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Gravity Group unveils new trains

^ I would imagine the launch would be composed of steel track to ensure smoothness on the launch, similar to Son of Beast's loop being built of steel track.
^That's the thing that worries me.

And also the reason this may be more of a 'development' then UC perhaps gave credit for. If they've actually been working on making a wooden train that can successfully run on the steel and the wood track, it would show an active development, not so much a thing stuck into a blurb like you seem to be suggesting. I may be reading it wrong, but you seem to be given them less credit then perhaps they deserve here? (What I'm talking about so wasn't in this topic, but, I'm not dragging it all around the forums, it's about these, I'm keeping it here).

Also, IF, IF they've sorted out the problem, I see no reason why the possibility (note the word possibility) of another loop on a woodie would be out of the question.

And I don't get what people are going on about moaning about the classic feel being lost, I thought ruining the feel of a woodie was what Intamin have been doing for a few years now? This would probably feel more like a woodie then Toro, because at least after the launch it would be a woodie, not just a steel coaster that happens not to be made out of steel.
They have tested a prototype on Raven at Holiday World:

They sounds pretty awesome!!

More at:
Story > Holiblog
Pictures at > Gravitycast
^ Looks nice, I take PTC will be going out of business pretty soon. :lol:
Even though it's only four cars, they really fly along that track. I wouldn't mind taking a spin on them ;)
Another video, this time up close.

^The Raven?

Or were they just borrowing the coaster for testing purposes, putting the old trains back on again later?
Holiblogger Description said:
A few weeks ago, we at Holiday World "loaned out" the coaster track at The Raven for our friends at The Gravity Group to try out the prototype of their Timberliner train. They took their toy and went back to Cincinnati and the PTC trains are back on our tracks for the season.

That IS what the information is there for.. :P
Lolol. 5 point baby harness anybody? I'm assuming they used Raven because its a mostly downhill course and easy to navigate with a 4 car rolling stock.
UC said:
The restraints look a bit restrictive.

I'd rather them than nothing:-


Especially on that layout. Could be a fun way to go though!
It's hard to tell from the video, but is it possible that the side stop wheels are spring loaded? They look to be touching the track at all times. That picture one post above really shows it.
^ Yeah it looks like they have spring loaded the wheels, maybe that's what they was talking about when they talked about suspension on the train. I wonder if they have added springs to the up-stops as well?
Looks like these trains could give many coasters a needed upgrade. Now I only hope that Intamin does a short car version of their trains, since the 3 row cars don't like twisty bits.
^ Yeah, I'm talking about the Pre-Fab, don't get me started on the older ones though...
The helix on Colossos have aged very bad, and have been painful to ride in the past, so give Toro a few more years, and you will see the difference.
The first time I rode it was in 2006 and then it was really bad, painful even.
Last year it was a better but not as smooth as the straight bits.
Same thing goes for Balder, super smooth on the hills and worse in the corners.

Long stiff car's don't work as well as shorter on twisty bits.
^ Yet you mean.

I'm not sure about poorer quality, but they could have improved parts of the ride since they constructed the two first. And that the weather here in the northern half of Europe can be harsher to the rides which makes them age faster.