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How would you improve each coaster in your top 10?

Rob Coasters

Hyper Poster
What's a minor adjustment you would make, to make each coaster in your top 10 even better?

I'll start:

Megafobia: Get rid of the slams that are only present in the back two cars

Olympia Looping: Remove the shoulder bricks to make it only have a lap bar

Icon: Make the off axis hill a straight hill

Smiler: Don't remember enough of this ride :(

Stealth: Replace the restraints to be lap bars only

Oziris: Don't remember enough of this ride :(

Saw - The Ride: Add some more theming elements & near misses to the outdoor portion. On board audio, maaaaaaybe?

Speed: Reprofile the track between the loop and the midcourse

Cannonball Express: Add some custom audio in the general area

Oblivion: Make a separate offload so trains always arrive empty to new riders to give the illusion of "where did those people who just rode go?"

One more to compensate the two nothings:

Goudurix: Retrack the two corkscrews
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Ooh good topic.

Steel Vengeance: The second inversion, the cutback. Yeah it's a bit too violent, can hurt if you don't brace for it. Swap for a barrel roll downdrop.

Helix: The final inversion. Bit slow and hangy. Swap for... I dunno, something else. Oh, and boost the launches a bit.

The Ride To Happiness: Wouldn't change the ride at all, just move it to another park. Efteling, probably.

Shambhala: Ditch the MCBR.

X2: Would probably just swap the restraints on this one for something more comfortable tbh. B&M vests, maybe.

Nemesis: Would definitely not fill the tracks with sand, that's for sure.

Untamed: Like SteVe, I'd change the cutback inversion again. Snatches a bit.

Top Thrill Dragster: It'd be open.

Tatsu: The end bit. Either make the post MCBR bit longer/better, or just ditch the MCBR.

Behemoth: Again, can't think of anything specifically wrong with it so I'll just go for the default answer again which is ditch the MCBR.
Let’s take a look at my top 10, then… let’s see what cherry on top I would add to each of my favourite coasters!
  1. Mako (SeaWorld Orlando) - Add a little bit more airtime to the post-MCBR section. The post-MCBR is really nice as is, with some nice banking and all, but maybe just one or two final doses of airtime would really put the cherry on top!
  2. Silver Star (Europa Park) - Smooth out the first drop to get rid of the slight rattle.
  3. Wodan Timbur Coaster (Europa Park) - I don’t really know here, to be honest… maybe make it a bit longer and add a couple more airtime hills at the end?
  4. Icon (Blackpool Pleasure Beach) - Add a moment of really good sustained airtime in there. I feel like a more sustained moment would work really well and contrast well with the more abrupt moments elsewhere in the ride.
  5. Wicker Man (Alton Towers) - Do something or other with the various unbanked turns on the ride. I’m not sure what you could do with the u-turn in the middle of the ride without sacrificing the awesome drop off of it, but I feel like you could rework the unbanked bit just before the brake run to maybe add another pop of airtime in there.
  6. Oblivion (Alton Towers) - Reinstate the full holding brake so it properly holds you instead of doing the staggering thing it does now.
  7. Montu (Busch Gardens Tampa) - I know the ride type doesn’t typically do this, but maybe add a pop of airtime or two to add some negative g’s to the experience?
  8. SheiKra (Busch Gardens Tampa) - Make the profiling of the finale after the splashdown a little more interesting. Maybe do an airtime hill or something?
  9. Blue Fire (Europa Park) - Reprofile the curved airtime hill just before the last heartline roll so that it provides airtime. I got absolutely nothing from this hill on any of my 5 rides.
  10. Mine Blower (Fun Spot Kissimmee) - Remove the Gravitykraft Timberliners and replace them with GCI Millennium Flyers.
1. Taron - I'd add a surprise inversion somewhere, like in Der Schwur des Kärnan.
2. F.L.Y. - I'd make the top speed a bit faster
3. Dragon Khan - Give it the Hulk treatment and re-track it completely, even if its roughness is kinda iconic
4. Shambhala - I mean, even if I'm not the biggest fan of hypers, I gotta admit the coaster is kinda perfect. But, I think I'd add a dark ride section before the lift hill to give more importance to the backstory.
5. Star Wars Hyperspace Mountain: Rebel Mission - Get rid of the Star Wars theme and go back to the steampunk theming.
6. Raptor - Make it longer and a bit taller
7. Crush's Coaster - Honestly? For the kind of coaster it is, I thought it was perfect. But I do think that the later part of the coaster could do with a bit more light and theming, I remember it being too dark and a huge contrast with the previous part of the ride.
8. Winja's (Fear) - Make it a Möbius Loop coaster that connects with the Force side. Block the Force side from view by constructing a wall/tunnel that inmerses you and doesn't let you see you're going through the station and inside Force's elevator, so you think you are about to go back to the station in the same side, thinking the ride is over... then a sound effect that tells you you have to face Winja's Force to prove your worth too. Thunder sound and bam, you start going up again. I mean it's Winja's Fear AND Force, not Winja's Fear OR Force!!
9. Colorado Adventure - I think it is the best mine train that exists. Maybe adding a huge animatronic? Just don't let it end up being Disco Yeti 2.0.
10. Black Mamba - The thing I don't like with B&M Inverts is that you don't get any visuals if you're not sitting in the front row, so I'd find a way to change that. Maybe let riders face backwards like in Vekoma's Invertigo model.
Steel Vengeance - What @Howie said. Get rid of that gross cutback.

