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Great Plain Wolf


Roller Poster
Image of the coaster

Hello, i'm workign on my first roller coaster in a long time, and yep. It will be a bit bad, but i'll make into some helping jobs if people want to

Custom Supports:

Those ar ethe only Ones I have, I can use as many testers as I can, and only one supporter.

soo yep.... That is about it for now.
You gave no indication as to the layout, elements, height, intended length or anything else in your first post just a picture of a turn.
OKAY, calm down... dang. I haven't done this in a year, I forget stuff.


what I planned to do is have 1 loop,
A Overbank,
BUT here is the TWIST on the overbank. Instead of going over, it'd going to be like, twisting at a part, then heading back down through the rest.

5 hills.

and atleast like 6 or 7 turns.

and liek i said, a lift hill of 255ft. with a 76 Degree angle drop.