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How Green are you

How green are you

  • Eco-Mentalist: Completly obsessed with being as green as humanly possible - Doesn't drive/drives a G

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Enviromentalist: Tries to lead as green a life as possible - Drives a Toyota Prius/other hybrid

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Financial-Enviromentalist - Tries to cut back on C02 for financial reasons - drives a very efficient

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Semi-Enviromentalist - Flicks off a light switch if it is left on - drives a normal car

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Interested - Cares about the enviroment, but not enough to make any real sacrifices/changes - drives

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not interested - Meh. Nothing I can do about it. - drives a sporty hatchback

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
This thread reminds me of Blaze's GLOBAL WARMING IS A ****ING MYTH! thread.

Which was the funniest thread ever. Remember DIE-sel and the communist bus? :lol:

Anyway, I am quite green, I only sit in a car maybe once a month and i walk everywhere. I turn things off and I recycle!

It all depends what mood I am in.

All glass goes in the class bin so that get sorted out.

Paper goes in the special bag the council send when they can be bothered.

All my kitchen stuff is A grade but that was to save money.

So yeah I do suppose I am mainly green but if it cost me more I would not be.
I recycle, but otherwise I'm not interested - Meh. Nothing I can do about it. - drives a sporty hatchback.
Couldn't really care really.

I drive about 50 miles a day, and often zip up and down the country every few weekends to events and theme parks, burning up a lot of fuel. Last year I went on 16 commercial plane flights, some of which were long haul. I also end up burning quite a few kg's of coal every day at work. My carbon footprint must be huge. :lol:

My family do recycle though, but that's about as far as we go.
Considering that global warming has been blown way out of proportion and that the climate would be warming anyway.. Bugger it.
I probably fall closest to the 'interested' category. I do drive, quite a lot, but I do recycle when I remember to etc. I'm aware of everything, but I'll mainly do stuff for personal reasons. It seems logical to me to recycle stuff and try and reuse it. My car's reasonably efficient, but if I had the money, I don't think i'd hesitate in getting a nice sportscar. I like my cars and I probably wouldn't let a car's efficiency be a deciding factor.
Sorry, but a picture of a polar bear adrift on an iceburg is not going to stop me getting on a plane at every conceivable opportunity.
I'm interested.

We drive two cars that are not particularly eco-friendly, yet they are not super-cars by any stretch of the imagination. My dad has the sport upgrade on his car, and my mum has a 1.4 model Polo (2000 model).

I'm only interested because Eco-Design is going to be where all the money is in the future. LEt's face it, **** the environment, it's all about the **** loads of cash!
annwndog said:
The planet can go <img> it's self.

Drink alochol,loads of it.Then you wont give a <img>

Try saying that when the planet falls apart :roll:

I try very hard to cut down on C02. . . . . . .
There should be an extra category beong not interested, simply names after me. Forget sporty hatchback, it's more of a Koenegstigabbasiggvikingsiiggggsigg or whatever they are called (I can dream can't I!). Most people who care about the environment actually know bugger-all about it. Die-sel is worse than petrol for pollutants, and have you seen how much fossil fuel is made making a Pious? G-Wizzes and Piouses use electricity, which comes from a power plant, Hm.... and hybrids still use fuel. The only decent hybrids are ones like the GM Volt coming over here in a few years, if Vauxhall manage to survive. Plus, the Pious is actually not economical at all, as proven on Top Gear, at normal speeds, a BMW M5 is more economical. And try surviving a crash in a G-Wizz...nother thing I don't like is all the stuff about carbon footprints. 1. We all make carbon dioxide everytime we breath out. 2. If we use the communist bus we are producing lots of pollutants from it's die-sel engines, so how is it reducing carbon footprint just because you are with a bunch of tramps and wierdos? If anything, you are making it worse, as the more people on board a vehicle, the more fuel it needs to propel the extra weight.
We will all be long dead and have no controll over anything anyway, whats the point.
I could go on, if you really want...
Blaze said:
Most people who care about the environment actually know bugger-all about it.
As do most of the people who completely dismiss that anything's happening.
Blaze said:
Die-sel is worse than petrol for pollutants,
In terms of hydrocarbon (CO2, carbon monoxide) emmissions, diesels are actually better. The only place they fall flat are in nitrogen oxide emmissions, but that's only compared with petrol cars with catalytic converters in the exhaust.
Blaze said:
the Pious is actually not economical at all, as proven on Top Gear,
Because Top Gear is obviously the most reliable information source on the subject of the environment. Not at all biased. :roll:
Blaze said:
2. If we use the communist bus we are producing lots of pollutants from it's die-sel engines,
Well, use the normal bus then. And stop spelling diesel with a hyphen. Buses run whether people ride them or not, and will continue to produce exhaust gases. The difference of one person riding a bus is smaller than taking an entire car somewhere.
Blaze said:
We will all be long dead and have no controll over anything anyway, whats the point.
Well, it saves you money. You may not care so much now, but at some point in life, you'll be thankful you drive an efficient diesel.
Blaze said:
I could go on, if you really want...
Unless you plan to do some proper research from proper unbiased sources, then no. Just, no.

