CF Legend
August 17th- Canada's Wonderland!
So the next day we were suppose to go to my stepmom's sister's house in Toronto, but instead my dad said he would drop me off at Wonderland while they went there for the day. So we had our yummy breakfast at the hotel and then drove to the capital of Ontario. I couldn't complain about getting another amusement park in the trip! But then I got there and I saw the horrible lines just to get into the park:
As soon as I got in, which took about twenty minutes, I called my mom to let her know I was there. Well, she told me the bad news that both my hamsters passed away the afternoon before, so the whole day was wrecked for me obviously, and I was crying on and off for the whole thing. This is where I found out the sad news:
After I sat down and spoke to my mom on the phone, I went to ride Behemoth, but then I saw this:
I think I can wait until later to ride it!
Soo I went over to Skyrider, which I still think is a good ride. It actually has more airtime than half the things at Wonderland, and it's not as rough as some people say. I've done a Wonderland report last year so I won't go into details. Surprisingly it was a walkon though, probably because 90% of the park was in the Behemoth line.
Then I went over to Silver Streak in Kidzville which was a walkon:
I needed my credit!
Then, to get my last credit that I could get in the park, and probably my last credit of the season (which leaves me at 125), I went over the Fly and waited about fourty minutes to get on the darn thing, which was actually surprisingly scary because it made me feel like I was about to fly off the side more than any other coaster of that type has.
After that I went over to Vortex which had a really long line, said it would be about an hour, but it ended up only being twenty minutes with the entire queue full! Very efficient operations, La Ronde needs to take notes. Still a great ride but it did give me a bit more ear bashing or whatever you wanna call it, than I remember.
I decided to skip Shockwave, one of my favourite flats, because of the line, so I went over to Wild Beast, but not before getting a slushie because they looked delicious but were retardedly over priced:
I even had to wait ten minutes to get a damn drink!
The Wild Beast line ended up being almost half an hour, and I regret giving it another chance because it was just as horrible as my first time on it:
Then I looked at Drop Zone, which was CLOSED, so nobody got to hear my loud screams that day!
Ha! No ridey!
I decided to skip Dragon Fire just because I didn't feel like riding it. I went back over to the front of the park, and back around to Behemoth where I noticed the line was only about halfway full! Score!
I waited about half an hour then I boarded the back of the train. Great airtime as usual, fantastic first drop, the helix was pretty good in the back, and definitely deserves a spot where it is in my top ten. As soon as I got off the ride, the line was back out of the queue and remained that way all day, so I guess I got pretty lucky!
I went and did some Minebuster next because I hadn't been on it since my seventh birthday and needed to ride it again so I could place it properly in my coaster rankings. The line was about twenty minutes but I got to jump in front of about two trains worth of people because they wanted to make the lines even so they could ride with their family. The ride was very smooth actually, and though it didn't have amazing airtime, it is much better than the other woodie in the park, which is a disgrace.
Since I was just taking it easy, I just kept walking back around to the Vortex area where I decided I was gonna ride Thunder Run, just for kicks! I didn't know the line was so long, but it was only about twenty minutes, and I decided I really had to ride it, to once again place it properly in my rankings. It was actually a fun little coaster! A little bit short, but it was more intense than I remember it being, and screw it, it is a credit whether it's powered or not!
I can see you, Thunder Run!
At this time I was hot as hell so I went back to where the water ride was and waited the longest wait of the day. It was a rapid ride, and I waited about an hour for it, and I ended up barely even getting wet, so I made my way over to the chute the chutes and stood on the bridge, where I definitely got soaked!
I was getting a little tired then, so I went back to Behemoth to check the line, but it was still full, so I just went on Backlot which was a fairly short line at about fifteen minutes. Still a very fun ride, and I've always liked them for some reason. They're just good fun!
Going to parks alone is really no fun, so I just decided I was gonna do a few flats and head out. I saw the Enterprise was a walkon, so stupid me decided to ride it, and I came super close to hurling because I had just drank another huge slushie. Thankfully I didn't, and I won't ride that again:
Then I had bad luck with Riptide, Jet Scream, and Psyclone, all of which I went in line for, they brokedown, I left the line, and then they reopened right after, so I thought screw it whatever, it's almost time to leave anyway, so I went and bought a keychain and left. Here is a few shots of Psyclone:
And Wonder Mountain, which owns the Eiffel Towers:
So then I went out into the parking lot and left!
I had a pretty okay day otherwise though, I went back to my stepmom's sister's house, had a very big dinner, then shortly after I went to bed because I was upset about my pets and I didn't feel great. The next day we left the house around nine, grabbed some McDonalds, and I got home at about one on the eighteenth.
Overall I had a very fun trip minus the bad stuff about my hamsters. Ottawa is beautiful, Thousand Islands are beautiful, and I got to ride some good coasters!
So the next day we were suppose to go to my stepmom's sister's house in Toronto, but instead my dad said he would drop me off at Wonderland while they went there for the day. So we had our yummy breakfast at the hotel and then drove to the capital of Ontario. I couldn't complain about getting another amusement park in the trip! But then I got there and I saw the horrible lines just to get into the park:

