Pink Panther said:
I aspire to be the "Green" more than anything.
I'm sorry but however hard you try, Green will always have the advantage. Just look at the way she is lounging on the bench leaving no room for anybody else. She probably did it on purpose when she saw me hobbling towards it. What a villain <3
Our final day of the trip started with a group trip to McDonalds, where we ordered European McDonalds using an Argos style serving system. Nic went to the supermarket to get a bottle of vino for the lovely lady at
Movieland, I went on a coaster mission I couldn't find any so a day of rationing was ahead.
The day started with faff. There are two entrances - one for the water park and one for the theme park. Unsure where to collect our discounted tickets, we went to the theme park entrance first. After queueing we were told to go to the water park entrance. Nic and I went to get the tickets, leaving the rest of the goons by the theme park entrance. It took an age thanks to their "Spanish Operations" (Spanish Operations is a way of defining irregular, un-cordinated and slow operations, as experienced at virtually every Spanish theme park, fast food restaurant, super market and car hire place).
With our tickets in hand, we entered the park missing the welcome show by about 10mins. This made Nic upset. Anyway, I adore the plastic fantastic facades. I do love a tacky facade.
Our first ride was the
Intamin First Generation Drop Tower. For about a third of the group, this was a whole new experience. I love them. The clunking noise they make as they climb up, the weird curve has it goes from vertical to horizontal, the generic theming. They're rather enjoyable. I particularly like the smoke effect and falling sign on this one.
As we moved deeper into the park, we had a choice of rides to do. We opted for the
Terminator ride which is like a live action arcade shooter. We went into the briefing room where we watched a silly pre-show film by one man and his tripod, before entering the arena.
The attraction consists of actual thing to shoot (such as robots) and a 3D game screen. There's fire, too. And we all love fire. At the end, the floor vibrates (what it it with the Italians and vibrating floors?) and it tips forwards. It's great. My score was pretty low but meh, I was too busy taking everything in and trying to snap photos. In 2001, they awarded the highest scorer with a red armband as a prize. They weren't doing it this year.
Everybody seemed to enjoy it.
We rode
Magma 2.1, which was a 0.1 upgrade on the ride compared to 2011. I don't know what you call these types of rides. It's like a safari ride where guests sit in a truck and are given a tour of a disaster movie set. It's all very matcho, with the big trucks, fire, muscular men and so on. Two attractive young ladies were invited to ride in the front seats with the driver. I can imagine the driver was being all cool driving with one hand on top of the steering wheel trying to impress the two tarts.
It's a great attraction, full of bumpy track, big explosions, water courses and so forth. Nic managed to convince some of the ride virgins to sit on the back row on the left hand side. She knew what she was doing

Let's just say that Attackhammer got very, very wet! He had the content of a "broken" water pipe pour all of him. Oh how we LOLd!
I did pay for the video which, unfortunately, is awful. It shows about 2 seconds of our ride (in terrible frame rate) and is mainly stock footage. It's not worthy of putting online because it's turd. Shame really because I would have LOVED to shown it to everybody.
As we chuckled over the amazingness of the ride, we took a trip to the arse end of the park where the two creds are situated. Everybody except me stopped off to to the
Speedboat thing. The Magma ride jolted me about too much so I wanted to preserve my spine. From what I heard, it was great. I'm sure the goons will tell you all about it in their report.
We briefly saw a Freddie Mercury tribute which made us laugh the second his Italian accent came through. I guess nobody should try to imitate Freddie.
Then everybody except me did the
submarine simulator. Unlike the one at CCW, this one is actually meant to be good! With water, panic and thrills. I experimented with a new thing on Twitter where I would put photos of members with quotes online. It's all well and good to hear what I (or "CF") thinks of a ride so the idea was to show that CF is not just one person, but has many people with different opinions. A quick photo outside of the ride, bung on a caption and voila! Mike, Chris and Dan were the first three to do it. Do you like this idea or not?
At this point, there were six major rides to do in the park (seven if you include the monorail and Pirate Ship).
So we did the
Big Powered Go-Gator! The ride op looked bemused. Whilst the cred whores got the plus one, I asked the ride op to keep it going for as long as possible. He said "half an hour?" to which I chuckled. In the endI think they had about three laps.
We walked across the pathway and did the
log flume. I don't really have much to say about it. It was mildly moist.
Looking at Diabolik, the new coaster at near the entrance, we were pretty sure that it would remain closed and spite us. Therefore we headed to
The Schwarzkopf what would be our last coaster of the trip. It's really tucked away at the arse end of the park, almost on it's own like a lonely goon sat at his desk at 3am in the morning pressing F5 on RCDB's home page to see what random coasters crop up. There was a lizard on the train who evidently enjoyed getting the cred. As for the CFers, they had several goes making it one of few coasters we rode more than three times!
With two thrill rides left to go, our time at the theme park was nearly up. Half of the group did the
Octopus and Coconut bouncy spinning thing. WTF?
We made our way back to the entrance, stopping off for a Drop Tower reride, for the final ride -
Tomb Blaster. It's one of those Top Spins with bendy arms. The water jets were quite fab and managed to get Peter right in the face. It's a great ride to watch, but not the sort of thing I like to ride.
