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Ideas for Thorpe Park 2015 and 2012 coaster


Mega Poster
I know they are both quite a while away but lets post about we want and b*tch about we dont want to see :D oh and I know lc12 is a B&M Wing Rider. I do hope the 2015 coaster is a B&M flyer as I think a 156ft tall one with a pretzel loop with fit well in the park and would be a unique ride not just in the UK but in Europe (yes Air is a flyer but its a bit tame, still good though), What do you CFers think?
Personally, I wouldn't want to see another B&M Flyer. If another one of them were built less people would go to alton and air wouldn't be so unique. For the 2015 coaster i know it probably wont happen but I would like a 4D coaster. X2 looks amazing and now that Intamin are building Zacspins, I would say now is the right time to invest in one. Obviously wait and see if the one at MM is a success which im sure it will be.

Now to the realistic side of things....Seeing how there is only one standup coaster in Europe, it wouldn't surprise me if TP invested in one. It would bring visitors to the park as many people just cant be bothered to go to Drayton Manor, and anyway from what i have heard its rough and boring and i have also heard that B&M make pretty decent standups.

I doubt they would build a Mega coaster because they don't really have the room unless they made most of it over the lake, and then the residents would complain so i seriously doubt that.

So to conclude ,I think its going to be another B&M that we see at Thorpe Park in 2015 which is sure to please most of us CF'ers.
Benson1997 said:
Personally, I wouldn't want to see another B&M Flyer. If another one of them were built less people would go to alton and air wouldn't be so unique. For the 2015 coaster i know it probably wont happen but I would like a 4D coaster. X2 looks amazing and now that Intamin are building Zacspins, I would say now is the right time to invest in one. Obviously wait and see if the one at MM is a success which im sure it will be.

Now to the realistic side of things....Seeing how there is only one standup coaster in Europe, it wouldn't surprise me if TP invested in one. It would bring visitors to the park as many people just cant be bothered to go to Drayton Manor, and anyway from what i have heard its rough and boring and i have also heard that B&M make pretty decent standups.

I doubt they would build a Mega coaster because they don't really have the room unless they made most of it over the lake, and then the residents would complain so i seriously doubt that.

So to conclude ,I think its going to be another B&M that we see at Thorpe Park in 2015 which is sure to please most of us CF'ers.
yh I guess a flyer is not so good but another option could be an intamin hyper coaster like Goliath in Holland cause those are meant to be great.
don't you think a 4d would be similar to the 2012 coaster and a standup slightly outdated?
^^ I'd be a happy man with a Goliath clone.

The UK is in desperate need of a sit-down non looping 'big' coaster. We don't have any? Well there's PMBO and at a push The Ultimate, but neither deliver anything outstanding.
I wouldn't think that a MS X-Car type coaster would be out of the question. Sure, they already have a vertcal lift type coaster, and a launch coaster, but I really don't think the GP would care about that, and that is who thorpe will try and please.

It would be full of crap that the GP would love, not be as expensive as the B&M they have just purchased, and aside from Drayton, fairly unique to the UK...
pebs34 said:
Wood. Need i say more
a lot of coaster euthanasist would want a woody but the UK's not going to get one since the general public see them as unsafe thanks to media coverage of Blackpools wooden coasters derailing every couple of years. A GCI would be great or a duel like Stampdea which is my favourite wooden coaster (my opinion).
^Sounds like a great idea, give Thorpe a ride renowned for it's horrific reliability.

^ Yeah it seems like Deja Vu at SFMM is never open. My idea is maybe a Vekoma Stingray, nice and compact yet still a decent attraction that wouldn't detract from any other nearby Merlin parks.
I don't think that would be a good idea, from what I've heard the capacity's of them rides are awful, although a boomerang style coaster would be usnique to the park and from what i've experienced (Wipeout), they seem pretty thrilling, mind you Wipeout is smooth... anyway I'm thinking of what Thorpe have and don't have.

Sitdown looping coaster - x3 check
Verticle/More than verticle coaster - x2 check
Dark coaster - check
Inverted coaster - check
Floorless coaster - check (Inferno and LC12)
Launched coaster - check
Wooden Coaster - unlikely
Sitdown coaster (no loops) - X:/No Way Out and Flying Fish I guess
Powered coaster - check
Toboggan coaster - Now there were rumours about one of these a few years ago, and I think they're great fun, and would make a good addition funnily enough.
Boomerang style coaster - like I said, maybe a good idea?
Water coaster - Thorpe Park have alot of water rides already, maybe not a brilliant idea?

That's all I could think of, unless they can think of another type of ride, I reckon 2015 coaster will either be woody (maybe that's wishful thinking), a boomerang style coaster, a toboggan or a standard steel coaster, hopefully not including loops. I hope that narrowed it down.
^ I think a flyer would fit in well with Thorpe.

Merlin seem to have sister rides to each other (Nemesis -NI, Rita-Stealth, Thirteen+Oblivion - Saw, Raptor - LC12)

A ride similar to Air could fit in with the line-up. But also could be a similar experience to LC12, I'm not sure. I guess I'd love another B&M in the country, and the Europe's first pretzel loop)
Oh yes forgot about flyer, but then I can't see Merlin doing this, because that's really one of Alton's selling points, but if they do it would be awesome!
if the 2015 coaster was a flyer 156ft tall with a pretzel it would offer a more intense flying experience which Air hasnt got. Tatsu and Manta are apparently great fun and I can see the gimmick of them being used at Thorpe , "First flying pretzel loop and most intense flying experience in Europe", defo can see a b&m flyer and would also love one :D

EDIT: News flash for tomoz, lc12 is due to be reported to the committe at runnymede council and it has been reccomended for approval as long as it is no more than 126ft high, theming should remain the same as it has been said by the case officer that theming is up to the park
Well, the park is jammed with loopers so I would love too see a none looping coaster! I don't care whether it'll be a woodie or hyper/megalite, I'll be satisfied anyway! :)
andrus said:
Well, the park is jammed with loopers so I would love too see a none looping coaster! I don't care whether it'll be a woodie or hyper/megalite, I'll be satisfied anyway! :)
Uk parks have height restricitons :( and woody's are not admired by the gp, I too would like to see either a woody, flyer or hyper at the park for 2015
I cannot understand why Thorpe does not make more use of the water they have surrounding the park. A flyer would be good with a 150ft drop when all you would see would be water and then you pull up at the last minute and then runout over the lake about 4ft above the water.
pebs34 said:
I cannot understand why Thorpe does not make more use of the water they have surrounding the park. A flyer would be good with a 150ft drop when all you would see would be water and then you pull up at the last minute and then runout over the lake about 4ft above the water.

That does sound pretty awesome!, but merlin wouldn't want to because that would mean air isn't as unique. I think a hyper would take up to much space, i dont really know what they could have for 2015, they dont exactly have much space do they. Although isnt there alot of space where that farm used to be, maybe a hyper could fit in there, maybe a mega-lite??