As soon as I got in, which took about twenty minutes, I called my mom to let her know I was there. Well, she told me the bad news that both my hamsters passed away the afternoon before, so the whole day was wrecked for me obviously, and I was crying on and off for the whole thing. This is where I found out the sad news:

After I sat down and spoke to my mom on the phone, I went to ride Behemoth, but then I saw this:

I think I can wait until later to ride it!
Soo I went over to Skyrider, which I still think is a good ride. It actually has more airtime than half the things at Wonderland, and it's not as rough as some people say. I've done a Wonderland report last year so I won't go into details. Surprisingly it was a walkon though, probably because 90% of the park was in the Behemoth line.

Then I went over to Silver Streak in Kidzville which was a walkon:

I needed my credit!
Then, to get my last credit that I could get in the park, and probably my last credit of the season (which leaves me at 125), I went over the Fly and waited about fourty minutes to get on the darn thing, which was actually surprisingly scary because it made me feel like I was about to fly off the side more than any other coaster of that type has.

After that I went over to Vortex which had a really long line, said it would be about an hour, but it ended up only being twenty minutes with the entire queue full! Very efficient operations, La Ronde needs to take notes. Still a great ride but it did give me a bit more ear bashing or whatever you wanna call it, than I remember.
I decided to skip Shockwave, one of my favourite flats, because of the line, so I went over to Wild Beast, but not before getting a slushie because they looked delicious but were retardedly over priced:

I even had to wait ten minutes to get a damn drink!
The Wild Beast line ended up being almost half an hour, and I regret giving it another chance because it was just as horrible as my first time on it:

Then I looked at Drop Zone, which was CLOSED, so nobody got to hear my loud screams that day!

Ha! No ridey!
I decided to skip Dragon Fire just because I didn't feel like riding it. I went back over to the front of the park, and back around to Behemoth where I noticed the line was only about halfway full! Score!

I waited about half an hour then I boarded the back of the train. Great airtime as usual, fantastic first drop, the helix was pretty good in the back, and definitely deserves a spot where it is in my top ten. As soon as I got off the ride, the line was back out of the queue and remained that way all day, so I guess I got pretty lucky!
I went and did some Minebuster next because I hadn't been on it since my seventh birthday and needed to ride it again so I could place it properly in my coaster rankings. The line was about twenty minutes but I got to jump in front of about two trains worth of people because they wanted to make the lines even so they could ride with their family. The ride was very smooth actually, and though it didn't have amazing airtime, it is much better than the other woodie in the park, which is a disgrace.
Since I was just taking it easy, I just kept walking back around to the Vortex area where I decided I was gonna ride Thunder Run, just for kicks! I didn't know the line was so long, but it was only about twenty minutes, and I decided I really had to ride it, to once again place it properly in my rankings. It was actually a fun little coaster! A little bit short, but it was more intense than I remember it being, and screw it, it is a credit whether it's powered or not!

I can see you, Thunder Run!
At this time I was hot as hell so I went back to where the water ride was and waited the longest wait of the day. It was a rapid ride, and I waited about an hour for it, and I ended up barely even getting wet, so I made my way over to the chute the chutes and stood on the bridge, where I definitely got soaked!
I was getting a little tired then, so I went back to Behemoth to check the line, but it was still full, so I just went on Backlot which was a fairly short line at about fifteen minutes. Still a very fun ride, and I've always liked them for some reason. They're just good fun!
Going to parks alone is really no fun, so I just decided I was gonna do a few flats and head out. I saw the Enterprise was a walkon, so stupid me decided to ride it, and I came super close to hurling because I had just drank another huge slushie. Thankfully I didn't, and I won't ride that again:

Then I had bad luck with Riptide, Jet Scream, and Psyclone, all of which I went in line for, they brokedown, I left the line, and then they reopened right after, so I thought screw it whatever, it's almost time to leave anyway, so I went and bought a keychain and left. Here is a few shots of Psyclone:

And Wonder Mountain, which owns the Eiffel Towers:

So then I went out into the parking lot and left!
I had a pretty okay day otherwise though, I went back to my stepmom's sister's house, had a very big dinner, then shortly after I went to bed because I was upset about my pets and I didn't feel great. The next day we left the house around nine, grabbed some McDonalds, and I got home at about one on the eighteenth.
Overall I had a very fun trip minus the bad stuff about my hamsters. Ottawa is beautiful, Thousand Islands are beautiful, and I got to ride some good coasters!