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There's lots of interesting yet heated discussion going on about whether or not Intamin fail at life or not. So here's a topic for it.

Some things to think about and get the ball rolling...

I don't think anyone denies they make some extraordinarily fantastic rides, but they seem to have more injuries under their belt than anyone else. Is this fact, or does it just seem this way? http://www.rideaccidents.com/intamin.html

And are miscalculations like Maverick's excusable?
Stealth and Rita are the only launched coasters I've been on and the buzz is brilliant. Thirteen is also groundbreaking so I think they are a great manufacturer.
I've heard Thirteen being called a lot of things... But groundbreaking is a new one :lol:

Intamin certainly have some form of inconsistentcy about them... For every awesome ride there's several average painful ones that they've built... The multitude of accidents and rides needing retro-fitting of some kind don't really help their point...

On the other hand they have produced some excellent flat rides (Tower of Terrors, Gyro Swings) and do break the boundaries slightly more with speed and height...

But speed and height isn't everything of course...

They're so varied it's unreal I think is the point I'm trying to make...
A lot of people praise their variation and innovation, but I can't help wonder if that's because they are only ever being compared to B&M, who are an exceptionally narrow company. Vekoma are surely a better example of innovation, risk taking and the willingness to try everything. If you look at Vekoma's portfolio, there are some down right ridiculous ideas, but they seem deadly serious about making them happen and do once they find a buyer. And yet, Vekoma get nothing but criticism from the coaster community.
They've built Tornad at Bakken which is without competition the worst coaster I've ever ridden! It's so ridiculous bad, it hurts, the bankings are wrong and it's an overall unpleasant ride. It shouldn't get retrofitted, it should be teared down (although it's brand new)!

Then there's Colossus at Thorpe. It's really rough although only ten years old. Thats ridiculous if you compare it too a lot older B&M's like Nemesis and Dragon Khan who runs a lot smoother! Even Vekomas like eg Big Loop i smoother. And then there are Furius Baco, Maveric, I305, the accidents...

But, and it's a big but, Intamin currently have two coasters in my top three, so they obviously can make some brilliant coasters too! I guess I'm trying to reach the same point as Nemesis Inferno, they're unbeliveable varied in their work!

But is it acceptable as such big company they are? Well as an enthusiast I dont care since I can pic which coasters I want to ride. But if I where a park owner I probably would have gone with B&M or another company instead. I wouldn't have the guts to spend so much money on an unreliable ride. Will it be a hit or flop? Will it be smooth or rough? Do I need to rebuild the ride entirely after a year?
Intamin has Colossus at Thorpe Park - for this ALL of their sins are forgiven! <3

*makes inappropriate noises*

Must wait 'til March to perv over that sexpot again! :(

(oh, and Piraten obviously, because it's better than Colossus, but I don't want to have babies with it..........)
Say what you want about Thirteen, but it HAS broken new ground by being the first of its kind in the world and will undoubtedly inspire an American park to build a similar design with a much bigger free fall drop.

Intamin agreeing to work on this new concept with Alton Towers is a credit to the company. I cannot see Vekoma being able/willing to incorporate something entirely new like this into one of their coasters.
Say what you want about Thirteen, but it HAS broken new ground by being the first of its kind in the world and will undoubtedly inspire an American park to build a similar design with a much bigger free fall drop.

Intamin agreeing to work on this new concept with Alton Towers is a credit to the company. I cannot see Vekoma being able/willing to incorporate something entirely new like this into one of their coasters.
Wasn't Vekoma the first company to come up with the idea of a track section that moved? The tilting mechanism used on Gravity Max. http://www.rcdb.com/1357.htm

I can't think of anything earlier which did something similar.

Also, Thirteen was inspired by Expedition Everest, a Vekoma!

Also, Winjas essentially does what Thirteen does. Intamin were not the first to make a track section that dropped, MS were.

Vekoma have unusal product ideas and willingness to try things they are renound for their willingness to do so and to allow parks ultimate customisation, that's why Disney keep coming back to them. Though assumably, Disney actually do a lot of the work on Vekoma's coasters themselves. I dunno for sure.

The only thing groundbreaking about Thirteen is that it was built by a respected company known for some world class coasters.
I have only ridden really one truly bad intamin (Kingda Ka) but thats a big BAD one.

My problem with intamin is their reliability, with the exception of Fahrenheit, every Intamin i've ridden i've seen broken, whether I was in the Q, or within the vicinity.

It really seems like most of their "innovations" only come after another company has done it, look at Fahrenheit, Vertical lift, beyond vertical drop, clearly this is rip on a Euro-Fighter (even though i've heard they ride differently thats not the issue) or even the Zac Spin, which somehow magically came after Arrow invented X.

I'll give them wing walker trains in which case another company is following them. But overall, I have a feeling that B&M will best them at their own game at that and end up selling more than 1.
Tom Green said:
Intamin agreeing to work on this new concept with Alton Towers is a credit to the company. I cannot see Vekoma being able/willing to incorporate something entirely new like this into one of their coasters.

And to add onto Joey's point, Flying Dutchman's are the first kind of modern Flying Coaster, beating B&M to the punch...

Saying Vekoma aren't as innovative is silly... Weren't SLCs the first Inverted type of coaster as well?
^No I'm pretty sure Batman was the first inverted coaster, and arrow made the first suspended coasters.
^Fair play, I wasn't too sure but still they got the Dutchman out first... Still renders his point about Vekoma not being innovative mute...
Forgive me but I said Vekoma as an (admittedly bad) example of another manufacturer, I am not anti Vekoma (note my avatar) and you don't need to list their resume of new projects they have worked on. I was talking about where a manufacturer has engaged and worked with projects that parks/designers already have in mind and they work together to make it a reality. Vekoma are innovative in coming up with new ideas themselves.

The point of my post was to give my view on whether Intamin fail at life or not...obviously I don't think they do.

I don't want to split hairs and you can state it was inspired by or is SIMILAR to whatever you like but the fact remains that Thirteen IS unique and required considerable collaboration between Alton Towers and Intamin.
Tom Green said:
Forgive me but I said Vekoma as an (admittedly bad) example of another manufacturer, I am not anti Vekoma (note my avatar) and you don't need to list their resume of new projects they have worked on. I was talking about where a manufacturer has engaged and worked with projects that parks/designers already have in mind and they work together to make it a reality. Vekoma are innovative in coming up with new ideas themselves.
Well, I stil proved that point wrong with the example of Disney who have gone back to Vekoma over and over because of their willingness to do anything and give the client total control, sometimes even childishly.

I don't want to split hairs and you can state it was inspired by or is SIMILAR to whatever you like but the fact remains that Thirteen IS unique and required considerable collaboration between Alton Towers and Intamin.
Well, Thirteen has nothing on even it's Alton predecessors Oblivion and Air in this respect.
Well, Intamin has built the top three coasters in the world (as according to the golden ticket awards). I mean, if you have built the top three, I think you win.
s15c said:
Well, Intamin has built the top three coasters in the world (as according to the golden ticket awards).

See, here's your problem, taking the Golden Tickets as true and not a load of crap...

Intamin are either awful or amazing. It's really weird. But, overall, they about even out.

They did make Rita, Colossos, Goliath... <3