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Liseberg Trip and Tale 4/7/2012


Roller Poster
It all began in a small house at the swedish countryside when a supportive mother and her coasterfanatic of a son took off in their dull Volvo. It was a cloudy but warm morning, all good set. It had been a whole month since their last visit, and so they were both very excited for the adventure that was lying three hours infront of them...

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Reached the park at 10:55 approximately. It appeared that the gates had been opened a few minutes earlier and since the day did not seem too busy due to other activities in the city it was several close-to empty gates to walk through. Previous years there has been very few ones resulting in a bit of a line almost regardless of the amount of visitors queuing, however since they had finally chosen to rebuild the whole maingate entrance, even great masses can pass through conveniently. Additionally we could finally purchase both entrance and the ride passes at the same window, instead of having to queue twice.

Well into the park it was a moderate amount of people, but since the rides were just to be started up the queue for the Lisebergsbanan (which is the attraction you reach the first from the main gates) were outside of the ride entrance. Clearly not worth the wait for what were bound to become a walk-on later in the day, so instead we took aim for the Balder-area (for unknown reason dubbed "Saw Blazer area at Wikipedia, have never heard of that or where they would have obtained the information, clues anyone?).

Balder had within three minutes managed to gain a 10 minute queue, however the small intamin accelerator Kanon beside it had a "0 minute wait", so that became the first ride of the day.

After hours of travelling and searching between train platforms, statues, trams and random blue steel structures the two companions were very hungry. It had been at least 3 minutes of wait when the Burger King they had finally found opened. They took their burgers to the very edge of the river and while they had their meal they pondered their surroundings...


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While it may seem small and short (well, not only seems, it is), Kanonen is one of my favourite coasters. Not exactly spoiled with intense coasters in the country it offers what few other ones here do, and the accelerating aspect is a bonus of course. If it wasn't so short it would probably be even my favourite in Sweden. The only other downside is the station queue, they apparently chose to continue onto the tradition they had with Lisebergsbanan to build really narrowly so you have to literally push yourself through the crowd to the front seats.

After three rounds it was starting to become a line even here so figured it would be the suitable time to move on. Skipping Balder and the other overrated ride of the area, Spinrock (a Zamperla introverted discovery flatride) we went on back to Lisebergsbanan, which had as predicted become the high-capacity ride with evermoving queue it usually is. Despite the amount of people awaiting to ride it took a mere 10 minutes to get on the middle of the train.

Lisebergsbanan would with my inexperience of coasters be classified the favourite. A really long coaster with speedy twists and turns close to the ground in scenic setting atop the mountain with a nice airtime hill and a forceful helix at the end. A bonus is of course the high capacity, four or five trains and barely any need for the ride operators to check the restraints = great.


Airtime Hill



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The food had left them content for the next few hours. Further pondering had made them realise, they were in their right element now, though the city were barely their home, and they found all the people and noise a bit disturbing. Wasn't there anyway they could let their fragile ears a bit of rest? It didn't seem like much of a hope but the benefit of the doubt brought them towards the mountain...


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After a few rounds on Lisebergsbanan it was enough for the moment, and there was no need to rush since the visit were to last for 11,5 hours (another plus is the opening times of the park, while it appears many parks closes at 18:00-19:00 or even earlier (!), the earliest Liseberg closes during summer season is 21:00, and that is on very rare occasions. Usually the closing time is either 22:00 or 23:00). Since Atmosfear (Intamin AG ring drop tower) was quite close that was to become the next attraction. Since the time was already about 13:00 at the time expectation was at least 15 minutes of queue, however it was a very convenient 5 minutes.

The queue for this ride is by far the best (actually about the only) themed in Sweden, going into the cellar space of the tower with dark paint, many different faint lights, flourescent lamps and equipment scattared in the ceiling. Additionally there is a rather pleasant and ambient station track with a low-frequency synth pad, usually mixed with the mainstream pop radio. Uncertain why, but since the track usually drowns out everything but the beat it becomes rather neat. The ride itself is very nice and calming, located at the very top of the mountain you can see very far from any of the seats. Quite a bit of journey upwards, apparently intimidating to most, usually the reactions provide great amusement. Only have ridden two, but while this one is taller I must say that the Fritt Fall at Gröna Lund (the only other park I've visited) is both faster and more intense, thanks to braking later.


