Giga Poster
According to Looopings, Liseberg will remove three rides for next season. These will be both of the S&S towers and the smaller ferris wheel. The two towers are Höjdskräcken (drop tower) and Uppskjutet (shot tower). Apparently they will replace them with three new rides. Which ride types those will be is still unknown.
Source: ... cties.html
This is a good thing in my opinion. Both of the towers suck and they have a much bigger ferris wheel and drop tower on the same hill. I think the biggest loss is the interaction with Lisebergbanan, but oh well. Very curious what those other three rides will be, even though they are most likely just going to be flats considering the small footprint of the removed rides. Mechanica was fab so hopefully they can continue that trend when it comes to their flats.
Source: ... cties.html
This is a good thing in my opinion. Both of the towers suck and they have a much bigger ferris wheel and drop tower on the same hill. I think the biggest loss is the interaction with Lisebergbanan, but oh well. Very curious what those other three rides will be, even though they are most likely just going to be flats considering the small footprint of the removed rides. Mechanica was fab so hopefully they can continue that trend when it comes to their flats.