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Kings Island | Orion | B&M Giga Coaster

But it didn't. Veiled references to mining operations in Cedar Point declaring "Number 5 is Alive", flowers being left at the grave of SOB, references to Racer as nostalgic. And... literally... announcing a car ride on National Roller Coaster Day (yes, even if it marked the closure anniversary of the old car ride).

It's fine that they trolled, but it's also... whatever. Far from a brilliant marketing scheme. The Antique Cars are fine, and I'm glad the park is making up for Paramount's stupidity 11 years ago (yes, would've kept the antique cars over Backlot Stunt Coaster, or at least had Backlot located elsewhere). But would have done the marketing differently if I had my druthers, and not worry about weird non-direction rumors - just focus on the core message of something old becomes new.

Are you upset about the marketing because you fell victim to it and now feel dumb orrrrr

The truth of the matter is 10 times more people are talking about it now than they would have if they’d gone down your boring route, and that’s the exact aim of a marketing campaign.

If anyone had taken notice of what CF do nowadays, and the fact there’s literally zero construction happened, they’d have known it was never going to be a big coaster. But nope, a little pile of wood on a grave and you get sooooo many people talking about it. Excellent marketing, 10/10.
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I think overall, it’s just announcing a non-roller coaster on National Roller Coaster Day. For whatever reason, that really irks me.

Looking forward, I would caution Kings Island that if something is planned for 2020, that they not let that rumor/hype overrun the opening of the Antique Cars. Scroll back to 2006 when Cedar Point opened Skyhawk; the headlines that year were talking rather about the mysterious cement footers that had been poured on White Water Landing’s former spot. You can lose promotion for the ride you just opened to future prospect; it’s not ideal.
They announced it on National Rollercoaster Day because August 16th was the anniversary of the original antique autos attraction leaving. At any rate, the only people who hyped it up, DESPITE the park stating that the teasers at Cedar Point were unrelated and employees stating the SOB grave thing was a red herring, were enthusiasts. Parks don't care about bull**** holidays beyond their marketing opportunities and enthusiasts who think the parks "owes" them something more than what they paid to get into the park are entitled.
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They announced it on National Rollercoaster Day because August 16th was the anniversary of the original antique autos attraction leaving. At any rate, the only people who hyped it up, DESPITE the park stating that the teasers at Cedar Point were unrelated and employees stating the SOB grave thing was a red herring, were enthusiasts. Parks don't care about bull:emoji_poop: holidays beyond their marketing opportunities and enthusiasts who think the parks "owes" them something more than what they paid to get into the park are entitled.
Don’t misinterpret my gripes as thinking I have a sense of “entitlement.” I just think they could’ve announced the Antique cars without random other hoopla, and done fine.

And doing a search of deals and celebratory photos on Social Media, it actually would appear a lot of parks celebrated the random, made-up coaster holiday.

Overall, only the Antique cars were covered in the press. There has been some mention of B&M permitting, but only in some articles. It still turns out that thousands of coaster enthusiasts following these seams of rumor are by far a minority versus millions of regular park visitors.
This thread is so extra.

It's a fun looking ride. We might get a big coaster in the future, it's not the end of the world.

