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Horror coasters


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On ThemeParks-UK, it says this:

SAW - The Ride is the world's first ever horror movie-themed

This doesn't sound right to me.

Does anyone know if it is?
I think it is. There's lots of horror themed rides but not any horror themed coasters. At least not to this scale.
Well, I'd be inclined to call the Mummy somewhat 'horror themed'. The films are sort of a mix of action and horror (if you look at the first one, I'd argue moments of horror exist, like the part where the guy loses his glasses) and I'd say the rides play off this element more than they do the action film element (you know, skeletons, curses and mummies...?).

But, that would be an easy one for Thorpe to "gloss over" since it's not "pure" horror.
Well the Mummy has always been classed as a Thriller movie so I'm guessing that is why Thorpe found the niche.
Ah yes, The Mummy is in fact a Disney Pixar cartoon. Imhotep is, actually, despite the name of the film, a bunny.

Of course, how could I have forgotten that...

The Mummy (especially and in particular, the first one), is a blend of thriller, horror and action (I'm just repeating my first post again, but...). You compare it to films which are along a similar line, such as the Indiana Jones films, and you can see it is similar to those sort of films in some ideas, but, with the 'horror' cranked up a notch. It's NOT an out-and-out horror film (I never said it was, and again, I've made this point), but, it DOES contain elements of horror (it's listed on IMDB as one of the film's genres, if you don't want to take my word for it). It uses techniques like tension, darkness, sudden jumps, all of which are clearly and essentially horror movie techniques.

I think this horror idea is then actually REALLY played on with the rides. They don't focus so much on the action side of the films, but, on the horror side. I think this is clear enough just from the queue - dark, claustrophobic and with traps that essentially, go "BOO". Darkness, shadows, cursed Mummies jumping out from all over the shop, scarabs, death... the rides focus a LOT less on the action sequences in the films (planes flying through walls of sand, the boat scene, things like that) than they do on the ones one could term 'horror'.

No, it's not a horror film. But, the rides, essentially, ARE. Just go back to the press releases for them they talk in terms like "grisly", "haunted", "scary", "darkness"...

Obviously, Thorpe can gloss over this by saying it's the first "out-and-out horror film themed ride", that would be true. BUT, to say the Mummy and the associated rides do not contain elements of horror, and so, horror can be termed a genre of and an influence on the rides, is a bit silly in my opinion.
^ I don't think anyone was saying that the Mummy didn't have influences of horror. I think we were all just saying it isn't an "out and out" horror like you say Ben and that is where Thorpe were able to get into the market niche and build a "World's First".
Marketing people could find a way of making the statement: "First rollercoaster with a chain lift!" true.
The thing is I still dont see Saw as a horror film, yes I know it is but for me its like the Bone Collector and Seven and films like that thrillers.

The mummy ride is a bit horror, simply due to the fact of certain parts of it really make people jump and yes you do get scared on it. I know a good number of people that would not be able to ride it due to some of the effects.

It all depends how you rate horrror tbh, if they made a Hellraiser ride then that is horror 100%. But for me personally I dont count Saw as a horror I know a number of people do not agree with me but the films just do not scare me at all.
^ Suspense and Horror go hand in hand these days.

Considering I screamed like a little girl the first times I saw Saw and Saw II in theaters, it is more horror heavy than the Mummy. :razz:
I do not class Saw as a horror either. It's a hideous, pointless gorefest. A bit like The Passion Of The Christ but you don't here that being classed as horror. :?
I don't see how Saw can't be a horror film, how many films have people being tortued in that manner not in a horror film, can't be thriller, not much really happens in Thrillers.
^^How can you say that Crow? Saw is completely different to any other horror film. It's got extremely well written scripts and has consistent high quality plots with twists at the end of each film.
All other horror films are just crappy films as an excuse to use excessive blood.
Have you even seen the Saw films?
Ollie said:
^^How can you say that Crow? Saw is completely different to any other horror film. It's got extremely well written scripts and has consistent high quality plots with twists at the end of each film.
All other horror films are just crappy films as an excuse to use excessive blood.
Have you even seen the Saw films?

When I go to see a horror, I expect to be scared. However when I watched the Saw films, I didn't feel scared, I didn't feel attached to any of the characters but most importantly it just made me feel ill. The films were just gore, gore and more gore. I will agree that they did have fairly good plots and suprising twists but that wasn't enough to make it a good Horror film as it didn't scare me. In my opinion the films were just sickening and was an excuse to use exccesive blood.

I think this is one of those films you either love or hate.

However I did think that Saw would make a good ride as being placed within the story and atmosphere might feel much scarier. Unfortunately that required the ride to be themed well and consistantly throughout the whole ride. From what I can see from the pictures and videos this hasn't happened as the last half just speeds over a muddy terrain.
Ollie said:
^^How can you say that Crow? Saw is completely different to any other horror film. It's got extremely well written scripts and has consistent high quality plots with twists at the end of each film.
All other horror films are just crappy films as an excuse to use excessive blood.
Have you even seen the Saw films?

I was having a discussion the other day with my friends, the writters must be so sick to write such things, but I like how you find things out you didn't know before, like with Saw 3 and Saw 4... I won't say anymore for people who havn't watched them.

In other news... well not news...
anyway, I think Final Destination 3 would be a great theme for a ride, just make it look like theres a camera on the track, then somehow make sparks fly from underneath the train, now that owuld look so cool, god knows how they would makes a reverse section and the hang bit on the loop, would be cool to look into though.
Crow. I was commenting more on the bit
Crow said:
It's a hideous, pointless gorefest
Saw films aren't the goriest films out there. In fact you barely see any gore. It's a clever technique used in films where they show a tiny bit of gore then the rest is just the characters facial expressions so in your mind you fill in what's happening. The imagination is very effective and Saw uses that to shock audiences more. Next time you watch the films you'll see what I mean.
In more recent Saw films they show a bit more. But that's only because their budget has increased. But even now there's only one or two 'really' gory bits in them and they're over before they start.