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I can vaguely remember in primary school we had a sex education "lesson" (a video the teacher hastily put on before running out the room) and then chatting about what I learnt to my mum whilst walking home... So I guess my parents never really had to explain sexual reproduction to me.
Never really had one with Mother. She made a sexualised joke when I was about 10, turned to me and said "You understood that, right?" and that was about it. Unlike most parents though, my mum is very open about sex. In fact, people find it very weird as she goes into detail about her sex life and is open with all of us (me/bro/sis). But I've never had a problem with it at all and respect my mum for not being ashamed about it.
I never really had it with my parents, they were more like -"if you have any questions feel free to ask?" I did get this kind of book about the subject when I was 13-14. It was a new one and actually pretty good and liberal, but didn't really teach anything new to be fair. We had classes at school were things were mentioned quite briefly when we're like 14-15, however the boys and the girls were separate for those classes and I remember once the girls got out of class and they had tried on condoms on cucumbers in the class (which we boys never did), which I think was sort of funny (could also've been quite a shocker/downer for some girls in their first real-life sex experiences to be honest lol).
Also once we guys had our class in the computer class and the teacher told us just to google image search: some words that turned out to be the main std:s haha. Can't forget all the loud Ewwws and disgusted sounds lol, luckily I was a bit slow and judging by the sounds of it, and missed seeing some of the more nasty ones.
I think I was 9. I used to "go out to play" with the teenage (14-ish I think) girl over the road who, naturally, was obsessed with talking about boys and sex. She told me what sex actually was (and a few other things besides), but whilst I then knew the mechanics, didn't really understand any sense of context or the implications. I then had a particularly silly day (probably eaten too many E-numbers) when I saw a board game in the Argos catalogue called "Battle of the Sexes". Much to my Mum's embarrassment, I started giggling and going on about "hahahaha, sex! I know what sex is! hahahaha!" etc like the annoying brat I was. That evening, she sat me down and gave me "The Talk".
12ish? Right before sex ed week at school. They separated the school boys and girls and told us if we have sex, the first time you will get every disease imaginable, and condoms don't work, and then it will fall off. Also you could get diseases from solo action. It was funny.
I was about 9 or 10 and a random lady came round to my school to give us 'the talk.' The first question she asked us was 'what do you think i am here to talk about?' and a random boy said 'uhh sex' in a really innocent voice and everybody laughed for ages. I don't really remember much else about the day, so she can't have taught us very well. The only other thing i remember was her getting cross with someone for saying 'willy' :lol:
Ha, never. Well, not in the way I assume OP means, the big dramatic "talk" by your parents.
I did have it in school when I was 10. I kinda sorta already knew by then anyway.
Being in a good liberal state it was a real "talk" not the cliche joke we hear about "sex is bad, it will kill you with 9001 stds, condoms are the devils device" blah blah (though Im sure in many areas it is like that!) Pretty much just told us what you do, and have to be safe and all.
I think I was about 9. Same thing with the school explanation. I remember telling my Dad what we did at school that day and he asked me if I had any questions, I said "no" and that was it.
Me and my friends went through this stage where we thought it was hilarious to us the scientific term for the male reproductive system and used it for video games etc. this was in 3rd grade. 2 years later we all got the "talk" and the only thing we took out of it was the word taliwhacker
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