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Kings Island | Orion | B&M Giga Coaster

^I have taken Astronomy as a GCSE (although I can't say that I'm great at it). I think I can see something that looks kind of like Orion in that image, I can't see Polaris (the North Star) as I can't really make out Ursa Major (the Plough) in that image that points to it, but I think I can make out Orion's belt. Image for reference:-


^It kind of looks similar. Although it is really hard to tell, it isn't a clear image, and it repeats itself. But "Orion 345", anyone?
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Also: That image has been doctored to make certain stars brighter. If I've got any astrologers (or is it astrologists) here, maybe you could pick out where either Orion or Polaris is. I didn't see Orion and I've no idea where Polaris is. If anyone can find one and not the other, name comfirmed?
You can see that the star pattern repeats itself. The stars at the very right are the same as the ones in the middle, and the pattern also repeats vertically. If you squint you can even make out the edges of the pattern as a sort of dark grid, as it has almost no stars around the borders.
This is a generic trademark filing, and y'all are acting as if they released all the info on it. These names can so easily be flat rides or simply nothing. Just calm down
TMs mean nothing nowadays, companies file them, left, right and centre for anything that may end up materialising into something. I mean, those two names are fine - generic enough?

I see these kinds of statements made nearly every time a new trademark is filed, and I'm not sure why because it's simply not true at all. Parks aren't wasting time filing trademarks on the off chance they might want to use the name at some point in the future. In order to be granted the trademark, they have to actually use the name in commerce or have the intent to use the name in the near future. For every trademark filed, there's a 6 month deadline for the company to file a "Statement of Use" (SOU). If they don't start using the name after that six month period is up, they can either file for an extension (which isn't free) or abandon the mark. Here's the text from every Notice of Allowance once the mark is approved:


Below is a look at every single trademark Cedar Fair has filed for "amusement" use in the past 14 years - there's only 3 marks that have been abandoned, one of which because the ride is now gone. There's also one mark (The Ledge) that they still haven't used, but they're keeping alive by filing extension requests every six months:


Our favorite mark, Centurion, has a great big asterisk next to it because they continually filed extension requests on that mark for nearly 3 years to keep it alive, before finally reaching the limit of 5 extension requests and having to abandon the mark:


So no, they don't file trademarks "left, right and centre" for "anything" like flat rides or small additions. Typically only major attractions get a mark filed; things that they can plaster all over merchandise and sell in the park, just look at the goods and services listed in any of their filings from the past 5 years for evidence of that.

Additionally, some companies, like SeaWorld, will file multiple marks for the same ride while they're still in the development phase. Usually this is to have a backup name just in case one of the marks gets filed for opposition, which has happened in the past. I wouldn't be surprised if that's the approach Cedar Fair is taking with these marks, as they're both super generic and common terms, so if some other company thinks the mark is too close to theirs and might cause brand confusion, they can file a Notice of Opposition and Cedar Fair might not be able to use the name.
But it is actually somewhat true - if there's a concept a park believes in and one that they are working on for the development of a new ride and attraction, part of that process is the ownership of tradmarks, IPs etc., you have literally shown that in the above with the amount of dead leads etc.

Yeah, left, right and centre may have been a stretch, but this does actually happen..?
Welp, been nice knowing y'all. Gonna go jump off a bridge before the fanboys start going Wolf of Wall Street pounding their chests and :emoji_poop:.
Looks like you won't have to.

Full layout has leaked and it's looking quite short. Seems this thing will barely be a giga and will be shorter than Leviathan. Congrats to KI for maintaining its status as the land of mediocrity!


Here's it superimposed over Fury's layout with scaling


Layout with Racer for scale


And compared with Diamondback which seems to be longer than this


Congrats KI fanboys this is what you get when you won't stop whining for a giga!
Yeah, I can't imagine that's a real layout unless it's a dive coaster. So short.

This is what they deserve.

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Yeah, I can't imagine that's a real layout unless it's a dive coaster. So short.

This is what they deserve.

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Layout is real for sure. It's from public documents and the plans contain annotated footers that match the track being produced at Clermont. Unless KI is lying on public documents to fool us, then this is what we're getting.
Don't worry, guys; I'm sure B&M will pack lots of moments of thrill into this layout! They're great at doing that, even with unassuming looking layouts; look what happened in the case of Mako or Valkyria, for example!
That does look very short. Almost, Dive Machine short... ;)

It would be a shame if Kings Island got a cop-out Giga, but a B&M Giga is a rare breed, and a good one at that, so I guess it's not all bad.

Curious to see a proper layout including the various elevations and things.
That looks to my more like a typical Hyper layout with a focus on floater airtime. But they already have that.

That's why I am still excited what elements they actually pack into that layout. It most likely won't be the best B&M ever (like I hoped) but it could still be somewhere up there.
I first saw this when @Pokemaniac posted it on the Parkitect Discord. Unfortunately from what I have seen, this layout looks to be somewhat on the short side. Hopefully, B&M can deliver another amazing crowd-pleaser like they did with Fury 325 and Leviathan.