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John Wardley to Work with B&M Once Again

Interesting! I love the wing rider concept :--D the only down side I can see so far is that Intamins version is a bit rough, but with B&M manufacturing it think it'll be just as silky smooth as alll their other coasters..
I, personally, don't find Baco to bad...

in the front row. The further back you go, the stronger your skeletal system needs to be.

A B&M version on the other hand may not be as bad!

I've also got to add, since when was Thorpe in 'Surtsey'?
If you read through the B&M article in First Drop Magazine 86:th edition on page 53 you will find it, it's a pretty small article so it shouldn't be that hard...

Who knows it might be a B&M 4D we are talking about, especially since the info is a bit vague...
andrus said:
Interesting! I love the wing rider concept :--D the only down side I can see so far is that Intamins version is a bit rough, but with B&M manufacturing it think it'll be just as silky smooth as alll their other coasters..

I wouldn't say Baco's track was rough. The problem with the wing rider idea is that due to it's very nature the outside seats will move more than the inside. Causing them to push unbearable... If B&M are looking to do it better they'd have to come up with something remarkable to make the bar the seats are on inflexible and also not brittle. Tough ask.
^Well obviously they're capable of doing it! The outer seats on a DM hangs beside the track, and those are still silky smooth.. The only thing B&M has to do is remove the seats above the track and they have a smooth wing rider train :P it's as easy as that! (well of course they have to modify it quite a bit, but it's still proof that it's perfectly possible to do!)
That horrific bouncing is what makes it a rubbish ride, if they fixed that I'm sure it wouldn't be that painful and maybe a tiny bit better.
More info about this...

Looks like Heide Park might also get a B&M treatment in the future...

Coastersandmore.de said:
Apropos B&M: 2011 könnte es bei den Schweizern ein europäisches Jubeljahr geben: Unter anderem scheint die Merlin Gruppe drei Großachterbahnen der Schweizer erworben zu haben, darunter eine neue Achterbahngattung für das italienische Gardaland wie auch den englischen Thorpe Park. Die Züge orientieren sich an denen der Senkrechtachterbahn Oblivion, wobei die mittleren Plätze entfallen. Stattdessen sollen die Wagen invertierte Sitze links und rechts der Schiene bieten. Zudem scheint auch endlich der Bolliger&Mabillard-Coaster für den Heide Park gesichert zu sein. Ein derartiger Ausblick macht Lust auf mehr...
Rough translation:
Coastersandmore.de said:
In Germany we have some Informations that the European Themeparks in 2011 get 3 New B&M Rollercoaster.
The Parks are Thorpe Park, Gardaland and Heide Park. All from Merlin Group.
They talk from a New Coaster Type, based and Dive Machine Trains, but with inverted Seats.
From the main page on www.Coastersandmore.de

But if Gardaland is supposed to get the prototype in 2011, then it would be more likely that the other 2 parks will get their in 2012, especially since B&M is already constricting a coaster in 2011.
And to me it almost sounds very much like a 4D...
Inverted Dive Machine?! Sounds kinda cool. It'd be great if Gardaland gets the prototype. All that park needs is a cutting edge, kick-ass new coaster.
Coastersandmore.de said:
In Germany we have some Informations that the European Themeparks in 2011 get 3 New B&M Rollercoaster.
The Parks are Thorpe Park, Gardaland and Heide Park. All from Merlin Group.
They talk from a New Coaster Type, based and Dive Machine Trains, but with inverted Seats outside of the track
Just to clarify :wink:

So it's indeed a wing walker design :) and might even a 4D as loefet suggests, great!

But to me it seems pointless to have an inverted design when the seats are already floorless and outside of the track.. Don't know what they're trying to achieve with that except for blocked view? Well it of course could just be a strange description of a 4D coaster ^^ time will tell!
About the Thorpe Park ride, I remember seeing somewhere, I have no reference, but It's suppose to be around 200ft, same height has Stealth.
I remember that as well but I don't know if it has anything to do with this ride or if it was just an old rumor of a mega/hyper coaster...
I read through the German text once more, and it seems that the coaster for Heide Park might not be a new design at all. The text is more:
Gardaland and Thorpe will get a new B&M Prototype, and then it finishes, oh and Heide will finally get a B&M as well...

Note, I didn't make the translation, it's one that I found together with the news of it...
Thorpe and a prototype ride?

Well, that'll be good... :roll:

Really don't know for a new B&M though, the idea of it being a 4-D doesn't seem... B&M like, and why would Thorpe get a Wing Walker-esque ride when they have Stealth?