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Is Disney Loosing It?


Hyper Poster
This comes to light after a recent trip to Orlando with my family. Apologies for the length, it’s just something I’m passionate about.

I suppose a more correct title would be "Is Walt Disney World loosing it?". I had an amazing holiday. It's hard not to in Orlando. There's all the rides and shows and holiday bonanza (with us going over Christmas), and the fact we're pretty much an enthusiast family means you're guaranteed a bloody good time.

But, Disney is such a special 'brand'. I can never refer to Disney as that, because it's so much more. I used to never like to call the parks at Walt Disney World theme parks, because I felt that they were so much more. This time though, it lost something.

First of all, there could be some personal factors towards this. This is our 6th visit to Orlando. I'm not saying that we've rinsed out the magic, that would be pretty difficult. We've been to California twice, and that place has so much heart and history that Walt Disney World can't have because everything Walt wanted it to be it isn't. 'One Man's Dream' confirmed this, as every single quote Walt said about the Florida Project was taking out of context to make it seem like this is what he wanted this land in Orlando to be like. Obviously Disney will never admit this. I just thought maybe, because now I know Disneyland’s passion, Walt Disney World lost something slightly.

The second personal factor would be our personal holiday plans. On a majority of occasions, we get to Disney, stay in a hotel and enjoy ourselves, then come home. This time we did a bit more of a 'tour' around hotels in Walt Disney World, and had some days in Sanibel for the Grandparents. So you could argue we didn't have the entire immersive Disney experience that we’re used to, but considering the reasons why I personally left Walt Disney World feeling a tad 'disheartened', they aren't really relevant. I'm just thinking of every reason before I start to point fingers.

So, we get there, everything's good. We expected to see a lot of cuts with regards to the recession. This was not the case at all. Maybe it's because we went at a very busy time, so they still got out all the street entertainers , but we have been at Christmas before (2004) and they had so much more general entertainment round and about than ever before. This was in every theme park. So we were pleased to see this was the case. Despite the general park hours being cut noticeably, the recession was not as noticeable as I had imagined. It was extremely busy and there, from a guests opinion, was no reason to believe that this was a company who was being hit hard from the economic climate.

Happy with this, our holiday goes underway. However, EPCOT seems to have turned into some sort of drunken target. I love a good drink. A drink at a theme park? There's nothing wrong with that. But when you are walking around a theme park with your family you do not want to feel threatened by drunken behaviour, let alone at a bloody Disney park. Walt himself never budged when his Imagineers insisted that parents would appreciate a drink after dealing with excited kids all day. He didn't want it. Back to Disney not sticking to Walt's beliefs, alcohol is now freely available in the parks.

Now I know drinking around the world has always been a common thing. It's not new. But the amount of drunks around EPCOT is. It's horrid to take the entire family in for Extra Magic Hours and be greeting by drunks in the toilets leaving the park, or groups trying to push in the monorail queue reeking of alcohol. This would not be acceptable at parks like Thorpe or Blackpool, but bloody Walt Disney World? With families with young kids waiting around, and families with old grandparents waiting around? Makes me feel sick, and I have never been disgusted at Disney so much. The family atmosphere was replaced with insecurity. Why would Disney do this? Only because they can charge ridiculous prices for alcohol I presume. After all, money is all that matters. It's the modern Disney way.

Back to the point that drinking around the world has always been there, again I know. But never before have I seen cast members walking around with trays of beer selling them to guests as they walk past. This isn’t at EPCOT, this is at the Studios and Animal Kingdom. To be honest, we never saw drunk people at Animal Kingdom (probably because it always closes early) and I don’t remember seeing alcohol being sold at the Magic Kingdom weirdly enough. But, waiting for Fantasmic they must've made a killing, because they were walking round and selling so much alcohol. I know if I was somewhere with my mates waiting for a show to come on, we'd buy a few beers and get a bit merry while waiting for it to keep us occupied, have a bit of fun. But not at Disney. Not when there's families and kids around. Again, I'm not against having a drink, that doesn’t hurt anyone. I'm against having drunk people around families at a place which prides it reputation on family joy and so called 'magic'.

Anyway, some other, not as strong factors also showed signs of Disney loosing it's 'magic' in Orlando. The Studios has a band on. A well funky band at that! I personally thought they were great, but the older people in my family just heard it as 'noise' or 'racket'. I also saw families with younger kids walking past making similar comments. Now, I, personally, was fine with this, A band that covers AC/DC, Bowling For Soup and other rock bands which are extremely funny are a brilliant addition for the Studios in my opinion. Maybe not at another Walt Disney World park, but Studios yes. Other people didn't seem to agree. I see it only fair I mention others opinions, as it's not me ranting, it's me stating an issue others were also commenting on. They were a right good band though, and if they at a Six Flags or Universal or Cedar Fair park they’d be awesome. The crowd just wanted High School Musical I'm afraid.

