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Hayabusa B&M Invert



Not having touched NL for a long time (what feels like years) I decided to see if I still had it in me do make a coaster.
Also never really made a B&M since my early days several years ago I gave it a go. This is the product of a 12 hour build...

I present:


Roller Coaster: 	    Hayabusa
Amusement Park: 	Loefet Summerland
Classification: 	      Roller Coaster
Type: 	                  Steel - Inverted
Status: 	                Operating since 3/21/2011
Make / Model: 	      B&M / Invert (custom)
Length: 	               744 m (2441 ft)
Height: 	                40 m (130 ft)	 
Inversions:               4
Top Speed:               92 km/h (57 mph)
Maximum G-force:    5.1 g's	 	 
Elements:                 Loop
                               Zero-G roll
Trains: 	                 2 trains with 7 cars per train. Riders are arranged 4 across in
                               a single row for a total of 28 riders per train.








I kinda liked this, and I kinda didn't

I really liked the trackwork. It was very smooth, flowed very well and the forces were good too. The supports were also great and I really liked some of the 'close-calls'.

What I didn't really like was the layout. It felt a little... uninspired. I think I was expecting a little more uniqueness from the ride, but then again, I guess there's nothing wrong with it. I don't know, I just felt a bit like you we're that inspired by this.

However, it was well built and had some good interactions, so I can't fault you there. (To be honest, I think it's partly because I expect so much from your work as you rarely post new rides anymore and I think I just assume you've been working on one for ages). Was a good coaster, and realistic too, I could see a park having something like this. 7.5/10

^No. No. No. No. No. 3Ds are NOT needed for every coaster.

They can improve some coasters, but often the tracks are much better just left plain, simple and clean (EXACTLY like this one). Jeez.
Thanks fo the comments everyone, it mean a lot!!

Hixee said:
What I didn't really like was the layout. It felt a little... uninspired. I think I was expecting a little more uniqueness from the ride, but then again, I guess there's nothing wrong with it. I don't know, I just felt a bit like you we're that inspired by this.
Well, the layout is as inspiring as any new B&M invert, my initial idea were to have a longer ending (it's a bit on the short side) but then it would have been a lot more like Patriot than it is :) . And I have to say that I got really inspired of this, it's the first real B&M invert I'm really satisfied with (there have been a few), and the end result is as closed as I wanted it to be.

Hixee said:
(To be honest, I think it's partly because I expect so much from your work as you rarely post new rides any more and I think I just assume you've been working on one for ages). Was a good coaster, and realistic too, I could see a park having something like this.
So you mean my 5+ massive projects that have been abandoned (mostly) :p (one might be resurrected very soon without the 3Ds).
I agree with you on the last bit, just imagine if NI would be like this :)

Bottom_Feeder_13 said:
It would definitely benefit from some 3D's.
GAH!!! I hate these kinds of posts, 3D objects is one of the reasons why I haven't touched NL for so long, making 3d objects is such a chore and become really boring once you get past the initial excitement...
I did like the idea of do something like the themeing of Black Mamba...
^Why? Just why? What would that possibly add?
Loefet, maybe you just need to put in a rock or something, just to make them happy? :roll:

Complaining bitches..


I liked it, although it definitely isn't your smoothest work. Things I noted were the shape of the loop was too, um, rounded and not enough teardrop I think. The zero-g-roll was a little awkward, and the wingover was just nothing to blab about. Still, was a nice ride, so 7/10.
@ Hixee: Okay I give up, all I am is a worthless n00b, so I give in to your mental superiority.
@ Loefet: Sorry I said anything, I really liked the track except that the ending was just a little bit to short.
Bottom_Feeder_13 said:
@ Hixee: Okay I give up, all I am is a worthless n00b, so I give in to your mental superiority.
Thank you. :lol:

No, all jokes aside, what do you mean my 'mental superiority'? All I'm asking is what you think a few rocks would really add to this ride other than just because he can?
Since we're on the topic, what do you think overdoing it with 3ds would give the ride any benefits? From a beginners standpoint, yeah, they're great, they look amazing, and are mind boggling. But from an experienced builders standpoint, they clutter the ride, and distract from the trackwork, which is where the real art is.
This was pretty awesome. The track was mostly smooth and I really liked the layout, though I feel it could have been longer. Wasn't that original but I feel it was well put together and well thought out. Overall great ride, but could have had more in my opinion.

wow, thats pretty good.
lets see...I like the drop, but the loop might be to tight. I also liked the 0 g roll and the cork. the helix's were ok. I liked the supports as well. But the Immelmann lookin' thing was a bit too snappy. And with no mcbr it might have a low pph. And the ride felt a little forceful.

So overall 7.75
^It allows you to run more trains, more frequently. :roll:
^Well of course, if they layout it short. Your statement:
Since when does adding an MCBR INCREASE rider capacity?
Didn't have any mention of layout length, so I just assumed you were being a goon.

This ride doesn't need a MCRB, I agree.