John also had his sack of goodies after leaving the group in a pub, so we picked them up and walked through the streets of Soho (covering Tom's eyes) and got to the Spoon's...
Not much to report on the food... Burger was nice and all that, Neal and Sue eventually had joined us at this point, and as they were finishing food, Nicky popped to the loo, the perfect chance to unveil what was in my bag...
Yes I had this all planned out for AGGGGES and totally suprised Nicky with it... It was bloody tasty that cake as well... Wouldn't mind buying another one from M&S sometime soon...
After people had their cake we played Pass the Parcel... Which was good fun even if it never stopped at me

John then got his big sack out and we just passed the presents around... Whilst I got a Peppa Pig art set and Nicky got a Ben 10 Tampon set, Will ended up with a Poundland Barbie, which amused me greatly...
Alas, this was when me and Nicky had to leave, and we were greeted with vast amounts of trains delays, including getting on one train, having it cancelled then running onto another, stopping here there and everywhere and getting to Manchester around 11:30...
A bloody long day in the end, but bloody fantastic... I really do enjoy the London trips at this time of year...
Cheers to everyone...