(I enjoyed the park as it was anyway so I don't personally care that much haha.)
If CF gave both KI and CP a new coaster in the same year, that’d be amazing. But we’re seeming to forget that Cedar Point told us that they’re spending 2 years celebrating their 150th anniversary. So KI could get their giga in 2020 and CP could get their gigantic coaster in 2021. Also I noticed something last night that could support the fact that the B&M coming to KI will be a giga and not a wing. When Banshee opened in 2014, an invert turned 20 years old that year and that invert was Raptor. Guess which coaster is going to turn 20 years old in 2020...Millennium Force. Now some people could say that “well if you’re adding two of the same type of coaster in two chain parks that are not very far from one another, why would that exclude a wing coaster then?”. Well the answer is simple, when they added Banshee, it was totally different from Raptor because Raptor was built 20 years ago (plus Raptor is more whippy while Banshee is more spread out and graceful). The only similarity they shared was the fact that they were inverted coasters. The same would apply if they got a giga because MF would be 20 years old and most coasters at that age can’t compete with modern coasters. Gatekeeper would’ve opened 7 years ago by 2020 and while that is a good time space, a KI wing in 2020 would still be rather similar to it and let’s be honest here, wing coasters don’t bring in as much crowds as a giga would. Another thing, Ohio is about to become very competitive with this new complex coming to Columbus, so the idea that CF could start encouraging people to visit both parks is actually pretty smart. Strength in numbers and a giga in 2020 would really set the tone for what the complex is up against when it’s finished construction. That’s just my THEORY. I don’t know if any of this is true but this is what I believe.
To further support that theory, Diamondback was built in 2009... and guess what Cedar Point ride turned 20 in 2009? None other than Magnum XL-200, the world's first hypercoaster!
So we're never getting an RMC?

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They won’t follow that pattern forever. Once CF figures out TT, Railblazer, and SV, KI will get their RMC. I think it will be a RMC topper track though. I don’t see them getting a hybrid tbh. For their anniversary, they could try to beat Energylandia’s upcoming RMC and build something similar to Goliath but around 200 feet tall to make it the tallest and fastest wooden roller coaster. I know that they already have a lot of wooden coasters but if you’re the wooden coaster capital of the world, why stop at Mystic Timbers. Imagine having the longest wooden coaster, The Beast and the tallest and fastest wooden coaster. That would be insane to have.
They won’t follow that pattern forever. Once CF figures out TT, Railblazer, and SV, KI will get their RMC. I think it will be a RMC topper track though. I don’t see them getting a hybrid tbh. For their anniversary, they could try to beat Energylandia’s upcoming RMC and build something similar to Goliath but around 200 feet tall to make it the tallest and fastest wooden roller coaster. I know that they already have a lot of wooden coasters but if you’re the wooden coaster capital of the world, why stop at Mystic Timbers. Imagine having the longest wooden coaster, The Beast and the tallest and fastest wooden coaster. That would be insane to have.
I see... as long as we get an RMC, I'm happy.

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Ya'll are just setting yourself up for massive disappointment. Expect trash because that's what happens when you think the park is due something awesome.

- See me with anything SFMM does.

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Ya'll are just setting yourself up for massive disappointment. Expect trash because that's what happens when you think the park is due something awesome.

- See me with anything SFMM does.

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Well I mean it is a B&M coaster and while they don’t make the most thrilling rides, they’re far from trash. So either you think the document saying that KI is receiving a B&M between 2018-2020 fake or you think that B&M is trash.
Well I mean it is a B&M coaster and while they don’t make the most thrilling rides, they’re far from trash. So either you think the document saying that KI is receiving a B&M between 2018-2020 fake or you think that B&M is trash.
Well considering that B&M was doing work on the trains for Dback last year, I'm not convinced it's a new coaster.

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Well considering that B&M was doing work on the trains for Dback last year, I'm not convinced it's a new coaster.

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That’s rather small though and to be fair, the other companies listed before B&M are pretty crucial compenents to build something like, I don’t know, a coaster in terms of electrical things, pouring footers, building the station, etc. Also this document was submitted on August 7th. Not saying that you’re 100% wrong because you kinda got me at the DBack trains thing, but it just seems a little too underwhelming for something like this. KI is one of the CF parks that has been getting a new coaster every 3 years or has at least gotten something good every year whether it’s the antique cars or a new restaurant. As of late, a lot of people haven’t really been considering KI an elite park because they don’t have that star attraction that everyone talks about. Take CP and SFMM for example, they have multiple ones. Plus look at KD. It seems that ever since they got TT, they are now what a lot of people consider to be one of the best amusement parks in the US. A B&M giga that takes a big step from Fury (like what happened with Leviathan to Fury) is what this park needs. They need that top 20 steel coaster
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