My final point was at the Magic Kingdom. The parade was on, so what do you do? Cut through the shops? After all, that's why the shops run all the way through to the end. Not anymore! Disney opened up a new pathway in which you leave through a gate next to Luigi's (the Lady and the Tramp restaurant, opposite the fire engine and where the parade actually comes out) and re-entered the park where the old Galaxy Theatre was (next to Buzz Lightyear). Now, initially I thought 'brilliant', Disney have realised the crowds are busy so they've opened up an overflow pathway. However, they used it way too much. They even used it when there was no need, and it was frustrating me so much. This pathway is a pathway marked out with traffic cones out across a car park. All immersive emotion of the Magic Kingdom vanishes. This is more of a Disney geek being picky I suppose, but the whole idea about it being a 'show' and Walt's concept of being immersed into different areas is totally contradicted when cast members are telling you ‘you HAVE to go through this walkway to get to ANYWHERE’. Even if you want to go to Frontierland, they tell you to use the walkway, re-enter at Tomorrowland then walk all the way around. Frustration when you have walked down Main Street when it has been busier so many times before. You can say you want to go into the shops and escape the flow of traffic, which we did, but you shouldn’t have to do that to get the Disney feeling.

You could argue 'well, the reason Main Street isn't busy is because they are using this walkway, they are preventing the crowds'. I don't care. the Magic Kingdom is designed for crowds, I mean, have half of Main Street walking in one direction then the other the other, don't tell guests to leave the park, then make Tomorrowland even more crowded because it practically becomes a midway. Not impressed. When it’s stupidly busy on occasion, yes. Not when there’s no need.

The biggest point is the booze. The Magic Kingdom point and the band point (even though I don't necessarily agree with the band point) are evidence of Disney loosing what they do best, providing quality family entertainment in fantastic, immersive surroundings. Not really immersive seeing cast members push large bins around when you're walking through a car park is it?

So this is my point. Maybe this should have gone in Trip Reports or Opinions, but I put it here because I really consider it an issue. Disney fans have been praising new bars at EPCOT, nobody really seems to see it as a problem. The booze, maybe Disney’s selling more alcohol because of the recession, to get a bit of extra cash. Even if this is the case, I'm sure they won't stop selling it after the recession because they know it's an earner. If this is the case, will we always have these drunken groups making people feel like their families are not safe at Walt Disney World? It probably wouldn’t be an issue if Disney Security actually did things. Actually did more than poke a bag with a stick. They see them walk past and just to get away from them, like everybody else, but surely it’s their responsibility to keep the drunken people in order and maintain the family atmosphere? If that’s not in their job description, it should be. If it already is, they’re pretty crap at it.

Walt always had a strong point of looking after the guests and they will look after you. Have Disney begun to abuse their power, knowing people will visit them no matter what? They don't need to shockingly surprise and impress people, they don't need frequent stellar attractions because they know people will visit anyway because of it's reputation. At the end of the day, is Walt Disney World loosing it's magic?
Wow, things have certainly changed a fair bit in the two years since I been.

The alcohol issue. I totally agree. From what I can tell though, it is something that the public were requesting so I guess they caved to the wishes perhaps. Still, I would rather they hadn't. I hate alcohol in parks because of the way people seem to behave.

Is the walkway issue part of a more long term plan ahead of the construction for the massive expansion projects or testing as part of the planning process? Maybe they are looking into opening up that area with theming and so on but want to test the theory. Just a thought? I certainly agree that a path across a car park is a very bad thing and no, I don't think you are being a geek for pointing it out. I certainly hope this is not a permanent thing.

Shame to hear that things have gone a bit awry. It is my favourite place I do hold some positivity though, considering the massive developments that have been planned. Things will be a bit rocky in the interim. Not that it makes it ok when you are on your holiday though. Its a bit like the massive amount of developments in California adventure. Its a dump right now, but in the long run it will be great.

Above all, from what you have written I agree they have lost sight of Walts vision and it really needs for someone to remember what "Disney" is. That is probably the saddest part of it all.

