Holiday World has confirmed that Giraffica, the ride formerly known as Pilgrims Plunge, is being removed after five years of on and off operations.
Since only the tower is being removed, it's safe to assume that the station building is being kept for a future attraction.
Sir Isaac Newton said it first: “What goes up must come down.”
Centuries later, Blood, Sweat & Tears set the phrase to music.
Whether you prefer physics or ’60s pop-culture references, it’s time for us to let you know that Giraffica, the ride formerly known as Pilgrims Plunge, is no more. The tower is being removed this week.
If you’re one of our super-fans, you’re probably not surprised. You’ve noticed the ride has not been open as often as we all would have liked. We sincerely apologize for the disappointment.
Since only the tower is being removed, it's safe to assume that the station building is being kept for a future attraction.