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Hi All,
I know a lot of members on here use Iphones. Does anyone on this forum and in the UK have an unlocked Iphone and using any other network apart from o2? and are you having any problems with it or anything?

I got me one and its coming tomorrow.

Thanks JJ
I don't want to jailbreak mine, so I'm stuck with oPoo.

And it's an "iPhone" with small i, capital P. Thanks :D
The problem people have had when they jail brake the phone is updates, you will find it hard to install the latest patches.

Another problem is phone compaines all charge different amounts for 3G, so if your tarrif does not include it you will get a big bill. If your current phone does not support 3G your phone company will ask why you need 3G.

It really is not as straight forward as some people make out.

You should have waited at the iPhone is expected on other networks.
If you have a second Gen iPhone, they CANT jailbreak. Don't try it either as you get NO support from Apple if it busts.

Anyway, the iPhone is coming to T Mobile/Orange and Vodaphone in October as the O2 exclusivity runs out. Just hold out a little bit and you can have a proper one.
Yeah but even if it swaps to another network o2's package for £35 is quite good despite it being a lot.
Orange and T-Mobile only Erol, Vodafone are not getting it from what I read.

The real reason that Orange and T-Mobile are is due to them already having it in Germany and France.

They are getting the 3G and not the 3GS.
We got told in work last week that the rumours aren't true, and that o2's exclusivity is still on for another 2 years at least... I work for Vodafone though who aren't rumoured to be getting it at all so it might just be to stop us saying hold on for it to customers haha
It is still not confirmed Orange and T-Mobile are getting it either but its all over the web that they are lol.
Yes when they don't crash all the time when you try and hung up a call!

They look nice the apps are good, but as a phone no, even as an ipod no!
I've had no problems with mine whatsoever. I've made over 15 hours of calls, downloaded and used over 300 apps, use the iPod, surf the net and have not had a single problem. I have a 3GS.

When I looked into getting an iPhone a few months ago, I asked Vodafone about O2's exclusivity deal.

O2 will have the exclusive deal for three more years - 5 year contract in total.

What we will possibly see happening within the year is that the older generation iPhones will become available on other networks, whereas the latest model will only be available on O2.

It is the best phone money can buy. Don't listen to to what anybody else says about their Nokia's or Blackberrys.

As good as those phones may be, they are not as versatile, effective, impressive, fun and horny as the iPhone. People who say they're not are trying to convince themselves that what they have is better or do not want to be seen as "mainstream."

^I had no problem at all until the new update :( I might format it and start again.

I looked online and a few people have the problem I am having with the normal 3G one.

The 3GS has a better sound for the iPod part and other things are better, I will upgrade when I can thats for sure. I got mine 3 months to early.
Hi Guys,
Apple have said there are companies like play.com and amazon.co.uk who buy iPhones from countries where they are not locked to a network. This is called factory unlocked iPhones. What the companies are doing is legal although the warranty of the phone is only valid in the country it was made from. So if my iPhone does pack up then I have to go to the country where the phone was made and speak to Apple over there rather than Apple UK.

So if you want a legally unlocked iPhone, Then you have to find a country where it is illegal for phone companies to lock their phones to a certain network.

As for the iPhone for other UK operators, Yes this will begin in October but only for the iPhone 2g and 3g NOT the 3Gs. 02 still have the rights to that for another two years.
I've used one once. For some reason it wasn't that great. Maybe the batteries werent't charged enough.