Fingers crossed that my positivity is not unfounded. If I do get out there in December I will soon find out!
To be honest, I don't think Disney can be blamed for the drunkenness. True, they are selling alcohol to their customers, but they're doing that to make money. Personally, I think that the people visiting are the ones to blame. They are the ones who buy the alcohol and obviously can't control themselves. It's a shame, because this is what America is coming to. The United States is supposed to be this model and a world leader, yet we have no discipline. How are we supposed to live civilly without discipline?

Also, I do agree that Disney is not the same as Walt's vision. They, like all other major companies, seem to have lost the idea that the money is important, but the customer is so much more important. Their quality is slipping with their TV shows, music, and a lot of their movies(in my opinion, but every now and then, they make a Disney classic) just to make a few extra bucks. I don't want to see Miley Cyrus walk around like a slut, brainwashing half of America's teenage populous anymore. They should go back to what they're good at.

Lastly, I noticed that Disney seems to lack in their rides. Yes, they have a lot of rides, but they're all geared way more towards younger kids than a teen like me. The only exciting/thrilling roller coasters that stand out(in my opinion) at WDW are Everest and Rock n' Roller Coaster. At Disneyland, half the number of parks, there's Matterhorn and California Screamin'. At Disneyland Paris, once again, half the parks, and there's Space Mountain, Indiana Jones, Crush's Coaster, and Rock n' Roller Coaster. It just seems unbalanced to me.
rollerdude said:
Lastly, I noticed that Disney seems to lack in their rides. Yes, they have a lot of rides, but they're all geared way more towards younger kids than a teen like me. The only exciting/thrilling roller coasters that stand out(in my opinion) at WDW are Everest and Rock n' Roller Coaster. At Disneyland, half the number of parks, there's Matterhorn and California Screamin'. At Disneyland Paris, once again, half the parks, and there's Space Mountain, Indiana Jones, Crush's Coaster, and Rock n' Roller Coaster. It just seems unbalanced to me.

It's all personal preference, but I can go to Disneyland and have fun on everything. That not only includes the coasters and other thrilling rides, but also Splash Mountain, Haunted Mansion, Pirates, Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, Autopia, Astro Blaster's, Grizzly River Rapids, Toy Story Mania, etc.

That is what's pretty amazing about Disney. Of course you'll always get the small percentage of people that don't like the rides and think they are geared more towards little kids, but for the most part everyone can enjoy them no matter how non-thrilling they may be.

You can look at SFMM's Thomas Town as an example. I'm sure toddlers look at it and think it's the coolest thing ever...but once you get to, I don't know, age 5...you just walk past it. Disney's rides are the opposite of this. They just never get old no matter how old you are.
Still, even considering other rides, it just seems like WDW is lacking. Now that I think about it more, it may just be that there are the same amount of fun, intense, exciting rides, but there are just more gentle rides mixed in.
Another point I forgot to mention is another craving for money from Disney, the dinner packages.

We waited three hours for the candle light procession, and once we entered the show area we found out this was because half of the theatre was reserved for dinner packages. Now I know this isn't something new again, it's happened for Fantasmic for ages. There it works. Two sections out of seven (I think) are reserved, then they fill the areas with guests when they're not full. You're not depriving the paying guests, yet privileging some. But this didn't work at all, and paying guests were waiting hours longer, and many turned away, because of the priority the dinner package guests had. I know they had paid more, but it was almost a necessity to see the show as opposed to priority seating.

This is also now the case with Illuminations. Our favourite viewing spot (in Future World, looking towards the American Adventure over the lake), entirely reserved for dinner package guests. It makes me feel sick that families are being deprived because of Disney trying to make even more money.

The point about attractions, I agree. Disregarding Expedition Everest, every fairly recent addition hasn't been spectacular. Living Seas with Nemo, Toy Story Mania, Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor and Soarin' are nothing more than screens. Not really the breaking technology Imagineers were once famous for. Now, compare this to Disneyland. Disneyland has so many attraction updates and rethemes to keep you wanting to go back. Walt knew there always had to be a reason to go back. Disneyland know this (Murphy, Haunted Mansion Holiday, Ghost Galaxy, Small World update and holiday whether you like it or not), so they always have reasons to go back. New attractions, updated experiences. Walt Disney World seem to get away with doing barely anything. They don't treat it as a theme park in which new attractions need to be made to bring guests in, they treat it as a massive multi million dollar earner. If it's doing it's job, why waste money building stellar attractions.

Another reason must be the resort factor. People will go for Everest, and naturally visit the rest of the parks on their stay. There's no need for stellar attractions at all of the parks, one will suffice.
The dinner package guest will always get the best seats and viewing locations thats the problem.

