Am I the only one who thinks airtime is ever-so-slightly overrated?
I mean, I don't dislike it, but I often wonder what all the fuss is about. To be honest, most of the time I don't even notice it. Even on some of the world's most renowned airtime machines - Nitro, Toro, I305, Dutch Goliath etc.., it's not the airtime that stands out particularly in my mind, just the overall ride experience.
I'm not sure what the proper name for it is, but I call it 'plunge time' - that testicle-shrivelling sensation you get when you're hurtling down a really massive drop. The taller, the better. The steeper, the better. Yeah man, 'plunge time', that's where the party's at!
So yeah, I voted for inversions, and I'm not afraid to admit it.