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Kingda Ka's and TTD's 270° downward spiral drop

Do you think the 270° spiral on TTD and KK make the drop worse or better than a 90° twist or somethi

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Hyper Poster
Do you think the 270° downward spiral on Kingda Ka and Top Thrill Dragster's drop make the drop better or worse than a 90° twist or something else? Because I've heard a lot of different views on how the drop sucks with the spiral.

If you haven't ridden either it doesn't matter, just say what you think by looks/POVs etc.

From what I've seen I think it looks kinda cool seeing the Earth spin round 270°. What do you think?

This is kind of a question as well, but seeing as it has opinions involved too, I put it in here.
I think it would be better with just a 90 degree twist, just going off the fact that Stealth's drop is ruined by the twist.
I think the 270* spiral is to attept the make the ride less boring...i mean since I'm small I get a small float going around the spiral. Honeslty all the spiral loosk like ia somthing to make the ride a little more interesting.
Well, its different. I for one, happen to like it. You don't really feel like you are being pitched off the edge like you do on Millennium Force and especially Maverick, but yet, you feel like you are falling "out of control" down to earth. Thats what I think. I am sure other people will have different opinions though.

Jer said:
I think the 270* spiral is to attept the make the ride less boring...i mean since I'm small I get a small float going around the spiral. Honeslty all the spiral loosk like ia somthing to make the ride a little more interesting.


Nothing more boring than being launched to 120+ mph and going up 456 ft. Honestly, Ka and TTD could launch to 120 and make a big turn and come back and it'd still be one of the more exhilarating coasters on the planet.

I agree with Freak boy here, its a really out of control feeling. Its better than a 90* turn, worse than a straight drop.
Honestly, Ka and TTD could launch to 120 and make a big turn and come back and it'd still be one of the more exhilarating coasters on the planet.

True, because in my opinion, the launch is almost all that makes the ride.

As for the drop on Dragster, I don't consider it to be one of my favourite drops of all time, because I believe the spiral ruins it. The only part I really like during the drop is right before the spiral, because you're looking straight down, whereas when you're in the spiral you don't get a chance to look straight down, if you get what I'm saying. Also, right after the spiral you're basically pulling out, so it's not that great of a drop in my opinion.

So, I don't like the spiral. I would personally have rather had one that was ninety degrees, that way I could take time to soak in that I'm pretty much falling vertically, rather than just be in the spiral, not get a chance to take things in, and then be pulling out.

It probably ranks as about my fourth favourite drop of all time, behind Millennium Force, Magnum and Maverick.
I think the twist has a better feel then a 90º drop would but you go pretty fast that you sometimes don't really notice it.
Basically you're plummeting vertically from 456ft eventually hitting 120mph..... it's one of the most amazing things that anyone is ever going to do. Therefore the spiral doesn't really make that much of a difference. I'd take it over a 90 degree one probably purely because visually it's more impressive, not that the view is the number one thing on your mind.
I truly do not care.

It's the launch that matters, not the downward spiral.
Yes I think it would be better to have a straight drop then a twist. It would add to the scariness and make the view that much better. But as Hyde said it is all about the launch :D
youthink? said:
Yes I think it would be better to have a straight drop then a twist. It would add to the scariness and make the view that much better. But as Hyde said it is all about the launch :D

The issue with this is a straight drop would have to expand and the ride is already 25 million without a layout...more and it would cost upward 35 million.
It is interesting as Steve pointed out that though Dragster and KK feature the largest hill with 400 + ft., you do not feel any airtime of any kind going down, simply just spinning with the train, nudging into the person next to you.

It truly isn't that scary of a hill at all.
The spiral just makes you feel the ride is shorter than 420 and 456 feet
90 degree twists are boring IMO. Staight tophats (Hypersonic) or ones with straight drops with a twist in the rise (Stormrunner) are much better than 90 degree twists. Part of the reason is that it's hard to feel the heartlining on a 90, but it's plain to feel the heartlining on a 270 degree drop. I think that would be great. It wouldn't take away from the drop, but likely add to it. I can't wait to experience TTD's drop.
R92CP said:
90 degree twists are boring IMO. Staight tophats (Hypersonic) or ones with straight drops with a twist in the rise (Stormrunner) are much better than 90 degree twists. Part of the reason is that it's hard to feel the heartlining on a 90, but it's plain to feel the heartlining on a 270 degree drop. I think that would be great. It wouldn't take away from the drop, but likely add to it. I can't wait to experience TTD's drop.
yeah and the ride feels shorter with twists
lol sometimes kingda ka even feels as high as stormrunner
I like the spiral actually. Just a 90 degree turn on TTD or KK would just be strait crap.

But, as a few of my fellow Stratacoaster riders have said, the launch is what matters. Screw the airtimeless drop.
I do like the twist i think it adds more excitement to the ride. But i do wonder what it would be like to have only a 90 degree twist and drop about 400 feet straight down.

Even thought this is not the topic, as I played around with RCT3 one time I made an inverted top hat at the about 400 feet up. I think this would be pretty amazing being upside down at 400 feet. I would have to have some pretty reliable restraints for this ride.
xsupaxmanx said:
I do like the twist i think it adds more excitement to the ride. But i do wonder what it would be like to have only a 90 degree twist and drop about 400 feet straight down.

Even thought this is not the topic, as I played around with RCT3 one time I made an inverted top hat at the about 400 feet up. I think this would be pretty amazing being upside down at 400 feet. I would have to have some pretty reliable restraints for this ride.

how do you make an inverted tophat