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The wandering about and heavy weather had made them tired, so when they had reached a calmer area, which seemed to mainly consist of taller white, blue and red pillars, they figured it was time for an extensive 15 minute sleep. The noise of the pillars caused this to remain a plan, however a bit of energy had been generated so it was time to continue on. The amount of steel structures had considerably decreased, but still there was a huge wheel far infront of them which they had never seen before. Getting close, they were overwhelmed by the view....


New Liseberg Wheel

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Since the rides atop the mountain were open by now (opens one hour after the main park) it was time to ride them all. First we went onto the S&S giant swings located in the middle of the two huge helixes of Lisebergsbanan, which provides quite a spectacular view whichever side you choose to sit, also another ride with great capacity. After that it was time for another S&S ride, this time a turbo drop named Höjdskräcken (fear of height in swedish). Since the opening of Atmosfear this ride has been so abandoned the line is short even at peak days and since this was a calm day it consisted of about eight or so people, allowing me to ride twice very quickly. The ride has more of a "fright-factor" then Atmosfear to me since it is much more narrow and appear almost a tad unstable. Since it has been so ignored I have grown to become more fond of it since it's such a walk-on attraction nowadays. Hope they will keep it.

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In this area there was nothing but tall structures it appeared to the two adventurers, but now it was not at all far away. Rounding the platform of the wheel there it was finally a silent and serene forest/garden....




Believe it or not, we're still in an amusement park

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From one S&S ride to another I thought, but the space shot Uppskjutet has gained popularity again from being the tower ride with short lines for years, having quite a line I considered not worth to wait in. And so the day went on, wandering about, the park is not too big so there is no need to plan ahead much. Ignored Balder for the whole day, 25 minutes is too long for me to wait for it. Might come as a surprise to many, and the reasoning shall be explained. While it has become somewhat reknown over the years as a great coaster, to be honest I consider it to be quite exaggerated hype. Non-existant theming (except the entrance sign), lower capacity, unpredictable (sometimes smooth, sometimes shaky and rough) and nothing that triggers an urge to re-ride. Not going to deny that it is usually fun to ride, but if there is a thrill ride in the park to be skipped, it is this one. Of course that is only my opinion.

Overall wandering about in the park is quite a pleasure by itself, a lot of beauitful arrangements, very scenic at many places, many nice resturant, ranging from between ca $7,50 and over $40 depending on the choice of food (even the very cheapest are quite good meals).




Tyrol-themed restaurant




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After a very pleasurous and adventurous day filled with surprises, thrills, wandering and happiness the two companions found themselves on the night train on the way home. Farewell for this time, Liseberg....
Excellent, good to see somebody trying something different, even if it's for a park we don't see many reports for.

I do miss Liseberg, even though it's (on paper) not very good. It's just a superb place though, really relaxed and friendly and Liseberbanana I love. Actually, there's a lot there I really enjoy, even Balder. Kanonen though was dreadful, sorry, but I really didn't take to the ride and had a poo instead of riding it a second time.
Great report! I like how you made a story out of it :)

Where exactly is Lisebergshjulet situated? Is it on top of the hill as well? I thought they were just gonna swap the old one with the new one :?
It is located just behind the Spaceport (where Atmosfear is) in the "Lustgården". You walk through the portal on the backside to get to it.

That was what I had assumed as well but the old wheel is still there. To be honest the new one suits much better at its current location then it would have done at the old ones. At least to me. :fadein:

furie said:
Kanonen though was dreadful

I suppose there are many better ones and the tight layout causes it to be a fine line between intense and rough. Personally though I am happy it is here at all.
Yeah, I agree with you that the new location for the big wheel is really great, and since they are going to remove the old one at the end of the season then there will be loads of space at the other end of the mountain to build new stuff :)

Yes, Kanonen is crap, but then again you will only realize this when you have ridden several other rides like it. Depending on where you live then going up to the Oslo area (if you get a drive that is) and ride Speed Monster would be the easiest way to get to ride a quality Intamin Accelerator.

Great report though, don't really see many of them on here!
If you plan to return to Liseberg, then hit me up if you want some company or want to meet some other enthusiasts..
^&^^ It's nice to see some more swedes on this forum! I don't think we've ever been this many before :--D If I go to Liseberg in the future I'll let you know!
bergochdalbana said:
Depending on where you live then going up to the Oslo area (if you get a drive that is) and ride Speed Monster would be the easiest way to get to ride a quality Intamin Accelerator.

It is circa 7 hours by train and that is the only possibility until I obtain a drivers license (which won't be for a few years). By car though it would still be about 5 hours. The ticket price is quite high to go solely for the purpose of riding Speed Monster too, eventhough there are two other coasters as well. But that is always an option.

Ok, so you live somewhere in the south/south-eastern part of Sweden then, that would put Desert Race at Heide Park closer to you then, which also works to get to by trains if needed. But Speed Monster is easily better than Desert Race though.
Seems like you have much to learn, Tusenfryd have 6 coasters, if you go to a park you really have to ride them all :) oh, and yes you are correct Norway is a real rip-off.
I stand corrected, had forgotten about SuperSplash and Western-Expressen. Sincere apologies. :fadein:

Heide-Park is almost the double distance away, by bus it is 16 hours and by train circa 14 hours.
^It's a bit tricky to get to Heide by train. I've done it myself and wouldn't recomend it. It's both cheaper and faster to get there by car! Although I have to admit that it was quite an experience the last bit with the local train meandering through the woods and stopping letting people on and of at random places that doesnt even have a platform.. :p

I've never been to Tusenfryd (since there are cheaper alternatives) but I would assume that Heide Park is a lot better! It's a big park, with lot's of good rides and it's just nice hanging out there :) I like Desert Race and it's definitely better than Kanonen! Krake is an awesome experience and if you haven't done a Dive Machine before it'll be even better! Awesome drop tower. A couple of very good Vekomas. And finally, needless to say they got one of the best woodies in the world!! Heide Park <3
^ Yeah Heide Park is easily the better of those two parks, but Speed Monster is the better accelerator and Thundercoaster used to be brilliant, but last time I rode it then it was just a shadow of it's old self.

Anyway, back to Liseberg, how was Lisebergbanan and Balder running, on the opening day we had a little chat with some ops which said that they were already running cycle times that were really close to what they normally have during hot summers days. I have never had such good rides so early in the season, they both usually go really slow when it's cold. Maybe they have found some new grease or something but they were really flying and they might even break records now when it's warmer.
^ You spent 11 hours in the park and didn't bother with Balder even once?? Since I never really bother with Kanonen then I could understand this, but still Balder >> Kanonen.
Good to hear that Lisebergbanan still kicks some ass :)

I have no real idea on how the queue of Atmosfear works or looks for that matter, I have only ridden it twice during the preview and that time we entered through the exit, and all the other times I have been in the park it have been shut :(
I have to get there sometime so I can experience it in full...
Great looking report!

I would like to say that Kanonen is pretty dull as well.
Speed Monster is probably my favortie Intamin Launch coasters, and I been on a few of them.
Hope you get to ride it soon.

As said earlier, the Wheel looks great in the new location.

But really, no love for Balder???

I also really like the way you did your report, very nice to read!
Oh, and if you didn't know, everybody from Sweden, who has a Coop Med Mera card, gets free visits to Tusenfryd and Bö Sommerland all sommer long. I allready been 2 times :D
bergochdalbana said:
^ You spent 11 hours in the park and didn't bother with Balder even once??

Yes, it is really not a coaster that craves a re-ride for me and I had already ridden it this year when it didn't rattle much at all so was I content with that.

_koppen said:
But really, no love for Balder???

I shall not deny that it is a fun coaster if the conditions are right, however it is really nothing that triggers the urge to ride more than once, which is a bit of a let-down. It's really one of those ride that if you don't get to ride it this time, "oh well".

bergochdalbana said:
^ That was news to me!! I had a look on the COOP webpage and saw that there were up to 5 people/card!!
I can sense a trip to Tusenfryd is in order, anyone interested??

EDIT: Tusenfryd trip invite > CLICK

Yes, it's a great idea since it's free. And it's good it's free, because if I paid the entrance fee I would be seriously pissed.

When I visited last years operations were slow, but still manageable.
Both times I visited this year it's been under all critic.

I waited 4 circles for the Giant Frisbee and it took well over an hour. Thundercoaster had 1,5h line and they were running only one train. Pretty much same for all of the rides, except Speed Monster who had pretty good operations, but it had the same team both times I visited.

But the worst part is all the Norwegian teens the park is crowded with. Line jumping is a HUGE problem for this park.

So ya, it's free, but be prepared for the worst.
And when the park open, run straight for the Frisbee, and get the rides you want on it, because it's not worth waiting in the line it will have for the rest of the day.

But it's still an awesome park with some really nice rides.
^ Yeah I know, I have been there several times before, bit then again we usually go earlier in the season and have never had any real problems with lines/kids, still thanks for the heads up.