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Gonna build a Coaster!

UC said:

1. "Realism" Response: "It will never work!"

2. "Encouragement" Response:"Good luck with this project, and keep us updated!"

3. "Sarcastic" Response: "I'm sure out of all the people that have made similar topics, you're going to be the first to actually follow through."

4. "Moron-Who-Brings-Up-Something-We-All-Already-Know-About" Response: "HEY! YOU MEAN LIKE THIS LOLZ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7gDYObipjg"

5. "Aggressive Supporter" Response: "All of you naysayers can shut the f*ck up. You can do ANYTHING you set your mind to!"

6. "Taylor" Response: "Hey guys this is like, a great idea and like, I hope it turns out really well...can I like, ride it when I'm done? :D :D I'm not a virgin."

7. "Marcus" Response: "Well...this is a great idea...lol..."

8. "UC" Response: *Insert 3000 word post pointing out each and every reason why this won't happen*

9. "Gavin" Response: "This is a <img> stupid idea, and this topic is now locked. You've been warned for creating stupid stuff like this. Don't do it again."

10. "Justin" Response: "Guys, I've spotted footers behind his house...I think it's going to be a record breaker..."

11. "Ben/Jake" Response: "It's a credit."

12. "Neal" Response: "I agree with Ben :D"

13. "Jerry" Response: "Let me know when it's finished so I can take a POV of it for the site :)."

14. "Erol" Response: "Why don't you just go have sex? Or sit on a coaster site and make sexual advances towards highschool juniors?"

15. "Sam" Response: "I have a huge penis."

You forgot:
"Jools" Response: "I've ridden a wooden coaster, they are fun"

As I'm such an old n00b :lol: