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Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

What I think about the first two films is that they're more aimed at the kids, generally happy and upbeat with a few scary parts but nothing too much...

From Prisoner, like the books, the film's get more and more darker since Voldemort's slowly returning...

I really enjoyed all the films for different reasons, but so far I feel that 5 was definitely the best, if not just for the final fight scene...

I look forward to this one as it should in theory have more Alan Rickman in it <3
1 & 2 had to set-up the franchise (and were full of kids), so they played safe.

They played very unsafe getting Alfonso Cuaron in to direct 3 - I think Neal's seen Y Tu Mama Tambien with his threesome fantasies :lol:. The acting from the kids massively improved but I hated the pruning of the story, killed it for me (it's my favourite of the books).

Four was functional but didn't excite, and I thought 5 was the best so far - yes it's mostly talking heads rather than action, but that stems from the book, and for once it has a "wizarding" fight that was actually decent!

I've been looking forward to 6 for ages, for as Benin says, it's a Snapefest! <3 Rickman as Snape.

It helps that the young actors are constantly improving too (Radcliffe in particular) - although Emma Watson still CANNOT ACT to save her life, fact!


I wasn't that impressed with book 7 - it's OK but for me tends to pull its punches. I'd love it if they made the film more ruthless, won't happen though!
Book 7 needed 200 pages pulling out of the middle of it. It's not like Rowling needs to be paid per word any more :lol:

I read the first two books to Minor_Furie when he was "Grade 2" - he loved them both and then went on to listen to books three and four on audio CD when he was eight. He's not read the books though, as they're too simple for him :lol:
Now, don't usually get suckered in by the mainstream stuff but I absolutely adore Harry Potter (books).

The films on the other hand, have all left me cold. Each time one is due for release I get all excited, finally watch it then, oh it's not that great.

I have high expectations for HBP as it is my favourite book, I love it that there is so much backstory, I love learning about Harry's parents and their past and the general history of the Harry Potter world and hopefully HBP will include most of that, unlike in the other films where all the, in my opinion, best bits were cut out.

I'm amazed they've got away with a PG rating as I found some parts of the book particularly frightening. This means either it's really really watered down or Warner Bros have worked some magic on the BBFC =]
They have probably just watered it down. That's a shame because the scene at the end where they cross the lake and all the Inferi come could have been really cool.

I have never, not (excuse my use of a double negative) enjoyed a Harry Potter film but some of them I have just found mediocre. I remember being very impressed with the 4th when I saw that at the cinema. This had better be good
and I will probably blub into my popcorn when Dumbledore dies.

Added spoilertages Dan - not everyone has read the book or followed it all! Furie
Slayed said:
I've been looking forward to 6 for ages, for as Benin says, it's a Snapefest! <3 Rickman as Snape.

**** Rickman, it's all about Helena as Beatrix! <3<3<3<3<3<3
Ben I hope you're joking by calling her Beatrix. It's Bellatrix =p And yes, she is awesome.
I wish they made the Malfoys a bit more evil though, they always seem like they're bad but not too bad. I also hope the guy who plays Draco can handle the acting he'll have to put in for this one, if I remember rightly books 6 & 7 show a bit of a change of pace for his character.
nadroJ said:
Ben I hope you're joking by calling her Beatrix. It's Bellatrix =p And yes, she is awesome.

Ha, I was on my phone, which has a well lame predictive text thing xD

But, yeah, Bellatrix <3<3<3
nadroJ said:
I'm amazed they've got away with a PG rating as I found some parts of the book particularly frightening.

How on earth do you get frightened at a book?

A childs book no less?
^ It's pretty scary towards the end..for a kids book.

And it's not gettin a PG rating...it's a 12A. I know it's pretty much the same thing, but yeah.
Tickets are booked for the day it comes out, I am looking forward to it. Not reading the books I always get supprised by them.
mrclam said:
How on earth do you get frightened at a book?

A childs book no less?

What a ridiculous thing to say, of course you can get scared by a book. This comment is actually almost too stupid for me to comprehend.

And I would never classify Harry Potter as a children's book, I find it more universal. There are so many levels and ways to interpret it depending on your age.
After seeing the recents trailers I'm really looking forward to seeing the new film when it comes out. I've watched them since the start and its probably the only film I'd be bothered to actually watch in a cinema.

I wish I had the patience to read the books up until now and compare them to the films but I'm too ****ing lazy.
^You should, they're waaaaaaay better than the films (not that I'm criticizing the films, I like them!).

The trailers for this film have been awesome, the music at the end is fantastic. Compare and contrast with the plinky plunky music of the first film and you can tell how tonally dark the series gets towards the end!
nadroJ said:
mrclam said:
How on earth do you get frightened at a book?

A childs book no less?

What a ridiculous thing to say, of course you can get scared by a book. This comment is actually almost too stupid for me to comprehend.

Old people don't think properly sometimes. You'll have to excuse him.
nadroJ said:
mrclam said:
How on earth do you get frightened at a book?

A childs book no less?

What a ridiculous thing to say, of course you can get scared by a book. This comment is actually almost too stupid for me to comprehend.

And I would never classify Harry Potter as a children's book, I find it more universal. There are so many levels and ways to interpret it depending on your age.

Yes it was a stupid comment.

But your second paragraph brings me back to a previous post of mine...

Neal said:
When all is said and done, Harry Potter is a children's book. Hence the easy to follow storyline. I don't care what anyone else says "But OMG it's got an adult version with a different cover" springs to mind, yeah it does, but the story remains the same. JK doesn't include explicit threesome sex scenes between Harry, Ginny and Cho. In fact I believe the only thing that changes is ruddy to bloody, oooh 'eck, stop the presses! :lol:

It's a children's book :wink: