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'Heave Ho'-Flat for Alton Towers

^Please please please check what's been posted around the forum before you post random nuggets like that. The retheme at Alton has been discussed lots before, and obviously where that area is has been mentioned, and yes, we have realised the Flume lands in that catchment. Its not new news, we know now.
Rockin tugs r rubbish!! Bt to the flume thing, dus this mean they are going to be rethemeing it again?!

[Improve your posting! -CP6]
^Not for most of us though...

This area is aimed at younger guests as aposed to the hardcore thrillseekers.
What sort of flat ride?
A kids flat ride I bet if its in Mutiny Bay
^ Its a Rockin' Tug like the first post says.

One of these:

bradleyhart said:
Not a great contribution to the park, but still good to know, thx

How is this not a great addition to the park? Over the last few years we've had Air, Rita, an attempt at a woodie and various other rides (spinaball?) aimed at the 'teenage/thrillseeker' market in a park that is primarily marketed as a family park. I think its a wise decision to add a area that caters to the other demographics. All this is going to do is encourage families into the park and boost attendance which will raise profits (theoretically) which is good for everyone...

With all the high intensity thrill rides, you'd think that they'd top it with an almighty new coaster OR flat ride for 2009, but no. Instead they decide to waste time and money with a pathetic 'Fair Ground' ride. :(
^ No you'd think the exact opposite.

If a park had as many thrill rides as Alton has, you'd think that it would then focus on families and not make another major ride for a long time.

And you might think, Chessington has one, Drayton has one, and now Alton has one, maybe kids have some interest in this type of ride after all. Three major parks have one, meaning that it's obviously popular with the kids.

And you're sixteen. I rather think that these kinds of rides aren't made for someone of your age. :roll:
And you're sixteen. I rather think that these kinds of rides aren't made for someone of your age.

Funny? No, people have replied to this post who are over the age of 18 you cheeky little prick.

And no I wouldn't think they'd wait to build another coaster, as the big coasters and thrill rides are the ones the generate the profit and revenue to keep the park running dipsh*t!
^ Actually at least two people over 18 have and there was really no need to call him a cheeky little prick.

Anyway I really enjoy these types of rides, I don't know why but they are quite fun.
How is this not a great addition to the park? Over the last few years we've had Air, Rita, an attempt at a woodie and various other rides (spinaball?) aimed at the 'teenage/thrillseeker' market in a park that is primarily marketed as a family park. I think its a wise decision to add a area that caters to the other demographics. All this is going to do is encourage families into the park and boost attendance which will raise profits (theoretically) which is good for everyone...

Read this.

Then show me one post in this topic where the poster has said 'they can't wait to ride it.'

And how would another thrill ride increase profit?

Their thrill rides are legendary and are already attracting every thrillseeker who wants to ride. There are probably not many thrillseekers who want to visit that won't want to go just to experience he great Nemesis, Oblivion, Rita, and Air.

Alton is marketed as a family park. To be honest, there aren't enough family rides relative to the thrill rides. To me, this is a thrill park, not a family park which is not what it's aiming for.
It's not a 'first impression' 9 days old, but 60 odd posts in which 99% are positive and inquisitive, I just have a low tolerance and bad temper with kids under 16 being cheeky and talking about parks as if they know.

In which you don't! :--D