Giga Poster

This photograph posted on Instagram by @photobygoranr shows that two cranes are now on site.
I’m still amazed at how the park is fitting this in without removing any existing attractions!
I remember being at Gröna Lund a couple of years ago and thinking that they could squeeze something in here (the place where they now are building). The area where they are builing just has restaurants and games, so I think this is a great addition!
What's ridiculous is that this is probably the relatively easy bit. Once they start having to thread the coaster through the rest of the park - that's going to get interesting.This looks intense.
I don't believe it. Gröna Lund gets really high attendance (especially in the summer) so my best guess is that they're trying to get at least the foundations/supports ready so that the plaza can be used for games/tables or whatever.Will they be able to do much construction while the park's open?
Not to mention the track is only 5 bolts wide, much like the family inverts.
Hmm... so it does. Strange because Banshee and most other inverts have 6 bolts across.Two years and ten months after the initial announcement!
I think 5 bolts across is standard for inverts, OzIris has five anyway.