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Liseberg to remove three rides for 2016 (+ replacements)


Giga Poster
According to Looopings, Liseberg will remove three rides for next season. These will be both of the S&S towers and the smaller ferris wheel. The two towers are Höjdskräcken (drop tower) and Uppskjutet (shot tower). Apparently they will replace them with three new rides. Which ride types those will be is still unknown.

Source: http://www.looopings.nl/weblog/4439/Zwe ... cties.html

This is a good thing in my opinion. Both of the towers suck and they have a much bigger ferris wheel and drop tower on the same hill. I think the biggest loss is the interaction with Lisebergbanan, but oh well. Very curious what those other three rides will be, even though they are most likely just going to be flats considering the small footprint of the removed rides. Mechanica was fab so hopefully they can continue that trend when it comes to their flats.
This is good news I think as there really is no need for a park to have three drop/shot towers, especially when AtmoFear is so decent (or so I've heard). Hopefully, whatever goes in will complement Lisebergbanana. I guess they have a fairly limited footprint for the new rides?
^The starflyer is a pretty good idea. And since it would be located near the top of the hill it would get amazing views of Gothenburg. They might be able to fit a delirium in the place of the ferris wheel.
^ They already have a swinging+spinning style ride so I doubt they'd get that.

A star flyer sounds fab. That would make Atmosfear a bit unnecessary though, because the view is the only thing it has going for it.
The drop is so weak that it hardly adds anything tbh :p It clearly didn't forget about its observatory tower roots...
Ok, you might not like it but they're still totally different rides and the GP will get that.

Grona Lund have both and no one gets confused.
Yeah, I was more talking about my own selfish opinions rather than what would be a wise choice :p , but I agree that both can easily be together in a park.
Here's the first part of the new mountain, a victorian garden!

The garden area will include a big new playground for the kids as well as the old carousel that is being moved. The roundabout will take the carousels current place.

The playground and the carousel will not require any ticket or wristband!



Here's a teaser for the sky roller that will be announced on Friday! (The swedish text says "A flying adventure with a twist").