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Have you ever been shat on?

Have you ever been shat on?

  • Yes, a bird has shat on me!

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  • No. I've never been bird-pooed.

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From CoasterForce
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I just went outside the office for a tab. I was one step away from my usual standing/smoking spot and a SPLAT of BIRD POO landed in front of me.

If I had left the office 10 seconds earlier or increased my stride, the shat would have landed on my head, giving me a Gorbachev.

At Thorpe on Sunday, whilst sitting outside Crust, a bird poo landed a foot away from Vadge. Again, another lucky escape.

So I want to know if a bird has ever shat on you. :wink: Tell me you feathered-friend scat stories!
Not me although I've been with friends when they've been shat on. A couple of times I've come close where it's landed inches in front of me, but luckily I haven't been hit yet as far as I'm aware.
The closest I've ever been is that one hit the strap on my bag, which was on my shoulder. That was VERY close. No actual poo-to-me contact though.
My step mothers parrot shat on me whilst i was watching dad make a fool of himself on the wii. It splatted in my hair it was uber rank.
A small one, yes. Walking into Six Flags America.. who knew? :lol:

It also happened to my dad, a 6'3 350lb black man, while he was sitting by our pool. Big white splotch right on his forehead. Might have been the funniest thing I've ever seen.
I've been shat on.

I managed to escape this fate for over 15 years, and then proceeded to be shat on 3 times in the space of about half a year. One time it landed on my hand, a particularly memorable occasion as it was still warm.

.. back on topic, I've been shat on by a bird as well :lol:
When I was about 10, I was walking along in Blackpool. There were lots of seagulls overhead, and I took one right on the crown.

Yes. Quite a bit. At work we have a two story car park, and you have to walk through the lower level to get into the store, near the edges there are always birds up in the girders, so they always **** on me.
A couple of years ago, a bird shat on someone near to me at the World Series by Renault - he was wearing a McLaren top, it procured many lols! :lol:
Yes, twice.

Once was at Thorpe a couple of years ago, it got me on the shoulders I believe and I think Leigh and Tina were there at the time as well. Second time was in January and it got me on my ear and shoulder. It showed up stupidly well both times on white shirts... I should avoid wearing them in the future. :?
Never have but when we went to Virginia Beach for the last time with my grandparents and aunt and uncle (and family of course) there were a bunch of seagulls and right as my grandma said, "Cover your heads!" she got shat on her shoulder. :lol:
^^Haha yeah I think I remember :lol:

If I remember rightly I have had many birds take a wopping dump on me. I swear I've had it in the mouth/head once.

I hope my mother finds this topic so she can talk about her Chessington experience with birds :razz:

Kay well the first incident was in grade three when I was out for recess, and I got pooped on like, on my shoulder and it went in my hair a little bit. I was like, mortified, but this isn't the good story, the next one is.

So, in grade seven, I was out for recess and my bestfriend got pooped on. It was just on her pant leg but I was having complete hysterics, and made fun of her for days and days after. Well, three days later, I learned that karma is a bitch. Got pooped on right smack dab in the centre of my noggin. Then, my friends had to comehelp me pick it out in the school showers, hahaa, even the one I made fun of for being pooped on.
Hahaha I have and it was totally my fault.

When I worked by the marina I used to think it was hilarious throwing bread into the marina and watching all the seagulls fight over the food with each other and watching everyones petrified faces as they swooped so low.

That was until one shat and it was a precision ****e too... right in between my hood and my head, on my neck! SLAP! My mates were in stitches, got what I deserved I guess LOL.
Only once. We were in France and the bird was flying through some tress above us. I heard the splattering coming towards me, but it was too late. It went right over my arm and shoulder. I felt like I was being carpet bombed. Thankfully it only went on a jumper, so I managed to rid myself of it shortly after.
OOH yes this is a good one for me.

I have been shat on several times(must be the smell or something) but the most memorable one was a Ghoasterforce 2008.
Sitting eating a KFC in the sqaure with Leigh Ewan and Lewis, I was eating a Tower meal, I needed a drink so put burger back down on pack, and a bloody bird shat staright on the burger, Ewan, Lewis and Leigh nearly wet themselves laughing, was a total wasted meal but in the end saw the funny side, I have never been let to forget this ever since.

The worse time though was in Worthing, walking down steps to Guilbourne Centre and a Pigeon got me a cracker, ****e landed on my head and splattered all down the rucksack I was carrying and down the back of my neck inside my clothes, I actual wretched so much I had to go to the bogs in case I hueyed.