We did this in critical thinking (I personally do not have faith), but what we learned in critical thinking is how to successfully argue that God exists...
The opening statement of the Bible declares that “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1) Contemporary science although not absolutely certain on exactly when has confirmed that the universe did in fact have a beginning with what is known as “The Big Bang.” It flies in the face of common sense for anyone to assert that absolute nothing could produce something thus making it logical to infer that God is that something with no beginning which produced everything that we know of which has a beginning.
The Bible paints a picture of God as a Being who is omniscient, omnipotent, immaterial, omnipresent, eternal, immutable, indivisible, perfect and loving. The Bible says that, “God is spirit…” (John 4:24) and it says that “God is love…” (1 John 4:8). The awesome complexity and incredible elegance pervading the entire universe suggests the existence of a superhuman architect of immense knowledge and power. The minds of human beings are taking what seems like an eternity to completely discover what the original mind or the divine mind actually accomplished in creating the universe and all it contains. The Bible says that God created mankind in his image (Genesis 1: 26-27) and it is logical to conclude that the human mind is able to increasingly make progress in understanding the universe because the human mind is a replica of the divine mind.
We live in an imperfect world, but one in which the good conspicuously outweighs the bad and one which any person could imagine as possibly being much worse if it were simply accidental or unintended. It seems that the universe provides us with life and the things necessary to sustain, enhance, and enjoy life. There are luxuries which are not essential to survival and reproduction such as art, music, and ever-evolving technology. Is this indicative of an indifferent cosmos or more indicative of one which is somewhat friendly to humans? It seems more reasonable to conclude that the universe materialized due to the presence of an intelligent force when one takes the time to learn how so many things had to go right in order for us to be here and how difficult it would be to possibly explain how not one of those things went wrong without making reference to God. It also seems as though the universe was designed for people when one considers how human beings are the phenomenal creatures with the rare capacity to maximize the somewhat hidden potential of creation.
And finally: We each have a desire to seek love. From childhood on, we try to fill that gap that exists within us. Sharing a life with another person, enjoying the companionship, stems from Adam & Eve, and God saw that Adam was lonely and so he created Eve to fill the desire to love and be loved, and as a means of creating a world of mankind. If we believe that, then it follows that there is a God.