For the record, I don't really care loads about the environment. When I'm being self sufficient, I'll probably do all this green stuff for the sake of saving money though.
Tbh, I can't believe how many of you on here don't actually care at all...

Well there's no actual hope if that's the attitude of most people. You can go around saying it's a myth, or I'll be dead by then... well what use is it, to say something like that, when there will be still people living on the earth? I think it's something totally selfish to say.

Anyhow you can guess that I'm pretty concerned about being 'green' and the enviroment, as should everyone else, i mean for god sake, you all live on this planet right?

I am geniunly suprised on some of the attitudes on here... It's worrying.
supersion said:
You can go around saying it's a myth, or I'll be dead by then... well what use is it, to say something like that, when there will be still people living on the earth? I think it's something totally selfish to say.

Global Warming itself isn't the myth. Yes the world is getting warmer (This is undeniable fact) however I beleive that it is not down to CO2 nor any other type of human pollution which is causing this. The Earth's temperature has always fluctuated. There was a mini ice age within the Victorian Era for Gods Sake! Global Warming is a problem however we should be researching into other methods of stopping this rather then wasting our time reducing CO2 emissions which are clearly not related to the problem.

What is selfish is the amount of money we spend trying to slow the rate of Global Warming (via reducing CO2 emissions) when we could be giving it to those in need such as those who live in poverty without even the basics to survive.

There are people on this planet now that need help and in my opinion these should be first priority rather then future generations. What's the point in being 'green' when we can't even save the current generations.
Way before the Victorian age, the "mini ice age" occured around the 1400-1600's.

Everyone says that global warming is causing more flooding etc.. Completely not true! It's just that in the past 50 years or so we've built comminities in more risk prone areas without adequate emergancy response, evacuation plans etc.

^ Completely agree with you on the whole spending money front, there are still so many people in the UK (let alone the world) who still live in poverty. In the 21st century in a developed country you'd atleast think we could make sure everyone has a comfortable life before worrying about how much CO2 we're pumping out.
Theres a funny one going around now saying that there were 6 times as many natural disasters in 2005 than 1995 or similar years to those, and that means we are killing the earth. I never knew man-made pollution caused earthquakes. They take us for idiots, we have just came out of a mini ice age and are heading for another pretty soon, yet they say we have months to act before we heat the earth to death or something. CO2 is the one they are yelling about not because it is the worst, but because it rolls off the tongue easier, NOx and Sulphur are worse, and if we do stop producing CO2, all the trees will die, and with bo trees, we will die, so the people in charge don't actually know what they are on about. CO2 is a greenhouse gas, but we produce it naturally ourselves, and most of it is stored in water, (which is a greenhouse gas itself) so are the governments going to wage war on breathing and water now?
We should, as has been pointed out, spend money on people, rather than on something we have no control over.

And no, I will not stop spelling the fuel of Satan with a hyphen.

The Top Gear test was not biased, they drove at normal speed around their track, and the M5 had considerably better fuel economy. The Pious was even behind the M5, as I remember, so it had the slipstream to its advantage. TG hate it not because it is a hybrid, but because of how bad a car it is and how unfriendly it actually is, do you know how much fossil fuel is used making the bateries alone? The fact they seriously claim the FCX Clarity is the most important car ever proves that they do want clean cars and are not biased against replacing fossil fuel, although it must be pointed out to them that water vapour is a greenhouse gas aswell!
Blaze said:
, and if we do stop producing CO2, all the trees will die, and with bo trees, we will die, so the people in charge don't actually know what they are on about. CO2 is a greenhouse gas, but we produce it naturally ourselves,

You have just taken over Stephen for the UTTER FAIL award.

Trees will die if we stop producing CO2? So how did they survive for hundreds of millions of years before Humans even came close to existing then?

I'm starting to think your IQ matches your real age.. And we're talking less than 10 here.