Taron - Chuck a stall in.

Zadra - Add another lap, a-la Steel Vengeance.

Fury 325 - A couple more of those massive B&M airtime hills.

Dinoconda - An area after the ride with some beds/loungers where you can have a lie down and sort your life out.

Lightning Rod - I would extend the finale to run a bit further along the edge of the hillside. Or restore the original launch, but then I rode it in the weeks after it opened, so did get the 'full' expereince.

Boulder Dash - Can I just make it even longer?

Skyrush - B&M clamshells.

Voyage - I'd chop off the entire final helix section. Where the station fly-by is would be replaced by the brake run.

Top Thrill Dragster - Genuinely I'd change so little about this, it's nearly perfectly optimised. Maybe just get it operational again. :p
1: Walibi Belgium Murder Snake

Accelerate the growth of the plants and trees around the ride site so you truly feel like you're in the jungle. The near miss feel could be awesome.

2: Taron

Nothing, actually.

3: Nemesis

I wish it was longer, it still has more to give when you slam into that brake run. Even another helix or something, it wants to give you more.

4: Shambhala

One more big swooping air-time hill if the ride has the momentum to give it.

5: Oziris

More near-miss/foot chopper elements.

6: Ghostrider

Nothing here.

7: F.L.Y.

A flat ride to accompany it that feels like it interacts with the ride. The land is so well done but I feel like it is missing that one thing.
1. Mako - The final turnaround section over the water could do with a splash down effect (even with water fountains synced to the train as it goes round).

2. Shambhala - The first airtime hill to either be tighter or lower down to provide better airtime (more like the first hill on Mako).

3. Red Force - Have a slightly bigger hill going into the final break run to provide some airtime.

4. The Incredible Hulk - Tough one, maybe just get rid of the mid-course break run to help pacing (although I understand it does require it)

5. Montu - I'd actually shorten the layout towards the end. It feels like the last 10 seconds or so are spent just meandering to make the layout longer and the pacing does die down quite a bit.

6. Hollywood Rip-Ride Rockit - Change the lap bars/trains to make way for a more comfortable ride experience.

7. Revenge Of The Mummy (FL) - Jeez, this is another tough one. My only nit-pick would be to make the animatronics better. Other than that, it's the perfect dark ride. Going up in a few weeks time so will hopefully see what changes have been made since the latest renovations.

8. Furius Baco - As controversial as it is, I'd want the rattle to say. Maybe smooth it out a little, but not too much as that's what makes it a whole lot more intense. I think to make it more comfortable to ride, the OTSRs could receive the same treatment as Maverick.

9. Shiekra - There's not really much that can be done with a dive coaster. But it'd be great to see an airtime hill thrown in somewhere (perhaps after the splashdown section).

10. Nemesis - As Howie mentioned before, don't fill the track with sand😂 Layout wise, I'd probably make the overbanked turn after the vertical loop more banked and perhaps a little lower down to help it pass through with better speed as that has always seemed like the dead spot to me.
I don’t really have a top ten listed, so I’ll just list some of my favourites I’ve ridden that I can think of improvements for;

Taron - move the trims to after the two bunny hops instead of on them.

Helix - use the same launch systems that Intamin use for their blitzes, make the launches more powerful.

Shambhala - Remove the lift hill slowdown at the top. Keep it going at full speed and let the back row get yanked over that hill. It would also giving the ride a bit more speed over the airtime hills.
- Fire everyone in charge of operations at Port Aventura.
- Redesign the queues so it’s not a horrid sweatbox cattlepen where you’re uncomfortably close to other people. (These last two points can be relayed across the entire park tbh).

Silver Star - It’s missing the post MCBR bunny hops that the original design would have had (first design had a huge weird flat section after the lift before the drop, hence the very steep lift). Easily remedied by lowering the angle of the lift hill and you’d be able to fit another airtime hill in after the helix.

Untamed - Sort out the issues the brake system has with over-speeding on hot days.

Kondaa - Change the ride after the double down to actually do things worth doing, less pointless wiggles, more actual airtime.

Wildfire - change the wheels back to the ones shown in the parks original official POV. It hauled ass in that first video, and doesn’t die like it does in the latter part nowadays.

Nemesis - Smooth out the jerk that happens in the tunnel after the second corkscrew. Other than that, keep it exactly the same.

Ride To Happiness - remove this ride from Plopsaland and put it next to my house so I can ride it every day.
1: Hyperion: Reprofile the mid-ride hill to give another ejector moment.

Helix: Maybe boost the acceleration?