So that was that. Everything was ticked off. Six of us went to the water park; me, Dan, peep and Vadge had the difficult task of entertaining ourselves in the park for a few hours.
We went for lunch in the dinosaur area where I had a steak and sang the Dogtanian theme tune. Bets of all is that we saw Green! Yes, the Judgemental Italian from Gardaland was at Movieland wearing the same clothes and judging people! It made our day.
Vadge checked her phone and received a Facebook message from Peter -
Diabolik was open! The six water parkers had done the cred so we stomped back to the entrance of the park to rid it ourselves. I was thrilled dot see Green there filming her husband but not riding. She blatantly looked at it and thought "I'm not riding a Vekoma Invertigo, instead I'm going to film my husbands pain." She had no regard for people in the queue behind her and filmed what she wanted without giving a ****. She was fab. Alas, that was the last we saw of her. I hope she is at a theme park today, wearing green and judging people. <3
The queue area is quite good. There are interactive boards that play sounds and give it that superhero comic book theme. It's very blue.
To say that the four of us were dreading it was an understatement. I kept myself sane by telling everybody that in less than two minutes, we'd all have a plus one and we'd never have to ride it again. Never. Ever. And then it started. I kept my eyes closed throughout the whole experience and thought happy thoughts length line of "plus 1, never gain, plus 1, never again." Ok, so it wasn't
that bad but it was easily my least favourite coaster of the trip. I don't like the ride position, the elements, the Vekoma jerkiness. I simply don't like it. Good points? The on-board audio and themed seatbelts.
That killed 20mins, so we had about 2 left to kill. We decided to watch the shows.
Flashdance show was turdio. "What is it about?" asked Dan. "It's about a woman welder who can dance." replied Nic. It was so underwhelming, even the climatic song at the end failed dot get my toes tapping.
We stopped for a wee break. The gents was being cleaned so I used the ladies. What a disgusting state it was in! Not only was it a hole in the ground, there were **** stains in the pan, loo roll everywhere and a discarded sanity towel wrapper. Jesus! Give me pube ridden urinals any day.
We re-rode the Terminator ride. This time I took my time and kicked ass. My unit was flashing all of the time indicating that I was the best shooter in every section. The lady next to me complimented me in Italian, to which I said "Cheers, love" and walked away.
We watched the
magic show next. It was terrible, but so terrible it was good. At one point we were covered in foam. The highlight was when they did a trick where the assistant was tied in a bag, placed in a padlocked box and the magician stands on top. He then pulls up a curtain, drops it and the two people change places. What made me and Vagde mega-LOL was as they lifted the lid, the trapdoor in the top fell wide open, relaxing the secret! They tried to cover it but too late, we spotted it. To make matters worse, as they move dot off the stage, it fell open again. I could watch the rest of the show due to tears from laughing in my eyes (and the imposing bass from the speakers).
The biggest show of the day was the
John Rambo Stunt Show. The usual affair where there's a big arena with water, explosions, a sexy lady to rescue, motorbike chases and boat chases. It's very cheesy but enjoyable at the same time. Nic and I decided that Rambo's full name was John Rambo Stunt Show which caused us to giggle stupidly throughout.
Thankfully time was running out and we'd only have to endure one more show -
the end of the day show. It was terrible. I had no idea what was going on. Thee was a priest, an old Italian general, some ladies wearing dresses and a barista. One thing Movieland needs to do is tighten up their shows. With the exception of the the John Rambo Stunt Show, they really lack grandure and excitement. I'm not the biggest show lover ever, but when I watch something I want it to entertain me in a good way - not in a "it's so crap it's good" way.
At the end of the day, we all met up by the water park where we sat around for a while watching Mike sing along to the Disney tune that was playing.
We said our thanks to Nic for organising the Live and we all chirped in with our own comments about the week. Chris got the biggest "awww" when he thanked everybody for making him feel welcome on what he described as one of the best trips he's ever been on. It's always great to hear positive feedback.
We made our way to the airport where me, Chris, Mike, Rachel, Dan and Fraser waited for our plane home. It was a quick yet emotional goodbye to Peter, Rach, Nic and peep as they stayed on in Italy for a few days after.
And that was that! The week of coasting and exploring Italy had come to an end. I know it's cliched to say it, but Italy 2015 was one of my favourite CF trips ever. All week we managed to stay together as a unit, not once getting pissed off with one another, no dramas, minimal faff and generally being excited to go on the next ride. I love big groups as there is a wider variety of people, but the cosiness of this group made it feel like I was more on a holiday than ticking boxes. It was also the first time I could take a back seat and not have to stress over anything. I immensely thank Nic for doing 99% of the organisation and both she and Peter for driving. It was great to experience it as everybody else does and now I'm really thirsty for Germany next year!
Most of all, big thanks to Rach, Peter, Nic, Chris, Mike, Rachel, Dan, Fraser and John for helping me to achieve the three things I want most from a CoasterForce Live - make good mates, having a carefree laugh at silly things and pissing about at theme parks.
Thanks for reading my take on this CF-Live. I can't wait to read the rest of the reports <3