Disney worked out people need to eat during their day their so why not make sure they spend a bit more but get something for it. A lot of people probably have this offer as well where they eat for free, this is the problem when you do not stay in a Disney hotel :(. We did this for Fantasmic as we needed to eat and could not be bothered queueing for 2 hours before the show.

Now Walts words were something like Disneyland is your land and its for everyone, I dont think its right for them to lock people out so to speak.

Yes I would be upset as well if I could not view the shows from where I want to.

Disney are spending a lot of money on the Magic Kingdom, yes its not thrill rides but they really are changing it there quiet a bit. Star Tours 2 as well will be ready next year.

They need a new park really one for thrill rides, there were plans but it never happened. But due to Blackstone/Merlin they might need to do more now. Harry Potter Land will be a shock to them as Universal will no doubt push their hotels and offer a lot.

What you should do is write an email to the park like we did for California, if they do not know people are not happy they will not do anything about it. It does sound like a different place to what it was 2 years ago.

The 1st time I ever went to the Magic Kingdom I hated it and did not want to go back due to the lack of thrill rides. The 2nd time I loved it as I took it for what it was, Disney.
I think I will write an email, that's a good idea. Thanks marc. I'll just get all my assignments and things out of the way firstly.

Like you said, they don't know unless we tell them, and I consider this a big issue in terms of enjoying yourself at the parks in the way you should do at Disney. Out of curiosity, what was your email to California in regards of?
I got my email wrong I just complained and got nowhere lol.

Mark sent them an email as well saying what was wrong and what he felt could be done better for example a negative with a positive and they seemed shocked and will give us free tickets when we go back :).

We complained about the the dirty park and dirty loos plus broken things on the parade. It was like nothing major but small things that you would not expect from Disney.

You just need to be honest with them and they will reply with a thanks and let you know why them things happened etc.

The extra walk way thing is getting very mixed reviews on Disney forums some like it and others say it ruins the feel for Disney as you can not beat walking in the park and going up Main Street to the castle.

What I always liked is you walk through the gates and your in another world, to then get sent through a car park is not on. People seem to think the walk way will be worked on to make it perminant but know one knows.
You know, I never paid attention to the things like the alcohol and the walkway like bezz pointed out, but I hate the way the rides have been going lately. To be fair, I LOVE Soarin's simulated glider experience, but it seems Disney has taken the positive reaction from the fans about it and decided they can get away with making every single ride people in front of a screen.

That's not really the worst part, though. I dislike it even more when Disney cannibalizes good rides like Spaceship Earth and Living Seas. EPCOT of the 90's will probably be my favorite park of all time, back when SSE had Jeremy Irons for the narration, Horizons still existed, the Seas were the Seas, and the Mexico ride was...well, NOT what it is now, anyways. It wasn't particularly good before, but it's just bad now.

The other parks haven't been torn up too badly, luckily. Magic Kingdom did get nice refurbs with Space Mountain (from the looks of it; I haven't been on it yet) and the HM/Pirates. The biggest complaint I have is what they did to the TTC spiel; it's no longer as witty and quirky as it was. I'm going to miss the "forward-facing tentacles" and "Paging Mr. Tom Morrow" lines, especially. MGM I can't really complain about, either, nor the Animal Kingdom; although neither of those parks really had a lot of "must-do" attractions to be torn apart anyways.

The other main issue I have (besides the rides) is the "best-kept" secret of Disney. The DVC is about as well-kept a secret as Michael Jackson being dead. It's plastered on every single bus in the resort and it's featured in a dozen places around the park. I really dislike it; kind of ruins the Disney magic for me.

Also, as a small sidebar to close my rant; what's up with the TRON legacy monorails and the crappy glow-in-the-dark trinket carts? Not cool.
theyre promoting the new Tron movie coming out later this year. but as far as the money thing goes...its a business, and theres not much that can be done about that. the rides...its not Six Flags or Busch Gardens or a park like that. not every ride will be built for a specific audience..its for everyone and if it didnt interest you...dont ride it. also, i wouldnt expect much on their end as far as email goes...their policies wont be affected nor will anything change just because you had a horrible time. the most they'll probably do is give you discounts on things, they wont change rides, and all that other stuff. sorry for sounding blunt in my post
OMG, this has really happend!

Its a family park, they should let you have a drink if your eating, but not watching shows and walking around the park. I didnt go to EPCOT so I cant complain. But I also dont see why the families listened to that music if they bloody didnt like it.

The parks are supposed to be a childs dream, letting their imagination be reality, why are they ruining it, this is something I feel strongly about!

They cant lose all the magic, it wouldnt be Disney anymore :'(