I bloody did need experience [/indignation]
I worked two years (15-17) as a shop assistant/electrical engineer at a video/TV/computer repair shop. I worked with their computer system too which got me the job at NCT (doing database work), which got me the job at ICI (doing a software audit and IT support), which got me the job at Tesa (doing IT support and network design/build), which then got me my current role.
If I'd never had that job at 15 working in the shop, I'd have never got anywhere. I remember trying to get work after leaving school. "Requires 2 year's experience", "Experience required", etc for simple data input work which is why I went to college. My education hasn't done anything at all to help me get work, but the stepping stones of experience have.
Sorry, that's a direct reply to that particular point Jordan. Generally I think that work, any work, is vital. I was very lucky and got work in an area that I wanted to move in (vaguely), but I know that when I got the job at ICI, I was up against better qualified people, but having they had never worked before - I had. So just by being able to hit the ground running (you know about arriving on time, appearance, colleague interaction, etc) makes a massive, massive difference. Cleaning toilets, serving burgers or programming artificial intelligence - it makes no difference. Work history is massively important.
Sorry, that went very serious for a deliberately flippant comment there Jordan :lol:
It's because I believe that work is important, but being smug about earning money on tips. I understand it all and I respect people who are willing to do any work to get on, I just don't agree with tips for it and I don't agree with being smug any more than I agree with people belittling others for doing "lowly work". Eugh, Monday mornings!!!