Re: Liseberg | "Project Helix" | Mack Megacoaster
Right, to nip this in the bud (several weeks after it bloomed)
It's a bit of a grey area that the "rules" don't exactly cover. The problem is, if TPR have got the image and it's been copied in there from an "official news source" and not credited, then if we credit TPR, we're perpetuating an incorrect source. I think this is what rollermonkey was getting at, you credit the photographer as they are the real source.
However, we're just on a public forum, no money has changed hands and we're not professionals or academics (in terms of being forum posters that is

). Nobody expects a member to spend hours trying to find the root source for the original photo.
Essentially, the rule is there to stop people from claiming images as their own. As the image is watermarked, it's clearly somebody else's. In these cases, a link would be
preferred, so that at least people can backtrack, but not absolutely required.
We would ask all users to convey the same respect towards links of source sites as they would convey to us when using photos posted on here as a source.