Zadra: a more sustained outerbank hill like on SteVe

Karnan: one or two more airtime moments and maybe a zero G stall.

Kondaa: replace the twisted double down with a mid size ejector hill

Shambhala: replace figure of 8 with a turnaround similar to the one found on Golaith at La Ronde

Taron: Remove trims.

Sheikra: Replace Helix with a slow heartline role

Wodan: more smoke and fire effects

Icon: somehow change the anticlimactic ending for something more exciting.
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Silver Star - It’s missing the post MCBR bunny hops that the original design would have had (first design had a huge weird flat section after the lift before the drop, hence the very steep lift). Easily remedied by lowering the angle of the lift hill and you’d be able to fit another airtime hill in after the helix.
I've never heard of this "original design" - do you have a picture or something? Sounds curious.
Helix: The final inversion. Bit slow and hangy. Swap for... I dunno, something else.

That's one of my favourite parts of the ride. It somehow ties together the whole experience brilliantly while also alluding back to the corkscrew at the beginning, making you long for more while also feeling content with the ride that just passed. It's a beautiful thing.
A lot of these are genuinely difficult to come up with if you stick to some level of feasibility and avoid generic things like 'make it longer' or 'add more elements', which is testament to why they're top 10 I guess.

Helix - Add a spinning car
Ride to Happiness - Sharpen the second launch
Python in Bamboo Forest - Give it a full train of riders
Jungle Trailblazer - Give it a unique name
Twisted Colossus - Launched lift hills
Skyrush - Change the final corner into one more brutal moment
Taiga - Improve the transition into the second launch
Flying Aces - Give it a backwards row
Eejanaika - Add fire
Wood Coaster - Open it more often
Let's see:

  1. Steel Vengeance - as mentioned, the cutback is the only minor tweak of an inversion design; swap to a more proper stengel dive.
  2. Voyage - MCBR delete
  3. VelociCoaster - let's get this puppy going faster than 50 MPH for the first half launch.
  4. Iron Gwazi - bump one or two lead-off elements (outter bank turn, wave turn, inversion, etc.) to the second half, so it isn't just meandering airtime hills.
  5. Storm Chaser - alas agree with @Hixee on taming the s-bend airtime hill on the turn around. :p
  6. Maverick - give us the barrel roll we always deserved. (Especially as the Mosasaurus Roll has now shown how it can actually be done)
  7. X2 - make the airtime hill do the same barrel roll as later 4D coaster design.
  8. Outlaw Run - Umm, honestly a bit hard pressed - maybe add a smidge more length with an airtime hill or two?
  9. Skyrush - return lift hill speed to former glory.
  10. Fury 325 - Add an Orion-style speed hill. Quite fun!
I've never heard of this "original design" - do you have a picture or something? Sounds curious.
Oooh, this is a fun thread.

1. Taron. The ending needs some stronger airtime. Like it's there, but it's not the best.
2. Taiga. Agreed with what was said above; a nicer transition into the second launch.
3. Untamed. The 4th inversion (I don't know what it's called and I don't care what it's called; it's an RMC so it will be stupidly named) is a bit eh. Another airtime hill would have been fine.
4. Skyrush. I don't know how this could improved. Would different restraints mean the ride couldn't be as aggressive? Who knows. Plus I feel like the bruteness of the ride adds to the charm.
5. Helix. More powerful launches.
6. Oz'Iris. It dies away a little at the very end, so something to battle that. Either finishing earlier, or just one final thing?
7. Balder. I've been contemplating Balder's ranking a lot lately, because I don't remember it all that much now. Maybe that in itself shows it needs a memorable airtime moment mid way through the ride?
8. Lost Gravity. This could just be longer. It's great as is, but yeah, just more of it.
9. Karnan. The ending. The brakes kill the momentum and make it disappointing. Ideally it should have more momentum there. It also is too dark, and needs some theming / effects.
10. Pheonix. The random tunnel at the start is weird. I guess that adds to the charm, but meh, something cooler could be done with that.
1. Helix - More powerful launches. Everything else is perfect.
2. Zadra - Make the large airtime hill next to the lift about 5-10 ft shorter in order to provide stronger airtime.
3. Iron Gwazi - Make those few turns after the stall just a little bit lower... and add a couple hundred feet of something to the finale.
4. Wildfire - Try to flatten out the airtime hill before the s-bend finale. There's not a lot that can be done because there is track right below it, but the train stalls out a little too much.
5. Steel Vengeance - Change the last four airtime hills into two larger airtime hills and smooth out the stall.
6. Hyperion - Make the tiny airtime hills slightly larger so that they induce more airtime.
7. Fury 325 - Remove the trims. Cycle the thing for hours before opening so it's always warmed up.
8. Expedition GeForce - Do something interesting with the ramp before the twisted airtime hilll.
9. Lech Coaster - Lap bars only
10. VelociCoaster - Make the tiny airtime hill before the mosasaurus roll actually do something. And just call it an inline twist or heartline roll.