Thekingin64 Strata Poster May 4, 2012 #62 Yes. Ever while been to a Legoland as a teenager/adult without children to look after?
Thekingin64 Strata Poster May 12, 2012 #66 I've lost by more than 5 goals! Ever accidently made someone fly straight off a park roundabout?
Thekingin64 Strata Poster May 14, 2012 #70 Nope though I think I might broke the barrier once when I was younger! Ever had a whole school day of mock exams?
Nope though I think I might broke the barrier once when I was younger! Ever had a whole school day of mock exams?
furie SBOPD Staff member Administrator Moderator May 15, 2012 #71 Nope. Ever broken into a forum fun game that seems to be just between two people?
nealbie CF Legend May 15, 2012 #72 Yes, but I just left them to it whilst awkwardly reversing out of the topic. Have you ever been smited about the face by furie's massive pink sword?
Yes, but I just left them to it whilst awkwardly reversing out of the topic. Have you ever been smited about the face by furie's massive pink sword?
Thekingin64 Strata Poster May 15, 2012 #73 Nope. Ever gone out to film/photo something but after you got there realised your cameras out of battery?
Nope. Ever gone out to film/photo something but after you got there realised your cameras out of battery?
Coasterfreck Hyper Poster May 16, 2012 #74 Yep definatly. Ever seen a film that is rated higher/older than your age? (It's a yes for me)
Mushroom Goon of the Year May 21, 2012 #77 Didn't even know they existed! Have you ever been on a proppeller type plane? posting from somewhere in the world...
Didn't even know they existed! Have you ever been on a proppeller type plane? posting from somewhere in the world...
furie SBOPD Staff member Administrator Moderator May 21, 2012 #79 Mushroom said: Didn't even know they existed! Have you ever been on a proppeller type plane? posting from somewhere in the world... Click to expand... Yes, little 12 seater to Tyne Tees in a howling gale, it was scary stuff (obviously being in Billingham was much scarier). Ever had one of those days?
Mushroom said: Didn't even know they existed! Have you ever been on a proppeller type plane? posting from somewhere in the world... Click to expand... Yes, little 12 seater to Tyne Tees in a howling gale, it was scary stuff (obviously being in Billingham was much scarier). Ever had one of those days?