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Have you ever not been able to go?

Have you ever not been able to go?

  • Yeah, that's happened to me a few times before.

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Nope, I can pee easily.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sometimes. I have to stand there concentrating before it happens.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The only real time I've had trouble to go is when I needed to do drug tests. IE, pee in the damn cup.

I always pass them, anyway. I'm that boring.

Ohh yah that's another time when I have problems peeing.. When I have to take bladdar tests and stuff, and have to pee in the cup, I can honestly sit there for like, ten minutes and no pee will come out. Last time I took one, I didn't pee for hours beforehand, and I got a tiny little droplet of pee after like, five minutes.
Oh I have had this with dumps aswell. Even when prairie dogging. Basically does an E-Stop if it senses someone within 10 meters.
It doesn't affect me as I almost always use the cubicals lol but I think I do remember once trying to pee when someone else was next to me and nothing wouldn't come out at all.
One time, I couldent pee and I stood at the toilet for a while and when I did pee it was all cloudy and afterwards the pee hole sort of felt itchy and bunry and painful. This happens often when I don't drink much fluids the day before and then hold the pee in for the night.

I don't like it :(
^ Thanks for that, made the apple juice i'm drinking with breakfast taste even more delicious. :p
It happens sometimes when people come standing next to me.
I rarely, if ever 'squeeze in' if there's a free urinal between two people, I just wait til' someone leaves or wait for the cubicle.
I can't use urinals if there's somebody else in the room, and for this reason, I always use the cubicle.

yes I do often get performance anxiety. I can't use urinals unless the bathroom is empty. It's not so much a weird thing I think.
I have to use cubicals if i'm wearing skinny jeans. Cause they aren't built for urinals!

When I do use them, not a problem really. Once it's flowing it's going.