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Have you ever lost weight to fit on a ride?

Have you ever lost weight to fit on a ride?

  • Yes, I slimmed down so I could fit on a ride

    Votes: 3 9.4%
  • No, never had a problem

    Votes: 26 81.3%
  • I'm a moderate fatty and I keep an eye on my weight just in case

    Votes: 3 9.4%

  • Total voters


From CoasterForce
Staff member
Social Media Team
Ha! Seeing as the Fat Liseberg Woman topic has been bumped, I started to think about fat peopel and how they fit on rides.

I'm no stick insect (nor am I an elephant, getting there though!) but I've never had a size problem riding a coaster. I've never done the walk of shame. I've never bothered with a test seat, except for a "comedy moment". I've never been told to leave the front row for row five on Silver Star.

So, has anybody ever lost weight with ride and coaster riding solely in mind?
Haha! I love this topic. <3

I've never had to, btw. :lol:
Only had one issue and that was on El Toro. The ride ops just love to staple you so I leave myself with a little leg room and then do a pelvic thrust as they try and staple me. Well one day I guess I didn't have it down enough, which was two years ago, and the ride op was like "we're gonna have to sit on this guy!" even after I pushed the bar down for the dude to check again. Nothing pointing out I was still not clear, the guy just sat on me to be a douche. El Toro's restraints suck total dick anyways so I wouldn't be surprised if more stories are posted.
I have quite long legs so that can sometimes feel very awkward on some rides. Front seat on pmbo I remember the most as feet wouldn't fit tidy and had both legs jarred to one side and the lap bar almost on my knees. They had to lift the lap bars so I could rearrange my legs a bit. Still that was probably the most uncomfortable ride ever
I've had a few close calls on frog hoppers and Top Spins, but not enough to make me not want beer and Pot Noodles ;)
I've just had issues folding my legs to fit into some Intamin's (MF style trains are the worst), PTC (the little crook in the restraint is evil and tries to murder my thigh) and a few others (namely anything other than the front row on Morgan and Arrow trains), but other than that I haven't had any issues.
Anything Invert are mainly a miss for me. Torso tall is bad enough, but adding in the weight makes it Row 5 for me...and that is with stapling included.

In response to the topic, yes, I am trying to lose weight to better fit rides before October comes around.
Not to fit onto a ride but, for some reason, ORPs of me on coasters always look **** grotesque and I look like a whale, so I've lost weight before a big coaster trip in an attempt to look acceptable in an ORP.
I have never had an issue, but recently I have gained weight, so i'm leaving my answer as #3, trying to leave my weight down to avoid problems from starting. But I've noticed on some rides you really have to be morbidly obese not to fit.
No, not as such a few years I packed on a few pounds and rides were becoming slightly uncomfortable, so I stopped indulging myself so much to avoid getting any fatter.
Then promptly lost it all on the toothache diet. ;)
Never been a problem for me, and I suppose it's as good a motivation as any to maintain a normal size & weight.

Now Taylor, on the other hand, must struggle with this mightily.
Now Taylor, on the other hand, must struggle with this mightily.

I do, man. It's so depressing. When I went to Seaworld and queued for Journey to Atlantis, the ride ops screamed "LOOK, IT'S SHAMU, HE ESCAPED FROM HIS CAGE." :lol:

Obviously I have never had a problem with weight and fitting into a ride. I've never gone over like, 125 pounds and I am only 5' 3'' so I don't have any extreme body proportions. Of course, my boobs do get in the way of everything when I am trying to pull OTSRs down.. Not.
Option 3 I guess.

I'm a bit of a yo-yo dieter, but have never been big enough to get spited by creds. I get to a point where I realise I'm turning into a hippo, then lose loads, then put it back on. It's like the water cycle but more reliable.

I lost like, three stone in secondary school, but, I've never not fit in a coaster and I've never needed to lose it again since then.
Jake said:
Option 3 I guess.

I'm a bit of a yo-yo dieter, but have never been big enough to get spited by creds. I get to a point where I realise I'm turning into a hippo, then lose loads, then put it back on. It's like the water cycle but more reliable.

Oh hi Oprah!
no, actually i am usually the oppicite (5'5" 130LB) slim as ****. i actually want to pack on a few pounds
when i went on nitro last week i used the test seat to realize the seat was loose in the tightest posistion (or so i thought)
boulder dash i actually am in the lowest restraint posisition and still feel loose to the point my boulder roule is "looser is better"